That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 6 Jump out of the well to see the world

Chapter 6 Jump out of the well to see the world

After watching this magnificent mirage spectacle, the group of children from the aristocratic family lost their interest in staying any longer, and began to prepare to return to Danxia Village. Xu Beiyou naturally had no objection, but this time he did not walk in front, but walked in the last , he wanted to make sure that nothing would go wrong at the last minute.

The woman riding Sa Luzi walked in the front and didn't talk to Xu Beiyou anymore, and didn't even pay attention to Duanmuyu, who was so courteous beside her, as if she was thinking about something.On the contrary, because Xu Beiyou beheaded twelve Yin soldiers in one go just now, Li Song, a general's son, had a much more relaxed attitude towards Xu Beiyou.

When the group returned to Danxia Village, it was already evening.Danxia Village under the setting sun is like an old man in the twilight, quietly lying on the wilderness in the northwest. The six horses came and went in a hurry, leaving no trace on the old man.

The woman still didn't tell Xu Beiyou her name before she left. She just told Xu Beiyou not to stay in this small place for the rest of her life. If she had the chance, she should go out and see the vast world outside.

After Xu Beiyou watched the group leave Danxia Village, he also walked out of Danxia Village, but the direction of the six people was completely opposite.In fact, he still has a small house of his own, which was built by the old man himself when he was learning art with the old man. Only this barely livable house is far away in Xiaofangzhai, so Xu Beiyou had to walk more than ten miles at night to get it. go home.

The night in the northwest was not peaceful, but it was nothing to Xu Beiyou. The journey was uneventful. When he returned to Xiaofangzhai, the night was already dark, and the whole Xiaofangzhai was pitch black with no light at all. After all, for ordinary people Generally speaking, candles and lamp oil are very extravagant things. Normally, I would not buy or use them.

Xu Beiyou entered the stockade in the dark, returned home, jumped onto the roof of his hut, gnawed on a steamed bun that was almost as cold and hard as a stone under the moonlight, touched the bank note on his chest, and fell into deep thought.

The woman persuaded him to go out and see the outside world. In fact, this has always been his long-cherished wish. He, a frog at the bottom of the well, has been looking at the mouth of the well for too long, but he is unable to jump out of the well due to many obstacles. Now he has This one thousand 300 taels of silver has the capital to jump out of the well.

Xu Beiyou pondered for a long time, then took out the stack of banknotes, thirteen in total, one was given by the local snake, and the other twelve were given by Duanmuyu. 1000 taels.

Xu Beiyou put the stack of 300 taels back into his bosom, looked at the 1000 taels of banknotes in his hand, and said to himself, "After I arrange this here, I should go too."

Early the next morning, Xu Beiyou went to the small courtyard at the northernmost end of Xiaofangzhai.

This place may barely be called a private school, and it is also the home of Mr. Private School.

In a bitterly cold place like the Northwest, and in a poor place like Xiaofangzhai, which ranks at the bottom of all the villages, there is such a thing as a private school. It can be called a miracle, but it really happened. It was just as inconceivable that the old man with the sword would pass by Xiaofangzhai back then.

Xu Beiyou pushed open the chaifei and entered the small courtyard. There were several hens looking for food in the courtyard, and there was a green vegetable field in the corner. A hale and hearty old man was sitting on a recliner in front of the hut, slightly afraid. Hitting his own knee, humming a little tune that no one can understand.

The old man is the teacher of the Xiaofangzhai private school. He has been teaching and educating people in Xiaofangzhai for more than 30 years. Xu Beiyou once heard the old people in the village say that the old man is an outsider, and he should be from the Central Plains. When he first came He is very imposing, unlike ordinary people, he seems to be from a wealthy family, but after most of his life, the old man can no longer see the slightest appearance of wealth in the past except for his bookish air.

