That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 525 I Have 1 Sword to Try 1

Chapter 525 I Have a Sword to Try

There are many factions within the Taoist sect. In addition to the Eight Peaks, Five Halls, and Twelve Pavilions, there are five major factions that are distinguished according to the different paths of cultivation, namely Jishan, Classics, Fuzhuan, Danding, and Zhanyan.

The Jishan sect pays attention to accumulating good deeds by entering the world, respects the lineage of the past dynasties, and is also the main authority in the Taoist sect.

The classic school pays attention to birth and participation in the contract, keeping one, sitting and forgetting, going to the court, and having a poor experience. However, this school has been in a position of inconsistency for many years.

Needless to say, the Fuzhuan sect is proficient in talisman seals and formations, and has an orderly inheritance. It is also the most numerous and powerful sect.

The Danding faction was prosperous for a while, but after the ascension of Daoist Tianchen, there was no one who could carry the main beam, and fell into silence again.

As for the Zhanyan School, there are Qimen Dunjia, Liurenke, Taiyi Shenshu, Liuyao Yizhan, Wenwangke, Destiny Technique, Physiognomy, Kanyu, Picture Prophecy, Wangyun, Provincial Qi, etc., which can distinguish good from bad and predict misfortune. , Knowing Heaven and Knowing People, after Daoist Master Qingchen betrayed the Taoist sect, he was weak and weak.

Today's Jishan sect is led by Qiuye, followed by Chenye, from Tianyun, Wuyunsou, Baiyunzi, Lingyun, Qixianyun, Zhiyun, all are members of this sect, which shows how powerful the Jishan sect is.

The Fuzhuan Sect ranks second, second only to the Jishan Sect who has been in charge of the Taoist sect for many years. In addition to the large number of people, several leaders among them are also the most important, and Qingye is one of the leaders of the Fuzhuan Sect. one.

At this time, Qingye uses fallen leaves to form talismans, and uses talisman seals to form an array. The aura of the talisman array is involved, and there is a tendency to overwhelm Mount Tai!
In front of Qin Mumian slashing his sword, the wind and thunder around him gradually became real, and there was a faint sound of wind and thunder.

The next moment, Qin Mumian drew his sword and violently rose.

There was continuous thunder in the sky, and the black black sword was moving like a river, and the turbulent sword energy tore through the sky with a single line.

The rune array shattered instantly.

Aoba looked relaxed, just snapped her fingers lightly.

The destroyed talisman array reunited in an instant, trapping Qin Mumian in the array.

Qin Mumian's body moved with the knife, spinning like a top, and countless knife energy surged out and shot in all directions.

The talisman array was stirring and shaking endlessly.

The sudden burst of knife energy, each of which showed a black and red color, was unpredictable, and intertwined into a killing net in the blink of an eye, cutting the talisman array to pieces from the inside out.

After the saber qi broke through the talisman formation, it still continued to move towards Qingye.

Qingye, who was standing in the air, chuckled lightly, stretched out the two fingers of her right hand together to form a sword finger, and then wiped lightly in front of her body.

The void three feet in front of him became like a "water curtain", the brilliance flowed, and everything behind became blurred, like a dream bubble, and all the saber energy fell here, like water drops into the sea, shocking After a little ripple at the starting point, it completely dissipated without a trace.

However, Qin Mumian didn't take it seriously. This knife was mainly for probing, and he didn't expect it to have much effect. The whole body followed the knife, bringing out a sinister gust of wind that contained a strong blood and evil spirit, and slashed at the "water" screen".

The "Water Curtain" exploded with a loud bang, and the broken Qi machine scattered and wandered away, and finally returned to Aoba's sleeve.

Qing Ye frowned, stepped on her feet, and disappeared in a flash, appearing a hundred feet away, and then used her finger to draw a talisman in an instant.

The autumn wind is picking up again, the wind is getting stronger and stronger, and the sound of the wind is whimpering, like the hoarse cry of a dying person.

This talisman is hidden in the wind.

Qin Mumian, who was about to take advantage of the situation, collided head-on with the autumn wind. The knife broke through the autumn wind but cut it off. The autumn wind revolved around Qin Mumian endlessly. Every time it rotated, it added a layer of restraint to her body. no.

