Chapter 610

Circular Mound Altar.

There are many visions between heaven and earth.

Above the nine heavens are Wanyan Beiyue and Murong Xuanyin.

Below it is a vast starry sky, and there is no Taiyi saving the suffering Tianzun, and there is no Xiao Shen.

Further down, it was the fight between Zhao Qing and Xiao Lin.

The two are considered old rivals. In the past ten years, the two have fought several times, but most of them were point-and-shoot. Xiao Lin never loves to fight, and Zhao Qing has never been dead.

At this time, the two fought again, and Zhao Qing, who is almost the No. 1 pure martial artist, went all out, and directly used the Wufang Emperor Fist in Xiao's boxing intention to disperse the dark clouds in the sky. Fist it.

This punch was unstoppable, forcing Xiao Lin to retreat again and again.

Zhao Qing followed closely.

When the fist was approaching, Xiao Lin's figure suddenly disappeared, and then reappeared on the ground.

Zhao Qing also fell back to the ground from the air, and punched Xiao Lin hard.

Dust is everywhere.

Xiao Lin flashed again, and while dodging the punch, he turned a page of the heavy tome in his hand, the black mist billowed in front of him, and then a rusty spear pierced through the black mist, with various intricate patterns engraved on the spear, The momentum is mysterious and strange.

The iron spear pierced Zhao Qing's chest in an instant.

Zhao Qing raised his hand to hold the tip of the iron spear, no matter how powerful the spear tip was, it couldn't hurt his palm in the slightest.

Zhao Qing turned his wrist and was about to break the iron spear in one fell swoop.

Xiao Lin raised his hand and drew a mysterious trajectory.

Like a spirit snake, the spear escaped from Zhao Qing's hand, then went back and forth, and stabbed again.

Zhao Qing failed to catch the second thorn, and the spear tip stuck to his throat.

For ordinary people, this time is already a matter of life and death, but for a martial artist whose physique has been trained to the extreme, this stab is nothing.

Zhao Qing let the tip of the spear rest against his throat, and began to move forward step by step.

The tip of the iron spear was stubbornly pressed against Zhao Qing's throat, not giving in at all, but it couldn't be pushed into the flesh, so it was bent in a terrifying arc, almost full moon.

Zhao Qing continued to move forward, and finally the iron spear, which was bent to the extreme, inevitably collapsed. Xiao Lin was pulled by the air force, and his body slipped backwards, leaving two deep ravines on the ground with his feet.

At the same time, Zhao Qing punched Xiao Lin.

Xiao Lin leaned back sharply while retreating, leaning his body, narrowly avoiding this punch, then he stopped his decline, and thrust out the third spear again.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

This spear was far inferior to the sharpness of the first spear and the swiftness of the second thrust.

Zhao Qing reached out to grab it again, this time the iron spear failed to slip away, Zhao Qing held the tip of the spear in the palm of his hand, like a snake being pinched seven inches, and could only struggle in vain.

Zhao Qing exerted all his strength and snapped the iron spear, turning it into a cloud of black mist that scattered and overflowed.

Xiao Lin's face turned red and then turned pale again and again, and finally turned pale. His eyes were gloomy, and he tightly held the staff in his hand.

Zhao Qing didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue, but just stood there and said sarcastically: "Xiao Lin, is this what you are good at? Do you only bully a few female juniors?"

Xiao Lin sneered: "How many punches can you throw when you use the Wufang Emperor Fist with a humane air?"

Zhao Qing crossed his arms and said with a smile, "You might as well try."

Xiao Lin slammed the magic staff in his hand on the ground, and immediately ignited raging black flames, covering him in it. Then he raised the book in his hand, and the pages flipped.


Just when the earth immortals were in a daze, the Chinese army originally stationed in the Bohai Prefecture of Zhili Prefecture had already entered the territory under the jurisdiction of the imperial capital, and went to the Yuanqiu Altar from the opposite direction of Qingchen and others, and the distance was less than three ten miles.

On the post road already covered with heavy snow, the heavy footsteps of countless people rumbled.

