Chapter 503

Who is Xu Beiyou?I have never heard of such a young sword fairy, but I have heard of a person named Qi Xianyun, who has already stepped into the fairyland at a young age, but she is a woman, and there is Zhao Tinghu from the northwest, but Zhao Tinghu Based on martial arts, even if he stepped into the realm of the earthly fairy, he would not be able to use such a majestic means of controlling the sword, let alone he had not yet set foot in the realm of the earthly fairy.

Is it a fairy who rejuvenates his youth?In fact, this white-haired sword fairy is only looking young, but in fact he is already a world-class expert of more than two years old.

Li Xian was a little unsure how to answer.

Fortunately, at this time, He Shiyu, the young supervisor of the Imperial Horse Supervisor, had already heard the news. Unlike Li Xian, a native of the country, he came out of the palace and knew more things, such as the identity of Mr. Xu , so that he did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

After all, the eunuch is a servant of the Tian family, and the princess is a serious master. If the news from the capital is true, and this young master Xu can really become the third emperor's son-in-law, then he will also be regarded as his half master in the future.

He Shiyu waved his hand to signal Li Xian and the other monks to back down, and at the same time his thoughts changed sharply. He gritted his teeth and was about to kneel on the ground, intending to offer a big gift.

Those who work in the palace don't like to pay attention to what gold is on their knees, their waists must be bent down, and their knees must be able to kneel. The most common punishment in the palace is to kneel. If you don't have any kneeling skills, you really can't get along. He Shiyu He also climbed up step by step from the bottom eunuch, so kneeling skills are naturally not a problem.

"He Shiyu, the young supervisor of the Imperial Horse Supervisor, has seen Mr. Xu."

Just when he was about to use the "Five Body Throwing", Xu Beiyou had already jumped off the flying sword, stretched out his hand to support the great eunuch who was sitting in a mansion, and said with a smile: "Xu Beiyou also met He Shaojian."

As for the prairie man, he was directly thrown aside by Xu Beiyou, with his eyes closed.

The great eunuchs who can stand out in the palace and release one side are all thoughtful people. Naturally, they saw this prairie man early on. Since Xu Beiyou supported him, he didn't continue to pretend, but asked along the way : "Mr. Xu, who is this person?"

Xu Beiyou said calmly: "When I came here, I met Grassland Xizuo and three accomplices, but I have already killed them, and there is also a map they secretly drew."

While talking, Xu Beiyou took out the map and handed it to He Shiyu.

As it was a matter of great importance to the court, He Shiyu didn't dare to be negligent, so he hurriedly took the map and looked at it, his expression changed instantly.

The face of the second-in-command of the Imperial Horse Supervisor trembled slightly, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Wine bags and rice bags, a group of wine bags and rice bags, what are the dark guards doing for food? What are the Northwest Army doing for food?"

Xu Beiyou said softly: "He Shaojian don't need to get too angry, this map was drawn by a master of the Molun Temple in the realm of the earth fairy, and this person pretended to be a scholar, it's no wonder that the Dark Guard Mansion and the Northwest Army couldn't detect it. "

"Earth Immortal Realm?" He Shiyu's face was a little dignified, and then he was suddenly shocked: "The Earth Immortal master from Molun Temple has been beheaded by Mr. Xu?"

Xu Beiyou nodded calmly.

If He Shiyu was only afraid of Xu Beiyou's identity and background before, now he is deeply afraid of Xu Beiyou, and he no longer dares to equate him with the children of ordinary families.

After all, this map is definitely not something that can be drawn by ordinary spies, and the power of Xu Beiyou's Yujian before can't be faked.

Then Xu Beiyou's claim that he beheaded an Earth Immortal realm is probably true.

"It's amazing, it's really amazing." He Shiyu praised sincerely: "Mr. Xu has achieved such an achievement at such a young age, maybe in the future he will become a great swordsman who is unrivaled in the world."

Xu Beiyou was about to say a few words of humility when suddenly his heart moved and he turned his head to look.

