Chapter 564

It was Mu Tang, the Northeast Liao King, whose eyes were gloomy and gloomy, but with a faint smile on his face: "I'm afraid it's not shameful enough?"

The older man was none other than Xiao Li, King of Yan. The two vassal kings were indistinguishable roles in their fiefdoms. There are quarrels and dirty fights between each other, and even constant internal strife. This is also a scene that His Majesty, who pays attention to the emperor's mind, is happy to see it happen. As long as it does not hinder the overall situation, such small fights are harmless at all.

Xiao Li clasped the jade belt around his waist with one hand, and sneered arrogantly: "No matter how bad this king is, there is still a Xiao character on his head, and the imperial capital is also my hometown, so what if I go back to my hometown? Instead, you have a foreign surname. Humans, it’s all right to bark a few times in one’s own three-acre land, and now it’s still the same in the imperial capital, so you’re not afraid of being stripped of your dog’s skin?”

Hearing this, shopkeeper Zhang didn't dare to say a word anymore, "this king", "the word Xiao on the head", "a different surname", if you still don't understand, then he is just messing around in the imperial capital for nothing For so many years, two great feudal lords and two dragons crossing the river have been involved in a fierce battle. Let alone a small shopkeeper like him, even if the boss came in person, it may not be able to calm down the matter.

Fortunately, the voices of the two were not loud, and the other diners could not hear them clearly, and most of them could still sit safely.

Mu Tangzhi frowned lightly, then relaxed again, and said flatly: "You only have this surname left. If you don't have this surname, what are you left with?"

Xiao Li's words were heartbreaking, "Why, I hate your ancestors for not being able to rule the world? Or do you think of Wei Wang's nonsense again?"

Mutang said with a blank expression: "You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. Based on this sentence, this king can accuse you of framing you."

Xiao Li laughed and said, "Mutangzhi, you know exactly what's going on in your heart."

Mutang smiled playfully, "Xiao Li, no matter how you slander me, this king is the hereditary king of Liao, who guards the northeast and has the military and political power to control the northeast, the capital and three states during wartime, but you King Yan, although you are in Yanzhou, how much military power do you have in your hands? How much can you mobilize the 10,000+ emperor's troops in Yanzhou? It is already clear at a glance who is in the heart of the emperor."

Now it was Xiao Li's turn to look gloomy, and Mu Tangzhi's words undoubtedly hit him hard on his weakness. Although he, King Yan, was better than King Zhao who had been in the imperial capital for a long time, he had fiefs and military power, but the so-called To put it bluntly, his military power is nothing more than nothing. After all, the Chinese army stationed in Yanzhou is known as the "Emperor's Army". Since it is the Emperor's Army, how can it be handed over to others at will?From this point of view, there is indeed a world of difference between Xiao Li and Mu Tang.

Xiao Li's right hand slowly clenched into a fist, "At that time, I was outside the city, if it wasn't for the sake of the old county king, this king really wanted to learn about Mu's iron cavalry and see if it is really as powerful as the rumors."

Mu Tangzhi smiled lightly and said, "It's not too late."

Xiao Li took a step back expressionlessly.

At the same time, the old man who had been standing behind him took a step forward.

With just one step, everything around is like a dream, blurred and ethereal. Those diners who were close to me suddenly seemed to be far away in the sky.

Mu Tangzhi, who was already in the realm of the Earth Immortal, frowned subconsciously even though he stood still when he saw this situation.

The two servants standing behind him pressed their sabers forward, and then drew their sabers out of their sheaths for three points.

The knife is awe-inspiring, and the murderous aura is awe-inspiring.

Upstairs, Xiao Zhinan rested his chin on both hands, staring at Xu Beiyou slowly dismembering a scarlet crab with eight crab pieces, suddenly shivered, and frowned slightly.

Xu Beiyou who was helping Xiao Zhinan peel crabs was furious.

You two princes are at least fathers, are you full of grudges here?Isn't it good to leave this kind of jealousy and bravery to us young people?Shouldn't you be hiding behind the scenes and turning the clouds upside down?What does it mean to roll up your sleeves and end in person?

Who did I provoke?You can't even eat a meal!
Xu Beiyou scolded his mother from the bottom of his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. He still squeezed out a gentle smile and explained, "Someone is making trouble downstairs."

How exquisite Xiao Zhinan's mind was, he understood it in an instant, and asked, "Is it troublesome?"

Xu Beiyou said softly, "It's the King of Liao and the King of Yan."

Xiao Zhinan snorted, "I heard that these two brothers and uncles are going to fight because of the problem of entering the city. Before, I thought they were deliberately acting in front of the father, but now it seems that I overestimated them a bit."

Xu Beiyou clicked his tongue and said: "After all, they are high-ranking and powerful people. Everyone is under one person and above ten thousand people. In many cases, you don't need to think so much."

Xiao Zhinan smiled and said, "This is the first time I've heard your statement."

Xu Beiyou continued: "For example, what would happen if I was not Xu Beiyou today, but Shangguan Xianchen who has already reached the top of the world?"

Xiao Zhinan didn't answer, but repeated it with great interest, "What will happen?"

Xu Beiyou made a gesture of grasping the hilt of the sword, "Then I don't need to care about Duanmu Yu, and I don't even need to worry about Duanmu Ruisheng and his ilk. With a sword in hand, no one is invincible, no matter the king of Liao or the king of Yan. , I don’t care what they think, I just do what I want to do, what I say is reasonable, you can listen to it if you want to, and listen to it if you don’t want to.”

Xiao Zhinan joked: "A reckless man does things, but a wise man does not."

Xu Beiyou also smiled and said: "Actually, the reckless man is also very good, don't worry about other things, just kill all the way to bring peace to the world."

Xiao Zhinan said softly: "How can there be invincibility in the world, even the Great Sword Immortal back then..."

Xu Beiyou stretched his five fingers slowly, nodded and said: "It's not that the body is dead, the way is gone, when I ran into the real person Qingchen in the Xiulong Grassland, he once told me the truth of rigidity and fragility, I didn't think so at the time, thinking about it now, But it was deeply emotional.”

Just as Xiao Zhinan was about to speak, the whole Qiu Shiju shook.

Xu Beiyou got up helplessly and said: "It seems that today I will also be a hero who will shout at injustice once."

Xiao Zhinan said softly, "Be careful."

Xu Beiyou hummed, and his figure disappeared.

Downstairs, the old man pushed lightly, broke the saber Qi with his palm alone, and slapped the back of the saber with his palm, while shattering the Hundred-Refined Long Saber, he also sent the person holding the saber flying with his Qi, directly smashing into the ground. The walls, the seven orifices were bleeding, and they were motionless.

The other subordinate turned a blind eye to this and slashed across the waist without any fear.

The old man sneered, resisted the knife with his body shield, and then punched the martial arts monk with a backhand, smashing the immortal martial artist into the ground.

After the two guards at the peak of Human Immortal were easily defeated, Xiao Li lightly stroked the five dragon jade at his waist with a playful smile on his face. Seeing that his master had no intention of calling for a stop, the old man turned around and went straight to Mutang.

Mu Tangzhi took a deep breath, the energy in his body was rolling, and he wanted to make a move himself.

next moment.

A formation of six long swords appeared out of thin air, just in front of Mu Tangzhi.

The old man slapped the sword array hard with his palm, and the sword array stood still.

The old man from Kunshan showed a look of surprise on his face, and retreated suddenly, only to see a young man with white hair like snow appearing beside Mu Tangzhi.

(End of this chapter)

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