Chapter 385

The surrounding horror is like a ghostly ghost, but there is another Buddha sitting here with a compassionate smile. It is either the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva who vowed not to become a Buddha if the hell is not empty, or an evil Buddha.

The Buddha statue spoke with a voice like Hong Zhong Dalu, "Taoist Qingchen, if you just retreat, I will not blame you for what happened."

Qing Chen said indifferently: "Your main body has long since died in the demon-suppressing well, how dare your incarnation outside your body speak wild words?"

The Buddha smiled and said: "Since the main body is dead, then this seat is the main body."

Qing Chen was indifferent, and held the Seven Killing Sword across his chest, "It doesn't matter, they are all dying."

The Buddha statue sneered and said: "Qingchen, don't be arrogant, you claim to be the best in skills, but you know that you have fallen into the schemes of others?"

Qing Chen smiled lightly and said: "So what? In the vast world, who can do anything to the poor? As long as they don't block the way of the poor, the poor don't mind others playing tricks."

This tone is really great.

But the tone is big, but there is no bragging. In all fairness, the one who can stabilize Qingchen's head in the world is the Taoist head teacher holding the Linglong Pagoda, but at this time Qiuye can't retreat. Whether it's the dispute of the first disciple of the Taoist sect or the destruction of the Jiangnan Taoist sect, he doesn't care about it, so he won't appear here.

Since the autumn leaves are not coming, why should I, Qing Chen, be afraid of them?

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if the autumn leaves come in person, they may not be sure to leave the green dust behind.

The merciful smile on the face of the Buddha slowly faded away, "As expected of a Daoist immortal who has reached the Bodhisattva status, his breath is so loud that he can swallow the sun and spit out the moon. I have long heard that Daomen has a supernatural power to transform the three cleans in one breath. I don't know if you have learned it. ?”

Qingchen said indifferently: "One Qi transforms three cleanses, the secret method that is not passed on by the Taoist sect. It cannot be practiced unless the master teaches it. It is mysterious and unclear. Most people in the world know it but don't know why. Even poor Taoists can't get a glimpse of the whole picture."

The Buddha statue sneered and said, "Then it won't happen?"

Qingchen said calmly: "Why do you need to turn Sanqing into killing you?"

The compassion on the Buddha statue's face turned violent and ferocious, and there were countless ghostly laughs. Amidst the black air, the Buddha statue first pointed to the sky with one hand, and then pointed to the ground. The voice rolled like thunder, and said solemnly: "I see the World Honored One."

The entire ground turned into a pitch-black netherworld, and countless evil ghosts and ghosts were about to crawl out of it. At the same time, there were all kinds of demon heads mixed in. For a while, the sky was dark, and the surrounding walls, the roof above the head, and the treasure hall were not seen, but the Buddha statue. That day when Li Qingyu used the aura of the demon face, he was far superior.

This Buddhist temple has been run by the demonic old monk for many years. With the Daxiong Hall as the core, all the Buddhist halls and pavilions have been engraved with spells and prohibitions, making this Buddhist temple a huge formation of gathering evil spirits. Even the Earth Immortal Eighteenth Floor could do nothing, but the monk was about to run out of numbers, and he happened to meet Xiao Huang who was carrying great luck, so naturally he would only end up in defeat.

After Xiao Huang surrendered to the monks, he did not make any changes to the temple here, but cut off its connection with the earth's energy. In other words, this place is still a complete formation of gathering evil spirits. The confidence to dare to fight.

Qingchen was still calm, and even talked to Xu Beiyou leisurely, and said slowly: "Back then, Pindao and Zichen failed to compete for the position of head teacher. I learned the method of beheading the three corpses from some other Taoist books, and learned the method of beheading the three corpses, although it is not as good as transforming the three cleans with one breath, but it is not far behind."

While speaking, Qing Chen put his hands together and saluted.

A young Taoist walked out of nowhere from the right behind Qingchen, with a stern expression, dressed in stone blue uniform, and carrying a long sword.

Then another middle-aged Taoist floated out from Qing Chen's left hand, with a serious and rigid face, dressed in a black peak master Taoist robe, and holding a gold seal.

In the end, an old Taoist appeared above Qing Chen's head, with an indifferent expression, wearing a purple Taoist robe and holding a whisk.

The faces of the three of them are very similar to Qingchen, but they are different in age, demeanor and dress.

