Chapter 43

This mansion looks very deserted, there are no guards in front of the door, and there are no pedestrians around, as if it has been abandoned for a long time, but since Gongsun Zhongmou said that this is Xiao Mahe's other house, there must be another mystery inside.Presumably, the king of Lingwu County was cautious, and he didn't want to pose as a Jiang Qianglong on the territory of the Xiliang general. If it were replaced by the Lingwu County prince's mansion, it would be a different situation.

After Gongsun Zhongmou floated into the mansion, Xu Beiyou retreated into the shadow beside the mansion, and began to hold his breath and concentrate on moving the dragon and tiger, while silently absorbing the remaining sword energy in the limbs and bones.

Until Zi Shi, Gongsun Zhongmou still did not come out of the mansion.

Xu Beiyou hesitated at first, and after a few hesitations, he walked to a secluded corner, his figure moved suddenly, without making the slightest sound, flew over the high courtyard wall, and fell into the mansion.

All dignitaries' mansions, although different in size and layout, must have their own rules when they reach the first level of princes, with hundreds of corridors and thousands of twists and turns. If you don't understand the mystery, you will lose your way when you first enter it.Just like a widely circulated joke in the past, it said that a reckless man was going to the palace to assassinate the emperor, but after spending most of the night in the palace, he couldn't find out where the emperor's bedroom was. Instead, he confused himself, even I couldn't find the way when I came.

Xu Beiyou fell into this situation. Fortunately, there are not too many servants and maids in this mansion. Most of the places are completely dark, only the main hall is brightly lit, as long as you walk in the direction of the light.

Xu Beiyou's figure was hidden in the night, like a civet cat rising and falling, silently.

Today's Xu Beiyou is also in the third-rank realm, not a master, if placed in the imperial capital, he would be the life of a guard, but in Xiliang Prefecture, where the sky is high and the emperor is far away, this level of cultivation can be regarded as not bad.

There are many elite soldiers in Xiliang Prefecture, but not many real masters.

Xu Beiyou didn't dare to go directly to the mysterious main hall, but first came to an inconspicuous side courtyard.

There are people in the courtyard, and there are bright lights in the house.Xu Beiyou didn't dare to get too close, but it was the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, and the heat was still there. The people in the house opened the windows to reveal the scene inside the house, which also made Xu Beiyou's pupils shrink suddenly, and he even suppressed his breathing unconsciously.

A gloomy man wearing a third-rank flying fish official uniform was sitting in the room, with an unconcealable haze between his brows, and beside him was a young man in a scarlet python robe.

Boa gowns are made of large satin, and the number of pythons is determined according to the status and status. They are also distinguished by color. Red, green, yellow, white, and black are the upper five colors, also known as positive colors, and purple, pink, blue, lake, and incense are the lower five colors. , also known as secondary color.The relatives of the emperor or the princes of the first rank wear the upper five colors, and the officials below the second rank are eligible to wear python robes. Those who wear the lower five colors.

Daqi regards black as the most respected, followed by white, and vermilion again, this young man can wear a vermilion python robe, embroidered with nine anaconda dragons lying straight down in the three rivers, he is equivalent to the Duke of the state.This is Xiao Mohe's mansion. Xiao Mohe is now an old man who is nearly seventy years old, so the identity of the young man is self-evident, and he is His Royal Highness the Prince of the County.

Xu Beiyou tried his best to recall the content of the family review. The family review was jointly written by several great scholars in the world. It specially commented on the world's major families. The descendants of the next generation, the eldest son of Lingwu County King, should naturally be among them.It is also worth mentioning that although the Gongsun family has died out, it still has a place in the family evaluation. The head of the family is Gongsun Zhongmou, but the heir is empty, which is extremely miserable.

After thinking for a long time, Xu Beiyou finally remembered his name, Xiao Shilue.He is Xiao Mohe's youngest son, originally there was an elder brother named Xiao Shilian above him, but he had died of illness several years ago, so Xiao Mohe changed Xiao Shilue as his eldest son.Because it was the sake of the two princes successively, it was specifically noted in the family commentary.

Xu Beiyou couldn't figure out what the Xiao family was named after. Xiao Mahe and Emperor Xiao were of the same generation. Judging by the names of Xiao Mahe's two sons, it seemed that the Xiao family's generation just happened to be in the first generation.But in fact, the name of the current crown prince who is the same generation as Xiao Shilue has only two characters, and he is in the same line as Emperor Jing Xiao Lin, Emperor Wu Zu Lie, Emperor Taizu Xiao Yu, and the current Emperor Xiao Xuan.

