Chapter 565
The old man's expression suddenly turned serious.

This old man is not an unknown person, but a Kunshan elder who is second only to Zhang Zhaonu. After dying in Jiangdu, the old man is the well-deserved number one master in Kunshan.

The old man's name is Zhang Zhu. He has been in the realm of earth immortals for many years. A complete cultivation base.When Zhang Zhaonu was alive, he and Zhang Zhaonu had a lot of quarrels, so he seldom participated in Kunshan's internal affairs. After Zhang Zhaonu died, Kunshan was in chaos, and Xiao Bai was behind the scenes to fuel the flames. We can only invite this Kunshan old man to come out again to preside over the overall situation.This time when the kings enter the capital, it is destined that there will be no peace, so Xiao Li brought Zhang Zhu to the capital again to prevent any accidents.

Zhang Zhu hadn't made a move for some years, and just now when he met the two guards at the peak of human immortality, he just thought of it as a way to stretch his muscles and bones. Even if it was Liao Wang Mutang, he didn't pay attention to it. The cultivation base of the world is destined not to cause any disturbances. Although he dare not hurt His Royal Highness Liao Wang, he can sweep his face down, which can be regarded as venting his anger on King Yan.

It's just that the white-haired young man in front of him is different. It feels very different from Liao Wang Mutang. This young man has a certain momentum.

That is something that can only be cultivated after going through many life and death battles.

Zhang Zhu didn't dare to be careless or take it lightly. Facing a young earth immortal who raised his war, it's not uncommon for him to capsize in the gutter.

Xu Beiyou just glanced at Zhang Zhu, who was facing a formidable enemy, then turned his gaze away, greeted Mu Tangzhi beside him and said, "Your Highness, how have you been lately after a long farewell?"

Mu Tangzhi didn't hide his surprise, and said with a smile: "Brother Xu has traveled thousands of miles after the farewell to the Northeast. Meet Brother Xu."

Xu Beiyou smiled slightly.

"Xu Beiyou."

Xiao Li finally confirmed the identity of the young man in front of him, and said word by word.

If it weren't for this so-called Jiangdu Mr. Xu, Zhang Zhaonu would not have died in Jiangdu. If Zhang Zhaonu hadn't died in Jiangdu, then Kunshan in his hands would not have fallen into the situation it is today.

In the final analysis, it was the person in front of him that led to everything today.

And even if there is no matter about Zhang Zhaonu, Xu Beiyou is naturally friendly with Xiao Bai, and he is destined to stand on the opposite side of Xiao Li.

Xu Beiyou gently cupped his hands towards the feudal lord, and said softly: "Xu Beiyou has met His Royal Highness King Yan."

Xiao Li's face was cold, he suppressed the anger in his heart, and snorted heavily.

After the two guards fought with Zhang Zhu, needles could be heard throughout the first floor of Qiu Shi's residence, so Xu Beiyou's voice could be heard clearly and unmistakably throughout the hall.

Up to now, no matter how rich or noble the diners in Qiu Shi's house are, they can't be compared with the two vassal kings. When they were hesitating whether to stand up and salute, Mu Tangzhi waved his hand to signal everyone to leave the place .

All the diners left money on the table as if they had received an amnesty, and then fled.

After people left the building, Xu Beiyou looked at Zhang Zhu, who was still facing a formidable enemy, and said with a smile, "You don't have to be silent, this old man. Xu has no intention of doing anything. Of course, if the old man intends to make a move, that's another matter." Never mind."

Zhang Zhu said in a deep voice: "My lord has a good sword intent and fierce sword energy, this old man is not sure how to deal with it, so he has to be cautious."

Xu Beiyou gradually suppressed his smile, and said calmly: "In the final analysis, the old senior is still afraid that Xu will take the upper hand, so Xu will ask the senior to let the old senior make a move, how about it?"

The old man frowned slightly, "Who is superior?"

