That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 44 Lingwu County King Xiao Mahe

Chapter 44 Lingwu County King Xiao Mahe

Xu Beiyou didn't dare to continue to stay in the mansion. Even if there were no secret masters in this mansion, or if all the masters had been transferred to deal with the master, Xiao Shilue alone was no match for him.Just now he used the third rank to fight against the first rank, relying on only two points, one is the advantage of Tianlan, while Xiao Shilue is only bare-handed, and the other is the mystery of the sword 36 combined with surprise, so that he can escape from Xiao Shilue's carelessness. Once again, Xu Beiyou didn't have the confidence to go through three moves under the fist of His Royal Highness.

Xiao Shilue has reached the first-rank realm at a young age, Xiao Mohe, the king of Lingwu County who was born as a general in the battlefield and has made military achievements, must be in the realm of immortality?
It's a pity that when Xu Beiyou came, he walked towards the direction of the light, but when he left, he was in a hurry, and the surroundings were pitch black. Looking around, the mansions of the rich and powerful were connected together, vaguely shadowed in the night, like a beast sleeping in the dark, Xu Beiyou After a few jumps, instead of being able to escape from the mansion, it got deeper and deeper.

Xu Beiyou's palms began to sweat. If he couldn't escape before dawn without the cover of night, it would be a disaster.

Just after Xu Beiyou climbed over a wall again, he accidentally saw the two of them. Even Xu Beiyou, who is always calm in every big event, was quite dumbfounded.

I saw my master Gongsun Zhongmou standing side by side with an old man with white hair in the courtyard.

The old man is tall and tall, dressed in a black python robe, embroidered with nine standing and lying five river anaconda dragons, a jade belt around his waist, and six huge oriental beads shining brightly in the moonlight on the crown on his head.

According to the Daqi system, the number of East Pearls above the crown has a fixed number. The number of emperors is nine, the crown prince is eight, the prince is seven, the county king is six, and so on.

The identity of the old man is self-evident.

The old man glanced at Xu Beiyou who barged in rashly, with a calm demeanor, he smiled and said, "Brother Gongsun, you are a good apprentice."

Gongsun Zhongmou chuckled lightly and said, "My lord praises you absurdly."

Gongsun Zhongmou seemed to be very familiar with the old man, with a relaxed expression, he beckoned his apprentice to come over, and when Xu Beiyou came over, he said softly: "This is the king of Lingwu County, who was the governor of Xiliang Prefecture. In the fifth year of Taiping, Lanyu deposed Xiliang The position of governor of the state was changed to the governor of the Western Regions. This prince did not want to go to Yumen Pass to eat sand, so he retreated. According to the four seasons, he lived in Julu City, Dunhuang City, Zhongdu City, and Imperial Capital respectively. It is now the end of summer. , lives in Dunhuang, if he comes a few days later, he will move to Julu City."

After Xiao Mahe and his old friends who had known him for half his life finished speaking, he smiled gently at Xu Beiyou, and said slowly: "When I was young, I served under the tent of King Khan of the Grassland. Living in the cold in autumn and winter, and avoiding the heat in spring and summer, so after returning from the grassland, I also made such a set, living in Zhongdu in the first ten days of the first lunar month, and moving to Dunhuang City in the middle of April after the end of spring, and then going to Dunhuang in the first ten days of July In Julu City, when the weather turned cold, they left the northwest and went to the imperial capital in Guannei to avoid the cold.

Xu Beiyou was not surprised that Xiao Mahe would work under the tent of King Khan of the Grassland, because that King Khan was not only the co-lord of all the tribes in the grassland, but also the King of Zhenbei conferred by the Central Plains court.More importantly, his elder sister married Emperor Taizu, who started his family with the help of his wife and clan.

In other words, to put it more bluntly, King Khan of the Grassland is the uncle of His Majesty the current emperor, and the No. 1 real relative.

Xu Beiyou held the junior salute, bowing respectfully and respectfully; "Xu Beiyou has met the prince."