This talisman is similar to Murong Xuanyin's previous method of trapping Wanyan Beiyue with a net of energy. The cutting is constant and the reasoning is still chaotic. The only way to break the situation is to rely on cultivation like Wanyan Beiyue. Straightforwardly use strength to break skill.

Qin Mumian snorted coldly, put away Hei Xuan in his hand, and then rose up.

Accompanied by a clear and long cry, Qin Mumian turned into a big green luan with a hundred feet of feet and soared into the sky, with its wings extended, covering the sky and the sun.

Not only did it directly "break" one of Qingye's wind talismans, even this small thousand world began to crumble.

Qingye looked up at the Qingluan that was soaring straight to the sky, and said softly: "Zhuangzu once said that the debate of the six qi can be endless, and an unknown god created a profound way from this, using the six changes of qi as forms. The six changes are called Qingluan Bian, Peacock Bian, Dapeng Bian, Phoenix Bian, Golden Crow Bian, and Suzaku Bian, and I never expected to see them here today."

It's just that the leader of the Talisman and Seal School of the Taoist sect was still calm and unafraid, and then continued to draw talismans without haste.

This time it is the Mountain and River Talisman.

In fact, half of this mountain and river talisman has been drawn long ago. It is the small thousand world that covers this street. The reason why Qingye only drew half is because he is afraid that his whereabouts will be exposed due to the leakage of the energy mechanism. Afterwards, half of the Mountain and River Talismans were on the verge of collapse, so at this time Qing Ye finally made up the other half of the Mountain and River Talismans.

What does it mean to have mountains and rivers in your palm?
Aoba spread out her five fingers, with a talisman in her palm, the small thousand worlds covering this street shrunk instantly, condensed on her palm, and turned into a small mountain and river that shrunk countless times, in which one can see big rivers and high mountains, and hundreds of boats fighting in the river , There are fish flying in the shallow bottom, the mountains are green, the water is gurgling, and the birds and animals are endless.

The Taoist sits high on the clouds, holding mountains and rivers in his hands.

Qingluan is also among the mountains and rivers.

The so-called Nasumi hidden in mustard seeds is nothing more than that.


After Qingye filled up the mountain and river talisman, Xiao Mahe in Lingwu County Prince's Mansion suddenly stood up, his face full of unconcealable anger.

Even for ordinary people, if someone came to their home to make trouble twice in a day, they would inevitably be furious, not to mention that Xiao Mahe is still the dignified Xiao County King, how could he suffer such humiliation.

After Xiao Mahe got up, his face was ugly, but he didn't make any movement for a long time.

What can he do, mobilize the defenders in the city, and directly use the thunder ballista to bombard and kill the real immortal?Not to mention whether it will work or not, even if he succeeds by luck, how should he explain to the imperial court and Taoist sect?
Taking a step back, even if he is a famous teacher, how can a leader of the Taoist Talisman Sect be so easy to kill?
In the face of a Daoist Daoist who is at least above the level of the fifteenth floor, without complete preparations, even if Xiao Maha gathers the power of Julu City, I am afraid that he is not too sure. its expulsion.

The eighteenth floor of the Earth Immortal, the first floor and the first sky, although there have never been many people who can cross the border to fight, but the closer to the eighteenth floor, the more difficult it is to fight across the border. The reason why Gongsun Zhongmou, Chen Ye and others can use The realm of the 28th Floor of the Earth Immortal exerts the combat power of the [-]th Floor of the Earth Immortal. In the final analysis, it is because of the sharp weapon in his body. Gongsun Zhongmou has a fairy sword to kill immortals, and Chen Ye has a thunder pool composed of [-] thunder beads. Countless top-notch instruments, which can be encountered but not sought after.

As the master of the Daoist sect and the leader of the Fuzhuan School, Qingye must have one or two life-saving treasures on him. Although it is not as good as Zhu Xian and Lei Chi's formation, it is enough for him to face Zhang Zhaonu without losing the wind. Murong Xuanyin also had room to protect herself.

This is also the confidence that the Taoist sect dares to look down on thousands of monks in the world.

Just when Xiao Mahe was in a dilemma, Xu Beiyou who also sensed the changes outside suddenly said, "I have a sword and I want to try it."

(End of this chapter)

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