Chapter 42

"Xiliang Prefecture is already close to the Western Regions. After leaving the Yumen Pass, there are deserts and Gobi forests, and countless small countries stand side by side. It cannot be said that there is no foundation here, but it is far from the Central Plains. Therefore, I want to hunt down us. The so-called remnants of the Sword Sect must stop us before we enter the Western Regions." Gongsun Zhongmou said.

"From Dunhuang City to Yumen Pass is their last chance. In fact, the cave guards of the Thousand Buddha Cave are fulfilling the duty of guarding the western region pass, but Zhang Wubing obviously will not be a dedicated cave guard. He has his own pursuit. , especially since Buddhism abolished his Dragon King position, he won't stay in Buddhism for too long."

At this time, Gongsun Zhongmou and Xu Beiyou were walking on the streets of Dunhuang East City, while Zhiyun had already returned to the inn.The East City is different from the dark West City. Even in the middle of the night, the lights are brightly lit. Passing through a street full of brothels, there are many beautiful girls and old bustards who are fair and courteous customers. Majestic, they didn't dare to pull Gongsun Zhongmou, but Xu Beiyou, who was obviously a young boy, was a little embarrassed. While being pushed and pushed by a group of women, his clothes were scattered, and it was inevitable that he would touch some soft places, which made Xu Beiyou feel embarrassed. Slightly reddened.

After finally getting rid of the group of Yingying and Yanyan, Xu Beiyou waved his hand to dispel the pungent smell of powder, and continued the topic just now, "Are we going to the Western Regions? Or, Master has roots in the Western Regions?"

Gongsun Zhongmou shook his head and said: "That's the territory of the White Lotus Sect, and I don't have the slightest foundation as a teacher.

Xu Beiyou was puzzled.

Gongsun Zhongmou smiled and said: "Who said we are going to the Western Regions? It is true that the west of Xiliang Prefecture is the Western Regions, but the east of Xiliang Prefecture is a vast grassland. As long as you cross the entire grassland, you can reach the northeast. Lao Chao, he is the only remaining vassal king with a different surname in the world. Although he has been oppressed by Emperor Xiao, Lan Yu, Wei Jin and others overtly or secretly in recent years, his situation is indeed a bit bleak, but the emaciated camel is bigger than a horse. Zhou’s words are still very important. In the early years, I had some friendship with him and he is trustworthy.”

Across the grassland?

Xu Beiyou had to admire Master's feat from the bottom of his heart.

How big the grassland is, he once heard his husband say that starting from the royal court of the grassland and riding eastward on horseback, even if it takes a month to walk, the surrounding grasslands are still vast. Get out of the prairie.Of course, if the master uses the means of controlling the sword for thousands of miles, that's another matter.

When Xu Beiyou thought of walking across the thousands of miles of grassland, he was inevitably a little apprehensive.

This was also a normal reaction. Xu Beiyou wanted to work hard, but he hadn't reached the point of an ascetic monk.

Gongsun Zhongmou saw his apprentice's mind, and continued, "We won't go to the Northeast for now, we will go to Julu City first."

Xu Beiyou asked: "Julu City? I've heard that it seems to be the fiefdom of a certain clan prince."

Gongsun Zhongmou laughed and revealed the mystery: "Julu City was originally the capital of the Great Chu Dynasty. It was located at the intersection of the Central Plains, Houjian, and Grassland. It has become a place where no one cares about the three families, so many refugees, thieves, and even dignitaries who have failed to fight for power have gathered here, and of course there are some monks and casual cultivators who have defected from the sect.

Xu Beiyou frowned and said, "Then how did it become a fiefdom?"

Gongsun Zhongmou said: "The Xiao family is actually divided into two branches, one is the post-Jian family. Before Emperor Xiao married his sister to the post-Jian state lord, the Queen Hou-Jian always came from this post-Jian Xiao family. It is the current royal family of Daqi, and the two families have the same root. After the founding of Daqi, the royal clan was divided into enfeoffments. Xiao Huang's branch was entrusted with a large number of enfeoffments, and his status was respected. It is in a position that is not high or low, higher than ordinary people's nobles, but lower than the direct clan and foreign relatives. It is called the Pangzong, which means the side branch of the clan. Julu City was sealed by Emperor Xiao to the soul of the Pangzong. Xiao Mahe, Prince of Wujun."