Xu Beiyou said calmly, "It doesn't matter whether you live or die."

Zhang Zhu affirmed what he had thought in his mind before. The Mr. Xu in front of him really took the way of fighting to support the war. If it was a life-and-death fight, he was not sure of winning, but since he let himself take the initiative, he could let it go. Try, after all, a sword cultivator is good at attacking but not defending, if he loses the upper hand, it will inevitably be greatly discounted.

Zhang Zhu's aptitude is not low. Without many opportunities, he has made it to this point. Even if the Kunshan sect advocated summoning slaves, it is because of the chance of an ancient Qi refiner. If he didn't have this opportunity, he might not be as good as Zhang Zhu.

Zhang Zhu glanced at King Yan behind him, seeing that he had no intention of refusing, he paused for a while, and rushed towards Xu Beiyou with momentum like a rainbow.

If monks from the Earth Immortal Realm fight with all their strength, let alone a small Qiushi residence, it is not difficult to destroy the entire street, but after all, this place is under the feet of the emperor, and no one dares to do anything recklessly, it is all deliberate. Suppressing one's own aura, seeing a big horse golden knife in a square inch.

When Zhang Zhu was in his prime, he was a double-cultivator of both Buddhism and martial arts. With his martial arts physique and Buddhist golden body, he could break through the saber energy of Mutang's guard with just a pair of fleshy palms. If you hate this, you will be defeated with [-]% certainty.

Of course, if it is not a last resort, he will not take the initiative to kill the killer. After all, the two can only be regarded as meeting by chance.

In an instant, Zhang Zhu was three feet in front of Xu Beiyou.

Xu Beiyou was still standing with his hands behind his back, without any intention of making a move.

Zhang Zhu suddenly became angry.

This junior is too arrogant!

Zhang Zhu, whose original intention was just to test, turned his palm into a fist and blasted towards Xu Beiyou's face.

Since you are so big, then I'm not polite, but let's see how long you can hold on?
Just when Zhang Zhu's fist touched Xu Beiyou's forehead, Zhang Zhu's face changed suddenly, he stopped suddenly, his upper body leaned back, as if he had avoided something, then he slid backwards and pulled away instantly. the distance between the two.

I saw this Kunshan old man kept tossing and turning, as if he was facing an invisible sword. On the other hand, Xu Beiyou was still the old god, standing with his hands behind his back.

None of the people present could see how Xu Beiyou made a move, not even Mu Tangzhi, who was also in the realm of the Earth Immortal, was no exception.

Zhang Zhu retreated again and again, until he stopped in front of Xiao Li.

Xu Beiyou didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue the attack, but stood in place, and lightly wiped his eyes with two fingers.

Zhang Zhu's head suddenly tilted back, and there was a bloodstain on the center of his brow.

In terms of physical toughness, Zhang Zhu is far superior to the earth immortal monks of the same realm, and in terms of vigorous aura, he is not inferior to others, but the sword aura still easily broke through his body-protecting aura, leaving behind his body. There was a deep trace, and Zhang Zhu still had a faint feeling that Mr. Xu seemed to have some strength left. If he had just shot with all his strength, even if he didn't die, he would be seriously injured in an instant.

This is not because of Zhang Zhu's lack of cultivation, but because what he faced was the sword spirit of Zhuxian that beheaded countless earth immortals. When Shangguan Xianchen was at its peak, the so-called four golden bodies of Buddhism could also be beheaded with one sword. With a physique close to the tenth floor, coupled with the mysterious armor on his body, it is still difficult to resist against Zhu Xian. Zhang Zhu's realm is not as good as Zhou Tong's, and he is unprepared, and it is reasonable to be frustrated.

"What a Mr. Xu, I have learned the lesson." Xiao Li snorted heavily, turned around and walked out the door.

Zhang Zhu took a deep look at Xu Beiyou, who was smiling lightly, and followed him.

(End of this chapter)

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