That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 526 Dragon Slaying 1 Sword Slashing Talisman Dragon

Chapter 526 Slaying the Dragon with a Sword and Slaying the Rune Dragon
Before he finished speaking, the sword box on Xu Beiyou's back was already trembling, it seemed that he was happy to see the hunter, and it seemed that it was caused by the difficulty in drinking blood after being in the box for a long time.

Xu Beiyou unfastened the rope buckle on his chest, and the sword box fell to the ground.

The sword box seemed to be extremely heavy, causing the entire palace of Lingwu County to vibrate.

Looking at the sword box again, it has been completely wrapped in rich purple and blue colors.

Xiao Mahe couldn't hide the shocked expression on his face, and murmured: "This is Zhu Xian!?"

Xu Beiyou said softly: "Shibo said that I can't afford that kind of love right now, I think it's too early to say, let me try it, maybe it will work."

The opening chapter of Sword 36 says, go forward indomitably, and die nine times without regret.The same should be true of Jianxiu's xinxing, there should be the determination to overcome obstacles, and the indomitable no regrets.

Xu Beiyou put his hand on the sword box, and said softly, "Sword please."

The sword box burst open.

There is no grand momentum like before, only a sword slowly comes out of the box.

The reason why Zhu Xian is called the Immortal Sword is because it is very different from the thousands of swords in the world. Other swords may be full of spirituality, or may have amazing sword energy, and there are even "magic swords" like Chi Lian that kill the master, but these In the final analysis, swords are all dead things, and they need to be entrusted by others. Except for Zhu Xian, there has never been a sword that does not require the sword master to infuse cultivation. It can rival the eighteenth floor of the Earth Immortal with its own sword energy, only Zhu Xian .

Therefore, the masters of the sword sects of all dynasties put the control of Zhuxian as the most important thing, and it is precisely for this reason that unless they reach the level of Shangguan Xianchen, most of their cultivation will be used to control Zhuxian, and it is difficult to achieve the supreme unity of human and sword. realm.

As the first sword that killed countless earth immortals completely left the sword box, the room was full of purple and blue. On the other side, after Qin Mumian fell into the mountain and river talisman, he became as small as a black spot and was trapped in the five fingers of the green leaf. The small world between mountains and rivers.

Green Leaf held the mountains and rivers in her palm, showing a bit of hesitation.

Although he trapped Qin Mumian, he didn't dare to kill Qin Mumian. If he killed an imperial concubine for no reason, it would be tantamount to throwing the face of the Daqi court on the ground. How to act aggressively.

He couldn't afford such a consequence.

In fact, he didn't want to use this method at first, but because Qin Mumian used the Qingluan Transformation, which was far beyond his expectations, so he had to finish drawing half of the mountain and river talisman to trap Qin Mumian. placed in a dilemma.

After a moment of hesitation, Aoba flicked the sleeves of his robe, the cuffs were opened wide, and there was a universe in the sleeves.

He put the mountain and river talisman in his hand into his sleeve, intending to release Qin Mumian after disposing of the first disciple of the Sword Sect. At most, he would make amends. What kind of.

At this moment, a flash of sword light shot out.

Qingye didn't take this sword light seriously at first. In today's Julu City, the only person who can control the sword is the first disciple of the Sword Sect, an earth immortal monk in the realm of the fifth floor, let alone Qingye , I am afraid that a Daoist Daoist who is above the tenth floor of the Earth Immortal can easily block this sword.

It was only when the sword light approached three feet in front of him that he suddenly realized that the sword light was not as simple as he expected.

He originally thought that even if Xu Beiyou's cultivation level improved by leaps and bounds, he would not exceed the sixth floor of the Earth Immortal, so he would not be able to use such a sharp sword light anyway.

Qingye swung his big sleeves violently, the cuffs were billowing wide, wanting to put this sword light into his Qiankun sleeves.

It's just that Qingye was unexpected again, this sword light easily pierced his big sleeve, not only that, but also came out with the Mountain and River Talisman in his sleeve.

Aoba snorted, feeling extremely surprised.

If this sword was from Gongsun Zhongmou, then he would not be surprised at all, but if this sword was from Xu Beiyou, then he would have to re-examine the head disciple of the Sword Sect.