Maybe because of Gongsun Zhongmou's face, Xiao Mahe didn't put on the airs of a county king, but like an ordinary elder, he said with a smile: "I am of the same generation as Brother Gongsun, if you don't mind, just call me Uncle Xiao." .”

Xu Beiyou smiled, but he didn't dare to take it seriously, let alone call out that Uncle Xiao Shi.

Xiao Mahe didn't care, just laughed it off.

Gongsun Zhongmou suddenly opened his mouth and said: "When it comes to the Khan King of the Grassland, one has to talk about Daqi's Taizu Emperor Xiao Yu. When Xiao Yu was alive, he was the co-lord of the world, but now Xiao Emperor is only the Daqi Emperor. Beiyou, let me ask you if you know the difference?"

Xu Beiyou shook his head and didn't know.

Xiao Mohe explained: "When the first emperor was alive, no matter whether it was the grassland or the later construction, he dared not have other ideas. But after the first emperor returned to heaven, not only the grassland and the later construction, but even the king of Wei and the king of Liao in the northeast began to think differently. He is ready to move, and treats the imperial court in a positive way, so His Majesty can only be regarded as the co-lord of the world in name."

Xu Beiyou thought thoughtfully, "What does the lord mean, that the Khan King of the Grassland has changed?"

Xiao Mahe laughed loudly and said, "A child can be taught."

Gongsun Zhongmou didn't take it seriously and said: "There was no hero at that time, who made Zhuzi famous. If there was no Queen Lin back then, how could he be as famous as he is today."

Speaking of certain unattainable women, especially women with stories, no matter how quiet a man is, he will become talkative. Although Xiao Mahe is the famous King of Lingwu County, but at this time She couldn't escape the vulgarity, with a reminiscence look on her face, and she sighed: "Queen Lin, I can barely be called the emperor's wife. That majesty can be called the No. 1 woman in a century. When she was still alive, who would dare Disobedience? Even the first emperor was often humiliated. At that time, there was a saying in the court that the two saints came to court. The two saints here are not His Majesty the emperor and the real person in charge of teaching, but the emperor and empress. The first emperor and his wife The two, throughout their lives, lived together, slept together, and went to the court together, accompanied day and night, with deep affection, the six palaces were kept in vain all year round, and they had no different children. The first emperor passed away within three months, and the empress followed him. Husband and wife love deeply, life and death go hand in hand, there is nothing more than this."

I don't know if he thought of his wife, Gongsun Zhongmou sighed and sighed.

Xiao Mohe showed a hint of disdain in his smile, "Queen Lin is the daughter of the previous Khan King Lin Yuan, and also the sister of this Khan King Lin Han. Brother Gongsun is right. Without Queen Lin's strong support, Lin Han would definitely not be able to sit on the grassland Khan King." place."

Xu Beiyou said with emotion: "A husband and wife are like this, what more can a husband ask for?"

Xiao Mohe said with a smile: "Young people should not be too obsessed with their children. After all, a great country is right in front of us. If we can't take it on our shoulders, what a pity it will be."

Xu Beiyou shook his head and said, "The boy is only a commoner, how dare he think about this all night long."

Xiao Mohe finally showed some majesty of the King of Lingwu County, and said in a deep voice: "This king doesn't like to hear such words. This king is from the past, and knows the passion and spirit of youth. This king can be regarded as acquainted with countless people. Even with some vision, I don't believe that you are a person willing to be mediocre."

Xu Beiyou glanced at Master, seeing that his expression was normal, he finally revealed his true thoughts hidden in his heart, and said, "Boy, it's not because he doesn't want to, but because he doesn't dare. Go astray."

Xiao Mahe regained his cheerfulness in an instant, and said with a smile: "It is not up to you to decide whether to go astray or not. With your master watching, you will not go astray. Besides, everyone has their own way in this life. It is inevitable to make a few mistakes, if everyone follows the rules, this world will be boring?"

(End of this chapter)

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