Xu Beiyou shook his head, the Xiao family's name was too messy, it was impossible to tell what generation it was just from the name alone, we still had to rely on family reviews.

Xiao Shilue personally poured a cup of tea and took a sip, "Master Lu seems to be preoccupied?"

Lu Chen couldn't hide his exhaustion, and sighed, "It's not because of the Chonglong Temple."

Xiao Shi slightly smiled and said, "Hasn't Lord Lu already reached a settlement with the Town Demon Palace?"

Lu Chen sneered and said, "The Taoists of Zhenmo Temple relied on their own force and forced me to conclude an alliance under the city. I will not avenge this revenge. I, Lu Chen, have served in the Dark Guard Mansion for 23 years."

Xiao Shilue shook his head and said: "Actually, in all fairness, the King of the Wheel is pretty good. If it were replaced by the Dongfang Ghost Emperor and others, the Northwest Dark Guard Mansion would be really in a state of turmoil."

Lu Chen stroked his long beard lightly, and said slowly: "If the Dongfang Ghost Emperor and others really come to provoke you, then it will not be Lu who is the governor who greets the guests. I am afraid that one of the three governors of Baihutang will enter the venue in person. , by then, the Dark Guard Mansion and the Town Demon Palace will have completely torn their skins, and there is no room for redemption."

Just as Xiao Shilue was about to speak, he suddenly looked out, narrowed his eyes, and said with a sneer, "I was careless just now, but I didn't notice that there was a little mouse in the yard."

Xu Beiyou, who was eavesdropping, knew something was wrong. Just when he was hesitating whether to show up and escape, Xiao Shilue had already preemptively punched the wall in front of him and smashed the wall in front of him. He broke through the wall and went straight to Xu Beiyou's hiding place.

And Lu Chen just watched from the sidelines, without any intention of making a move.

Xiao Shilue is a master, and his realm has reached the first rank.

In an instant, the Hao Dang fist was pouring down like a great river, and its momentum was like rushing thunder, just like the little girl in the Longmen Inn that day.

Xu Beiyou followed Gongsun Zhongmou all the way, practicing diligently, he has learned from the fourth sword to the thirteenth sword, supported by Tianlan's sword energy, his swordsmanship can be said to enter the room, only to hear a clang, and Tianlan unsheathed behind him , whirled in mid-air, and slashed towards Xiao Shilue's arm.

For the disciples of the Sword Sect, the easiest way to prove that their kendo cultivation has entered the hall is to be able to let the sword out of their hands.

Even if it is extremely superficial, it is a real skill of controlling the sword.

Xiao Shi slightly sneered, apparently looking down on this so-called sword control technique, he swept his arms across the situation, and his forearm collided with the sword edge, instead of the expected scene of flying flesh and blood, there was a sound of gold and stone, like two swords Weapons collided.

Xu Beiyou jumped up and reached out to catch the Tianlan sword flying backwards, but the fierce fist attached to the sword also spread into his body, making his face suddenly pale.

Xiao family boxing intention.

Practicing to the extreme can break through the void's Xiao Family Fist.

Xu Beiyou thought he had paid enough attention to it, but he never thought that he still underestimated Xiao Shilue's methods.

Xu Beiyou held Tianlan tightly, not daring to hide anything. With a strike of nine swords, five sword shadows instantly appeared in front of him.

Among Sword 36, Sword Nine is the most bizarre, unreal and real, true and false, reaching the ultimate, and can cast thousands of sword shadows, but Xu Beiyou's cultivation is still shallow, and the five sword shadows are already the ultimate.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Shilue didn't rush to punch, and said with great interest: "Jian 36? It turned out to be a remnant of the sword sect, but he was quite courageous. He dared to play the trick of visiting the palace at night, and reported his name. This son will not kill him." A nameless ghost."

Xu Beiyou didn't speak, but with a wave of his hand, five sword shadows shot out, two of which were true and three were false.

Xiao Shilue sneered at the corner of his mouth, charged forward again, and threw out both fists, instantly breaking up the two sword shadows, but these two seemingly imposing sword shadows were both fake, and the two real sword shadows pierced his lower body respectively. Dantian and Zhongdantian positions.

Finally, Xiao Shilue's face changed slightly, and he stopped abruptly. The sword shadow did not leave any marks on his body, but only scratched his scarlet python robe, but the bluestone floor under his feet was stamped with cracks.

Xu Beiyou didn't dare to love to fight, and then he used the sword Qi again, and his whole body followed the sword, flying out of the courtyard like a sharp arrow, and disappeared into the night instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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