Then he saw a woman in plain clothes standing in the distance, her eyes fell on him, and she was a little playful and smiling.

Xu Beiyou was stunned at first, then stunned.

He Shiyu followed Xu Beiyou's gaze, and naturally also saw this notoriously moody old concubine, and immediately fell silent.

Xu Beiyou said softly: "Young Supervisor He, I need to trouble you to send someone to escort this person to Zhongdu. Xu will not accompany you first."

He Shiyu felt the eyes of the old concubine, nodded quickly and said: "Leave this matter to our family, Mr. Xu will do it himself."

Xu Beiyou stepped on his feet, and his figure swept quickly.

When he came to the woman in an instant, Xu Beiyou saluted respectfully, "Beiyou met Aunt Qin."

The woman in plain clothes is Qin Mumian who left Jiangdu one step later than Xu Beiyou. She had a wish with Xiaohuang back then, but she failed to compete with the empress dowager. I can't let go of it. In the tenth year of Taiping, with the acquiescence of the empress dowager, she was conferred the title of imperial concubine, which is regarded as a status.

After having this title, no matter whether it is Taoism or the imperial court, they dare not do anything to Qin Mumian without looking at the face of the monk or the face of the Buddha.

Qin Mumian did not refuse this title in a fit of anger. Over the years, he has taken shelter under the shade of the big tree of the imperial court, avoiding many unnecessary troubles.

After the death of Emperor Xiao, today's son Xiao Xuan succeeded to the throne, following the last emperor's edict, respecting Qin Mumian from the imperial concubine to the imperial concubine.

Every time Xu Beiyou thought of Qin Mumian's identity, Xu Beiyou felt a little embarrassed. He called Qin Mumian Aunt Qin, but Xiao Zhinan was Qin Mumian's granddaughter according to their seniority. The seniority between the two was indeed a bit confusing.

Xu Beiyou withdrew his thoughts, and was about to speak, when Qin Mumian joked, "What a Mr. Xu, the aura from Yujian earlier made people dizzy."

Xu Beiyou said helplessly, "Aunt Qin, stop laughing at me."

Qin Mumian smiled, stopped talking nonsense, and said straight to the point: "I remember that you planned to go to the grassland, and it happened that I was going to the grassland to meet an old friend, so I waited for you here for two days. a care."

Xu Beiyou asked, "Which expert is it on the grassland?"

Qin Mumian said casually: "The old man's name is Qiu Si, and he was also a famous figure back then. He was once as famous as Qiu Ye and Qiu Yue, and was called 'San Qiu' together. Later, he became the master of Molun Temple."

Xu Beiyou smiled wryly and said, "Aunt Qin, I just beheaded a Master Earth Immortal of Molun Temple, and now you want me to accompany you to meet the master of Molun Temple, don't you think I'm dying?"

Qin Mumian smiled lightly and said, "Why, are you afraid of Nangui? This is not like Mr. Xu from Jiangdu who dared to lure and kill Zhang Zhaonu alone."

Xu Beiyou twitched the corner of his mouth, "If Zhang Zhaonu hadn't forced him into a situation where he had nowhere to go, I wouldn't have gone to Changleting to meet him."

Looking at Xu Beiyou's face, Qin Mumian couldn't help laughing, "Okay, one yard counts for one yard, Molun Temple is not monolithic, and those who are willing to work for the Grassland King's Court are basically not Qiusi's people, so it's okay to kill them." Kill it, it's okay."

Xu Beiyou breathed a sigh of relief, and was a little dumbfounded. Unlike his teacher's wife and Aunt Tang, this Aunt Qin had always been a little moody, especially her mind was hard to guess.

Qin Mumian said without doubt: "Today is August [-]th, we will stay in Hanoi for a day or two, and then try to arrive at Xiaoqiuling before August [-]th, so this matter is settled."

Xu Beiyou didn't refute, but he suddenly felt a little pity for the Xiao Huang back then. One of the family was strong and domineering, and the other was unpredictable outside. It seemed that the life of the emperor was not very easy.

(End of this chapter)

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