Xu Beiyou's name was also given by the old man. In fact, Xu Beiyou lived with this old man when he was very young, and he didn't change until he met another old man.It's funny to say that because of Xu Beiyou, the two old people had a moderate conflict. Until the old man with the sword left Xiaofangzhai, the two old people were in a state of disagreement that they didn't like each other. , as long as the two meet, they quarrel, and they talk a lot, citing scriptures.Of course, in the eyes of the people in Xiaofangzhai, this couldn't be considered a quarrel at all. After all, there wasn't even half a word of dirty words, and only Xu Beiyou in the whole village could hear half of it. How could this be considered a quarrel?
Xu Beiyou didn't know the names of the two old people. He called the old man with the sword Master and the old man from the private school Mr. to distinguish them, and the two old people also acquiesced in their respective titles.As Xu Beiyou said, no matter what the master is called, the master is the master, and in the present moment, then the master is the master.

Xu Beiyou approached the old man and said softly, "Sir, I'm here."

The old man opened his half-closed eyes, glanced at Xu Beiyou, and asked, "What, are you leaving?"

Xu Beiyou was not at all surprised by the old man's foresight. After all, the old man in front of him was the person who knew him best, and he had seen a lot of the world, so it was not surprising that he could guess a thing or two.He hummed lightly, took out the 1000 taels of silver and handed it to the old man, saying, "Sir, this is 1000 taels of silver. Excuse me sir."

The old man didn't ask where the money came from, but just took the bank note calmly, and said indifferently: "Beiyou, I know you have to go out sooner or later, after all, you are a good man, unlike me, a bad old man whose body is half buried in the ground. It’s not unreasonable to stay in this tiny place all the time. But since you want to go out, you have to know the four words of sinister human heart. It may not be good if it looks good, and it may not be bad if it looks bad. It’s never black and white, and often it’s a confusion of black and white. There are right and wrong things, but you don’t have to do things according to right and wrong. In the early years of war, people changed their children to eat. To put it bluntly, they are people. Is it right to eat people? It’s definitely not right, but if you don’t eat, you’re going to starve to death, so should you eat or not?”

Xu Beiyou was stunned. He never thought that Mr. Fang, who has always been a gentleman, would say such "rebellious" words, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

The old man said with emotion: "I have read thousands of books and traveled thousands of miles in my life. I have a little understanding of the world situation. I talk in a vague way. People have good and evil, black and white, but what is good and what is good?" Is it evil again? When Li Xu and Qing Chen talked about the Tao, Qing Chen bluntly said that those who are good to me are good, and those who hate me are evil. The so-called good and evil can be seen. In the final analysis, it is just a word of profit!"

Xu Beiyou swallowed, to suppress his shock.

He didn't know who Qingchen and Li Xu were, but he understood the meaning of what the master said.

The old man seemed to be reminded of the past, his expression was in a trance, his eyes were full of nostalgia, and he said to himself: "Xiao Yu created the foundation of this dynasty, killed a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and also killed a beautiful country. Some people say that he is evil? The youngest son of the leader of the traitor White Lotus Sect was drowned to death in his infancy, but some people say that he is good? Iron riding down to the south of the Yangtze River will bring peace to all generations. Today's Daqi, yesterday's Dazheng, Which one is not bleeding into rivers, which one is not building tall buildings with bones, and killing people peacefully, what is the reason for this?!"

The old man suddenly got up from the reclining chair, looked at Xu Beiyou and asked loudly, "What's the reason?"

Xu Beiyou was agitated, and subconsciously touched Tian Lan who was on his back. At this moment, he felt blessed and replied: "The truth is behind my back, and this is the truth."

The old man was stunned, then as if drained of strength, he sat back on the chair little by little, and said weakly: "Let's go."

Xu Beiyou hesitated to speak.

The old man waved his hand, signaling him to get out of here quickly, and said angrily, "I have crossed more bridges than you have traveled, so I don't need you to remind me of the truth of not revealing my wealth."

(End of this chapter)

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