After Jian Guang broke through Qian Kun's sleeves, he finally revealed his true colors, and Aoba showed a sudden expression, "So it's Zhu Xian, no wonder, no wonder."

Zhu Xian hangs in mid-air, with the hilt of his sword pointing down, and the tip of his sword pointing to the sky.

On the tip of the sword was a palm-sized phantom of mountains and rivers, which was the mountain and river talisman that trapped Qin Mumian.

However, the Mountain and River Talisman at this time was already on the verge of collapse. Under the influence of the purple and blue sword energy, cracks gradually appeared, and it seemed that it might break at any time.

Qin Mumian, who was trapped in the Mountain and River Talisman, naturally also felt the external changes. The Qingluan he transformed into made a clear cry, and transformed himself, directly changing from Qingluan Transformation to Dapeng Transformation.

The roc fluttered its wings and rose with the wind, soaring up to [-] li.

The golden-winged roc flew straight into the sky, trying to break through this small thousand world.

Under the attack from inside and outside, the mountain and river talisman, which was already on the verge of falling, could no longer bear it, and it shattered inch by inch, and the miniature mountains and rivers it transformed into disappeared invisible.

Qin Mumian, who got out of trouble, flapped his wings and flew into the sky, hovering over Julu City. His golden wings shone brightly in the setting sun, like dark clouds covering the sun, leaving a large shadow on the ground.

A pair of dark golden eyes stared at the Taoist coldly.

Aoba's face finally revealed a dignified expression.

But before Qingye could make a move, Zhu Xian moved again.

Unlike the previous understatement of a sword, this sword seemed to fill the entire world.

Before the sword arrives, the sword energy and sword momentum arrive first.

In Qingye's line of sight, except for Zhu Xian's sword, there are purple and blue two-color sword energy pouring down from Tianhe.

Under the impact of the vast Zhuxian sword energy, Qingye's body and mind were like a heavy mountain, especially under this kind of sword energy, there were countless dead souls of earth immortals, and the naturally suppressed blood killing intent made his thoughts even change Get slow.

At this moment, Qingye had to be attracted by this sword, and it was difficult to move away half a point, and until now, the person who controlled the sword still did not appear in front of his eyes.

But after all, Qingye is an Earth Immortal of the [-]th floor realm, so it can't be judged according to common sense, and at this juncture, he still tried his best to draw a talisman.

Countless talisman papers flew out from his sleeves, and under the traction of this talisman, all the talisman papers converged into a hundred-foot-long "talisman dragon".

The "dragon rune" is lifelike, with the dragon's head, horns, and claws clearly visible, and each piece of rune paper is a piece of dragon scale.

The talisman dragons are connected end to end around the green leaves, and the sword energy is shot at the "Fulong", and there is a sound of metal collision like swords and shields intersecting.

Qingye, who was hiding behind the "Fulong", finally heaved a sigh of relief, and was already thinking of quitting.

After a while, the sword energy was exhausted, and "Fu Long" was covered with bruises, and at this time Zhu Xian finally came to "Fu Long".

Xu Beiyou, who was in the royal mansion of Lingwu County, closed his eyes and recalled the sword 36 used by his master in the "dream".

There is a sword called Zhanlong.

According to common sense, with Xu Beiyou's current cultivation base, he would not be able to use the Dragon Slaying Sword at all, but this situation made an ethereal voice suddenly resound in his Zifu Consciousness Sea.

"Cut the dragon."

Jian 32, which was originally blurred in the sea of ​​consciousness, was instantly clear.

Xu Beiyou opened his eyes suddenly, and said in a deep voice, "Zhanlong."

Zhu Xian let out a hearty sword cry.

The next moment, the sword light on Zhu Xianjian stretched for more than ten feet, and cut down in the air.

This sword was originally aimed at the Tianchi True Dragon of the Taoist sect.

There are real dragons in the world, so naturally there are dragon-slaying skills.

The "Fulong" composed of thousands of talisman papers suddenly froze, and the world also suddenly became silent.

Then, countless slight cracking sounds resounded between the heaven and the earth.

Then, countless cracks appeared on the body of the more than one hundred feet long "Fulong", like countless colored glass shattered, bursting into countless gorgeous magnificent colors in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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