Chapter 5

If Xu Beiyou had heard the woman whispering to herself just now, he would have been surprised that these sword moves had a series of elegant names. In fact, he only knew that the three swords were called Jianyi, Jiantwo and Jiansan respectively. He has never even heard of Nine Deaths, No Regrets, No Prescriptions, and Never Leaks.

At this moment, what Xu Beiyou cared most about was the silver promised by Duanmuyu. Just now he beheaded all twelve Yin soldiers. According to Duanmuyu's promise, it was 200 taels of silver. To him, this was already a huge sum of money. The huge sum of money, as the saying goes, people are poor and short-sighted, and horses are thin and long-haired. Even if Xu Beiyou has great ambitions, he has to eat enough before talking about other things.

Although the ancient battlefield is weird, there are not many Yin soldiers. After all, most of the corpses have been taken away by Pao Ze, but a small number of corpses are still left here. After solving this wave of Yin soldiers, everyone ushered in a short period of peace .

After receiving Duanmuyu's banknote, Xu Beiyou put the long sword back into its sheath, walked aside alone, simply sat down on the ground, closed his eyes and panted softly, and beheaded twelve Yin soldiers in a fit of anger. The burden is still too heavy for him, if it is not for the advantage of Tianlan, he will be exhausted when he kills the No.

After about half a stick of incense, Xu Beiyou opened his eyes again, and his breathing began to stabilize, but the right hand holding the sword was still trembling slightly. It seems that the continuous use of the sword still left him with a lot of sequelae. It's impossible to show off the power like just now.

He subconsciously touched the bank note in his cuff, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly.

All this fell into the eyes of a woman not far away. She walked up to Xu Beiyou and asked softly, "Is it worth it to exchange my life for this little money?"

Xu Beiyou restrained the smile at the corner of his mouth, and his expression became calm. He was neither overjoyed by the sudden windfall, nor faced with the low self-esteem of these aristocratic children. He just shook his head, stretched out the index finger and middle finger of his right hand, and replied: "There are two reasons. First, I will not rush to sell if I am not sure. Second, wealth and wealth are in danger. This money may not be a big deal to you, but to me, it is a rare wealth, so worth."

The woman was silent for a moment, then sighed softly: "This kind of wealth is a bit cheaper after all."

Xu Beiyou said with a smile: "It's just like people. I always thought that the saying that there is no distinction between high and low is a complete piece of nonsense. In fact, no matter where you are, there is a distinction between high and low, so those of us at the bottom will work hard. Climb up and down, hoping to change from a slut to a noble." "Noble?" The woman whispered to herself, "After all, I'm still human."

Xu Beiyou remained expressionless, and also said in a low voice: "But for noble people, it's easy to treat yourself as a human being, but it's difficult to treat others as human beings."

He has not read many books, but he knows the world and the world. The locals look down on foreigners, the old look down on the young, the emperors look down on the locals, and Jiangdu look down on the central. The eldest brother doesn't laugh at the little people of the second brother. They still have to be classified into three, six or nine ranks, and they still want to be superior to others. The common people are like this, let alone those noble families who have stepped on the heads of the common people?
The common people and the aristocratic family are actually two worlds, and the distance between them cannot be counted.

Suddenly, the fog thickened.

In the depths of the mist, a huge shadow quietly spread.

King Goma hissed.

Instantly attracted all the attention of the group.

A moment later, one cavalry first jumped out of the black mist, then ten cavalry, a hundred cavalry, a thousand cavalry, and ten thousand cavalry. After just a few breaths, a huge cavalry rushed out of the black mist and appeared on this ancient battlefield superior.

These cavalry are all dressed in black armor, with all black horses and black saddles on their seats, like a ghost army from the underworld.

On the other side, there is also a chilling cavalry army. The difference is that this cavalry army is all dressed in silver armor, and their seats are all white horses and white saddles, which is in stark contrast to the previous black cavalry army.

All eyes are fixed on this scene.

Xu Beiyou finally understood why these aristocratic children insisted on coming here to have a look.

Such a scene is really spectacular. If you can't take a look at it yourself, it will be a lifetime regret.

Duanmuyu's lips moved slightly, and she murmured: "This is the battle between the two cavalry armies in the northeast and northwest."

