Chapter 502

Because he had to bring a living person with him, Xu Beiyou left Xiaofangzhai overnight and headed towards Hanoi Mansion.

There are many ranches in Hanoi Prefecture, and the largest ranch under the jurisdiction of Taipu Temple is located on the bank of Qinghe River, with a radius of nearly a thousand miles, and nearly [-] horses. Emperor Luangjia, royal horses, and horses used in various ceremonies all come from here, so this The Department is under the joint management of Taipusi and Yumajian, but generally speaking, Yumajian is the main one, and Taipusi is auxiliary.

Since the founding of the country, the Daqi court has put a lot of emphasis on eunuchs. Inside, there are court officials and the cabinet, and there are eunuchs from all over the world, such as the Shibosi in Jiangzhou, the Bingjue Bureau in Yanzhou Prefecture, and the Horse Supervisor in Hanoi Prefecture. They all belong to this category, so the sayings such as eunuchs meddling in politics have been repeated, and they have always been criticized by Shilin Qingliu.

It's just that anyone with a discerning eye knows who the eunuch represents?That represents His Majesty the Emperor. The so-called eunuch intervening in politics, in the final analysis, His Majesty has touched the interests of all civil officials. Since ancient times, literati have always advocated that "the Holy Son of Heaven rules from the bow". The emperor is the "holy son of heaven", so that the emperor is famous but not real, and the literati can monopolize the power of the government.

During the Great Chu Dynasty, following the phrase "I and the scholar-bureaucrats will rule the world together" by Chu Taizu, the power of civil servants reached its peak in the Great Chu Dynasty. It must be subject to the literati's tongue, pen and knife.

After Dazheng established the country, Zheng Taizu felt that the literati in the previous dynasty had misunderstood the country, deposed the prime minister, and reorganized the cabinet. The initial cabinet was only five ranks, and during the reign of Dazheng Shenzong, the cabinet has leapt into a transcendent existence above the six ministries. The first and second assistants are all first-rank, and their status is respected. It is not that the prime minister is better than the prime minister.

Although Emperor Wuzu of Great Qi, Xiao Lie, had abolished the cabinet and re-established the Great Prime Minister's Mansion after he came to power, and appointed himself the Great Prime Minister, but after Emperor Xiao became regent, he immediately restored the cabinet system. , making the cabinet the pinnacle of civil servants.

Whether it is a scholar from a poor family or a noble family, if he can ascend to the pavilion to worship the prime minister in life, and receive the posthumous title of Wenzheng after death, then there is really nothing else he can ask for.

It is an indisputable fact that civil servants are powerful nowadays. After all, it is an eternal principle that civil servants rule the country. Unless there is another large-scale war, it will be difficult for military officials to compete with civil servants. According to the current situation, after more than a hundred years, these founding heroes With the death of all the nobles and veterans, the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion will be on the surface, and the military department, which is just an empty shelf now, will suddenly become a powerful yamen in charge of military power. Become the dominant family of civil servants.

As for the clan and the nobles, most of them can be assigned to the generals faction because of their military power. It is not yet a hundred years later, and the military officers faction is still very powerful. They are actually waiting for a war. If there is a war, as long as Winning the battle will inevitably give birth to a new honorable military officer, which will be able to suppress the increasingly arrogant and domineering arrogance of the civilian officials, and delay the time for the civilian officials to take power.If they lost, the faction of the military officers would be hit hard, and even give up power in advance, completely becoming a vassal of the civil servants.

Of course, there is another result, that is, a complete defeat and loss, and the Daqi court will no longer exist in another day, so there will be no civil and military disputes.

It's no wonder that the sage would say that "the prosperity of the world is for profit, and the turmoil of the world is for profit". Competition, is a "profit" word.

Just like when Xu Beiyou said it was for the word "love" this time, he might not even believe it himself.

Back then when Gongsun Zhongmou was still alive, the master and his disciples had talked about marrying a wife. Gongsun Zhongmou was impressed by his relationship with Zhang Xueyao, and once told Xu Beiyou that getting married was only for the word "love". The sea is dry and the stone is rotten, or it is for a "profit", and the marriage is an opportunity. Don't get married just for the sake of getting married, that is the most stupid thing.

Xu Beiyou couldn't wait for his own "love", or he couldn't wait for the root of love to germinate, but he did wait for "benefit", so he chose Xiao Zhinan, even though there was nothing unforgettable between the two of them, and there was no childhood sweetheart, but She is Her Royal Highness, who can make Xu Beiyou quickly enter the temple and help him complete the great cause of revival of the Sword Sect.

Xu Beiyou never regretted it.

A princess who is full of bells and bells, a beautiful woman with a beautiful country, he has nothing to be dissatisfied with, and he has nothing to complain about. Even in the eyes of outsiders, this is still a "big pie" from the sky, impartial It hit Xu Beiyou on the head.

How can there be the best of both worlds?

This blessing is not shallow, if you are not satisfied, you will be punished by God.


Once you enter Hanoi, there are few people. You can see yellow and green grasslands at a glance. In addition to the royal ranch of Taipu Temple, there is also a military ranch for the Northwest Cavalry, so there are many armored cavalry. gallop among them.

The rancher here is called Li Xian. He is about 50 years old and has a thin face. He used to be a general in the Northwest Cavalry Army. When he got old, he retired and became a rancher. It is a position that anyone can manage. In addition to directly reporting to the boss, Taipusi, he also has to deal with the Imperial Horse Supervisor and the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion. Moreover, the Zuojun Governor's Mansion is not only a local local snake, but also a "mother's family". Brothers come over, can he turn a blind eye?
So this errand is not easy to do. Li Xian is only 50 years old, but he looks like a little old man in his 60s.

Today is still a sunny day. Li Xian walked slowly on the pasture. Looking at the hoarfrost on the grass leaves, he couldn't help frowning. The death situation, and Hanoi Prefecture is only across a river from the grassland, and it is destined to be unavoidable. At present, the imperial court is about to use troops. If a large number of horses are frozen to death, and the higher-ups track it down, it will be a crime that no one can afford.

Suddenly, there was a rumbling sound that shook the sky.

Li Xian was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly raised his head.

This kind of sound seems to be the sound that the sword cultivator will only make when he is holding the sword with all his strength.

The next moment, I saw a line of sky galloping towards the pasture.

Then the line became bigger and bigger, and it was a thick sword light.

Li Xian opened his mouth slightly, only feeling a little dry in his mouth.

It's really a sword fairy Yujian.

Naturally, there were monks guarding the ranch. After a while, more than a dozen figures soared from all over the ranch, all of them flew towards Li Xian. The people spread out slightly, and the arrows in the crossbow machine in their hands had a gloomy luster.

In an instant, the sword light plummeted down with a deafening whistling sound, and hovered three feet above Li Xianshen for an instant.

On the blade of the sword stood a young man in brocade clothes with a long sword case on his back. This demeanor that came from the sword from the sky was really indescribably chic and elegant.

It's just that this young man in brocade clothes is still carrying a person in his hand, whose life or death is unknown.

Young Master Jinyi looked around, his eyes finally fell on Li Xian, he nodded his head slightly and said: "I'm traveling to the north of Xu, coming from Central Capital, passing through Hanoi Mansion, if you have anything to do, please see the local garrison general, and please let me know."

(End of this chapter)

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