Qu Chang'an put on a firm grip and said loudly: "All the troops listen to the order. Today there are rebels intending to assassinate them. This Governor obeys His Majesty's order to lead the army to escort and pay the rebels! Now follow me to the Circular Mound Altar!"


The army suddenly agreed.


His Majesty the Emperor did not watch the battle between the gods in the sky and the earth, but began to be dazed again.

He has been enthroned as Yuyu for [-] years, and his reign name is Taiping, which means to inherit the peace of the world, but is the world really peaceful?
not necessarily.

Someone was staring at the side of the couch, and could bite off at any time. Not only was there a danger of another war, but also his life, the Emperor Taiping as the people called it, was also in danger.

But even so, he decided to use himself as a bait to "open the door and steal".

Xiao Jin, king of Wei State Wei, and Lin Han, king of Grassland Khan, these two relatives of the clan, in name they are still subordinates of Daqi, but in fact they are the confidantes of the entire dynasty and empire. The real world is peaceful.

Of course, he set up a game, Xiao Jin and Lin Han are not fools, since they dare to break the game, they definitely have something to rely on.

Just like two big players playing chess, which one is stronger and weaker depends on their respective skills.

Just at this time, a person boarded the Circular Mound Altar with "audacity".

The chief assistant of the cabinet, Sapphire.

His Majesty the Emperor held the three-legged wine bottle again, and said softly, "Teacher."

It's not Lan Xiang, but the teacher.

The reason why Lan Yu was awarded the title of Grand Master was not only because of his high position and authority, but also because he had the real status of being an emperor's teacher. He was Xiao Xuan's academic teacher when Xiao Xuan was still the prince's son, and later Xiao Xuan Xuan's status kept rising, Wang Shizi, crown prince, crown prince, emperor, Lan Yu also changed from the teacher of the prince to the teacher of the emperor.

If it weren't for the intensifying battle between the princes and princes, the two might have maintained this master-student friendship for a long time.

Lan Yu, during Xu Lin's Northern Expedition to the Grassland, dedicated the central capital to Xiao Huang, cut off Xu Lin's back, forced Xu Lin to surrender to Xiao Huang, and enabled Xiao Huang to enter the northwest and look at the Central Plains.Later, Sapphire came out again as a general, one of the three battalion handprint officials, personally led the troops to participate in the Southern Expedition to Shuzhou and the Northern Expedition, and made great contributions to Xiao Huang's pursuit of the world.On the eve of the First Battle of Dingding, Emperor Xiao entered the Eastern Capital as the regent king and took control of the government. Lan Yu entered the Eastern Capital and acted as a chancellor. The first hero, Feng Zhao Guogong.

The late emperor Xiao Yu had only one son, so the teacher had to be selected from thousands of people, and it was Lan Yu, who was in the prime of his career.

Lan Yu hesitated for a moment, and said: "Your Majesty made a risky move today. It would be fine if he wins, but if he loses, the consequences will be disastrous."

The emperor lightly stroked the wine bottle in his hand, and said softly, "What do you mean, teacher?"

"Your Majesty has a lot of troops in the Northwest and Jiangnan, but the distance between the grassland, the Kingdom of Wei and the imperial capital is actually not as far as imagined. Lin Han has hundreds of thousands of grassland cavalry, and Xiao Jin has tens of thousands of sailors." If Lin Han bypasses Shanzhou and sends troops to Yanzhou, and Xiao Jin forcibly lands from Qizhou, he will be able to encircle the imperial capital on both sides. It will overthrow half of the country." Lan Yu said in a deep voice: "The old minister has said to His Majesty many years ago that a son of a thousand gold will not sit on the throne, a son of a hundred gold will not ride on the throne, and the Holy Master will not take advantage of danger to be lucky."

He paused for a moment, and said solemnly: "Today's speed is unpredictable, like a horse startled by a chariot and defeated, your majesty will take himself lightly, what's the matter with Nagao Temple?"

Xiao Xuan was noncommittal, "Although people in the whole court call me a saint, I have never been a saint. I am the son of the late emperor. I can do what the late emperor could do back then."

(End of this chapter)

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