Not long ago, Xu Beiyou specially read a family commentary that introduced the major high-ranking families today, and he had some impressions of this Xiao Mahe. He was the eldest son of Xiao Shu, the king of Lingwu County in the previous generation, and Xiao Shu himself was one of the 24 heroes of Lingyan Pavilion. The No.20 trio.

Gongsun Zhongmou said softly, "Xiao Mahe belongs to Emperor Xiao, not Lan Yu."

After Xu Beiyou thought about it for a while, he understood the meaning of Master's words.

Apparently, the master also understands the meaning of using strength to fight strength, but he doesn't want to serve any party, but wants the Taoist sect and the court to kill each other, while he is watching from the sidelines.

In fact, this kind of mutual hostility has already appeared in Taoism and the imperial court, but it was firmly suppressed by the elders. What Gongsun Zhongmou has to do is to constantly attack the peace faction headed by the elders, and help the young masters through external forces. The Zhan faction raised its head to achieve the goal of completely tearing the face of the court and the Taoist sect.

Xiao Mahe is not from Sapphire, so he is naturally the main combat faction.In other words, he's someone to take advantage of.

Moreover, a more important message was revealed from Gongsun Zhongmou's words. Emperor Xiao is the biggest main fighter. This emperor who has been on the throne for 20 years can no longer tolerate the saying that there are two saints in the world, let alone Sapphire. This old minister restrained himself everywhere.

Xu Beiyou wanted to understand the cause and effect, and said in a deep voice: "It was the Anwei Mansion that destroyed Chonglong Temple, and the Anwei Mansion directly belongs to the emperor."

Gongsun Zhongmou nodded approvingly and said: "So the truth about Chonglongguan is the reaction of Emperor Xiao to bypass Sapphire to test the Taoist sect. If the Taoist sect compromises or retreats, then Emperor Xiao will show more backhands."

Xu Beiyou was still a little puzzled, "If you want to fight against the outside world, you must first secure the inside. There is still a Lan Yu in the imperial court who is under one person and over ten thousand people. Why didn't Emperor Xiao deal with Lan Yu first, but to attack the Taoist sect?"

Gongsun Zhongmou didn't know where to take out a jug of wine, put it in front of his nose and sniffed it lightly, and said calmly: "It's very simple, because there is a Taoist sect behind Lanyu. His wrist is only one aspect, and it is more due to the intervention of the Taoist sect. When Xiao Huang conquered the world, Xiao Huang, the head teacher of the Taoist sect, and Sapphire were collectively called the troika of the Northwest. But it is true, if Lan Yu is in trouble, the headmaster of the Taoist sect will not stand by, so Emperor Xiao has to start with the Taoist sect first. If my prediction is correct, someone from the Taoist sect has already turned to Emperor Xiao. Yufa is in trouble, the chief assistant who has power all over the world, will live in peace for a few days."

Gongsun Zhongmou opened the mud seal of the jug and took a sip of the wine.

Xu Beiyou said in admiration: "For 20 years of enduring dormancy, this emperor is not easy."

Gongsun Zhongmou said with a smile: "Of course it's not easy. Xiao Yu has only one son, and he brought him by his side to raise him himself since he was a child, and Lin Yinping taught him by precept and example. If he is a mediocre person, it would be a strange thing."

While talking, the two came to a huge mansion.

The vermilion gate was closed tightly, and the two tall stone lions were awe-inspiring.

Xu Beiyou noticed that there were thirteen pimples on the stone lion's neck. Obviously, this mansion was by no means an ordinary mansion of a powerful man, but a real mansion of a duke.

Gongsun Zhongmou said softly: "The temples and rivers and lakes have nothing to do with each other. In fact, the temples affect the rivers and lakes, and the rivers and lakes also affect the temples. People far away in the rivers and lakes may not be able to touch the high temples. This is Xiao Mahe's Biefu in Xiliang Prefecture. , I'll see him later, just wait."

(End of this chapter)

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