The two cavalry armies did not start charging immediately, but had a short confrontation, and then each cavalry came out, as if they were talking about something.However, the ancient battlefield only preserved the images of that year, but not the sound. It is impossible to know what the two people were talking about.

The woman's lips moved slightly, and she explained to Xu Beiyou who was beside her, "This is the two governors."

Xu Beiyou groaned, his expression calm.

The governor, for a humble man like him, is too far away, just like the white clouds in the sky, elusive.

The conversation between the two didn't last long, and it seemed that they broke up unhappily. After the two returned to the army formation, the two cavalry began to charge forward.

This is a scene that Xu Beiyou will never forget.

The cavalry covered the ground, charging like a tidal wave.

Although there was no sound at this time, the sound of horseshoes sounded like thunder in Xu Beiyou's ears.

The ground trembled under the trampling of horseshoes, and the smoke and dust filled the air.

The tide of cavalry on the two lines advanced head-on with the momentum of rolling thunder.

After a while, the two cavalry collided with each other, piercing their bones and flesh.

All the people watching the battle turned pale and their minds were shaken.

Such power is almost the ultimate in manpower.

When a person is in it, he is really like a leaf of duckweed, extremely small.

The two armies strangled each other, and people died and fell from horses all the time.

This battle can be called tragic.

Even without the shouts of killing, the sound of horseshoes, hissing, moans of dying, and the muffled sound of knives and guns piercing into the body, the cruelty of the battlefield still greatly shocked the group.

This is true even for the three Li brothers who were born in generals.

The woman murmured: "In the third year of Jianwen, Zha Mang led the Northeast Army to capture Shanzhou, and then the shepherd led an army to attack Xihe Prefecture, breaking down 36 small and large forts, and the soldiers approached the city of Zhongdu. Governor Xu Lin was ordered to lead the Northwest Army to fight against the Northeast Army in Danxiazhai, and they won the victory, breaking the siege of Zhongdu, while Zha Mang and Shepherd led [-] remnant troops to flee in embarrassment."

As the woman talked to herself, the situation on the battlefield began to gradually change. The Silver Armored Cavalry showed a tendency to be defeated, while the Black Armored Cavalry was about to devour the Silver Armored Cavalry.

At this time, a cavalry army of about 3000 people was separated from the silver armored cavalry army, and began to charge towards the black armored cavalry army with a resolute attitude of seeing death as home.

Heavy cavalry.

This is a heavy cavalry army with both men and horses in armor. Although there are only [-] cavalry, they are comparable to [-] light cavalry when they charge. , all the way to destroy the dead, rampage.

This is a tragic and tragic picture.

Although the heavy cavalry is invincible, but the manpower is sometimes poor. Facing an enemy dozens of times stronger than oneself, it can only be a battlefield of hatred.

The woman pointed at the heavy cavalry general, and said softly to Xu Beiyou, "That man's name is Xu Zhen."

At this time, Xu Zhen was covered in blood and looked at death as home. Facing the charge of the Northwest army, he led the few remaining personal guards instead of retreating, and rushed head-on to the boundless cavalry.

This is also his last charge.

In the dull and tragic fight, Xu Zhen's personal guards died first, and then Xu Zhen died in battle.

And the Northeast Army also took advantage of this short opportunity to leave the battlefield and go away, gradually disappearing into the black mist.

The overall situation has been decided, and the Northwest Army continues to grit its teeth and pursue.

The two cavalry troops gradually moved away, and the ancient battlefield regained its calm.

The woman suddenly asked: "Xu Beiyou, do you know where the Xuanjia cavalry army is now?"

Xu Beiyou glanced at this somewhat maverick daughter of an aristocratic family. She was the only one in the group who did not regard him as an inferior person. Since people treat me with sincerity, I should treat others with sincerity, so he answered very simply. Said: "I don't know."

The woman seemed to be a little proud. She raised her head slightly, revealing a beautiful chin and a small section of white neck curve from the shadow of the hood. Until this moment, the woman showed a bit of smoke and fire in the secular world.

She said slowly: "This iron cavalry followed the emperor Taizu into the pass eastward, first into the eastern capital, then into the Jiangdu, all the way south, and wiped out the territory. Only then will there be thousands of miles of mountains and rivers in today's Daqi, and now there are half of the princes in the court. All nobles come from this army."

(End of this chapter)

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