Including the real Qingchen, there are four Qingchens in total, and the scene is strange.

Xu Beiyou was greatly shocked. He had seen Qiuye's three cleans in one breath on Lianhua Peak, but he didn't expect to see Qingchen's method of beheading three corpses here again today.

This chance and luck is enough to make people sigh.

The four Qingchens stood still in the four directions and four images, intentionally or unintentionally protecting Xu Beiyou in the middle, the authentic Taoism's energy was overwhelming, the vast soup was like a river going east, and it was impossible to resist.

The deadly and demonic energy that had been raging endlessly melted like ice and snow in front of Qing Chen's air machine, and turned into nothing in the blink of an eye.

After a while, everything dissipated, and Xu Beiyou found that he was still in the Great Hall of the Great Hero, with the same bluestone ground under his feet, and he couldn't see half of the ghostly scene just now.

The deity of Qingchen calmly said: "The so-called three corpses, also known as the three thoughts, good, evil, and obsessions. The young ones have poor morals and evil thoughts, and the killing nature of youth is all in them. The middle-aged people are poor and benevolent." Nian, all kinds of things before the misfortune of Xiaoqiang are included. The oldest one is obsessed with the poor way, and today's fruit is all because of the word Zhangjiao. Xu Beiyou, today the poor way will let you know what is eighteen Upstairs."

Unwilling to sit still and wait for death, the Buddha statue moved with a bang, breaking through the Buddha hall and flying into the sky. At the same time, he slowly stretched out his severed hand.

The entire Buddhist temple began to shake violently. There were countless gullies on the ground that split and spread in all directions. The halls and pavilions collapsed, the walls toppled, the paths were torn, and rocks and sand flew endlessly.

Is it really going to turn the world upside down?
Xu Beiyou jumped out of the Daxiong Palace, and in his line of sight, he saw five mountain peaks rising slowly.

After a short while, Xu Beiyou realized, what five peaks are these? They are clearly five fingers. You must know that this Buddhist temple is held in the palm by a stone Buddha palm!

Is it possible that this Buddha statue can manipulate and lift the Buddha's palm in the Buddhist temple?

The voice of the Buddha statue came from the nine heavens, "Qingchen, where do you think the Buddha's palm that is holding up this place came from? It is one with me, and if it falls into my palm today, it will be your death."

A palm that carried the entire Buddhist temple slowly emerged, and five fingers that looked like pillars reaching the sky began to slowly close together.

Qing Chen was indifferent, and said softly: "There is a fairy sword hidden in the box, and the sword comes out to destroy evil."

The young Qingchen beside him drew his sword out of its sheath and moved suddenly.

The next moment, a blazing sword light flashed between the sky and the earth, as if it wanted to divide the entire sky and earth into two.

Then, with the rumbling sound, smoke and dust rose everywhere, and the five "mountains" began to collapse downward.

The young Qing Chen reappeared beside the deity, sheathing his sword.

Cut off five fingers of the Buddha with one sword.

It's just a sword.

Qing Chen didn't even look at it, his face was calm, and he said: "Hold the treasure seal in your hand, and the seal will fall to the devil."

The middle-aged Qingchen held up the seal in his hand, and the sky and the earth suddenly shone like daylight.

Under the light, the black air around the Buddha statue rolled endlessly, as if the fire was burning and filthy.

The faces of the Buddha statues that used to look like the five fingers of the ancestors, that is, the five mountains, were suddenly blurred, then clear, erratic.

Qingchen's fingers pinched the tactic, triggering the turbulent heaven and earth vision, with Tianxian in his mouth, "Xuantong ascends to the sky, and the sky thunders and filth."

The old Qingchen raised his hand whisk, stepped on the gangster and fought, and the Seven Kills and Slashing Spirit Sword shot straight into the sky.

A moment later, a sky thunder with a width of one hundred feet poured down from the nine heavens.

Except for the square inch of Xu Beiyou's foothold, the Daxiong Palace is completely covered within a radius of a hundred feet.

Circles of ripples visible to the naked eye spread to the surroundings, affecting the entire Buddhist temple.

Create a catastrophe with human power.

All sounds are silent.

When the thunder light dissipated, within a hundred feet, there was no Daxiong Palace, no Buddha statues, and no three corpses. Only Qingchen and Xu Beiyou were left.

The whole Buddhist temple seems to be washed by the flood, and there is no more filth.

(End of this chapter)

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