Chapter 611

"It's not the same." Lan Yu said in a deep voice: "The first emperor was the king of entrepreneurship, and His Majesty is the king of entrepreneurship. Their responsibilities are different, so how can they be the same?"

The emperor said flatly: "This heart is the same, this principle is the same, and we will return by different routes."

Lan Yu sighed and did not speak.

Xiao Xuan looked down at the thin layer of falling snow in the wine bottle, and suddenly said: "Teacher, in fact, you already knew what happened today."

Not a question, but a certainty.

Lan Yu didn't deny it, but asked instead: "Don't you know His Majesty?"

Xiao Xuan smiled, "Of course I know, but it's one thing for me to know, it's another thing for the teacher to tell me about it."

The Circular Mound Altar fell into silence.

There are some things that both parties are well aware of, but once they are exposed, it will be a different situation.

There was no snow at this time, but the wind was getting stronger and faster.

The sapphire white beard trembled slightly in the wind. After a long silence, he slowly said: "Your you want to accuse the old minister?"

Xiao Xuan finally turned around, looked directly at the tutor, and said slowly: "This kind of thing can be big or small. If it is big, it is deceiving the emperor and plotting against the law. If it is small, it is nothing. It’s something that everyone knows well, and it’s a trivial matter.”

Lan Yu didn't seem to want to abide by the way of monarch and minister, and asked bluntly: "Then, does Your Majesty want to talk about it big or small?"

Xiao Xuan didn't get angry, and said calmly: "There is an old saying that it is the crime of wanting to impose, there is no reason to worry, if I want to ask the teacher to blame, the four words of forming a party and acting recklessly are enough."

Lan Yu suddenly smiled and said: "On June 11th of the tenth year of Zhengming Zhengming, Zhang Jiangling, the grand master and the chief assistant of the cabinet, died. Emperor Shenzong bestowed Shangzhu Kingdom with the posthumous title of Wenzhong. In April, Shenzong issued an edict to take back Zhang Jiangling's titles of Shangzhu Kingdom and Grand Master, and then issued an edict to deprive Zhang Jiangling of the posthumous title of "Wen Zhong". This was not enough. One year later, in April of the 12th year of Zhengming, Shenzong issued an edict to seize Zhang Jiangling's family property and sent his son into the army. There was Zheng Yichao, and there were three family raiders: one was treason, the other was treason, and the third was treachery. However, Shenzong charged Zhang Jiangling with slandering relatives, suppressing officials, authoritarian disorder, and plotting the country. Infidelity, let alone how many slanderous words there are in these charges, even if all of them are true, it is not enough to commit family raids. In the final analysis, why? It is nothing more than Jiangling sharing the power of the emperor and arousing the taboo of the emperor. disaster."

Xiao Xuan calmly said: "The system of the cabinet began with the Emperor Taizu of Zheng. When Taizu of Zheng deposed the prime minister and set up a cabinet, he left two ancestral precepts, one is 'in future generations who dare to speak up and set up a prime minister, they will be killed without mercy!" One is 'the six departments manage the affairs of the world, and the cabinet shall not invade'. Therefore, the cabinet has no power of prime minister, only because during the reign of Emperor Xuanzong, six ministers entered the cabinet one after another, and the ministers of the six departments had to obey the cabinet, so the cabinet has the reality of a prime minister. Since then, the chief minister of the cabinet has mostly served as the Minister of the Ministry of Officials and performed the duties of the prime minister. During the reign of Shenzong, Zhang Jiangling served as the chief minister of the cabinet, which was quite different. Zhang Jiangling first controlled the government with the respect of the heavenly official and the emperor's teacher, then used the method of examination to coerce the six departments, used the six departments to supervise the six departments, used the six departments to inspect the localities, and finally manipulated all the officials. All major military and political affairs were decided by him alone. Yu Shoufu's decree is more important than the emperor's decree, so how can the word prime minister include such authority?"

Lan Yu said softly, "Your Majesty sees things clearly."

Xiao Xuan went on to say: "Wan Guo looks up to the Son of Heaven of Great Zheng, and all directions praise Jiangling. This is a couplet at that time. People at that time compared Zhang Jiangling with the Son of Dazheng. It can be seen that he is called the first assistant, but he is actually the regent. Since ancient times, the regent How many of them died well?"

Lan Yu said softly: "The veteran is not Zhang Jiangling."

"Of course the teacher is not Zhang Jiangling." His Majesty said with a smile: "Since the current dynasty, the first emperor felt the disadvantages of the previous dynasty's cabinet and the six ministries. , Cifu is no different from the prime minister, the teacher is a prime minister, abides by his duty, and works hard."

Lan Yu was silent for a moment, and said with emotion: "Master Jiangling once said, "I take the world as my own responsibility, and I have forgotten my family and died for my country, so I don't care about others. It is possible to establish a little bit.' Zhang Jiangling didn't know how to take the road of regent, that is, he embarked on a road of no return, but he still said, "Although there are tens of thousands of people, I will go.""

Xiao Xuan said softly: "The emperor's mind has always been sealed when nothing can be sealed, that is, when the birds are exhausted and the rabbits are cooked, it has nothing to do with the world, nor the likes and dislikes of the people, but only the honor of a surname. Zhang Jiangling said, "It's like getting together in a fire, and you get a cool door." Didn't he already see it through?"

The official uniform on Lan Yu's body was blown by the strong wind, trembling like his beard, and said slowly: "Your Majesty wants the old minister to retreat."

This sentence is also an affirmation, not a doubt.

Xiao Xuan said word by word: "At this time and this place, you can't go up to the sky, and you can't go down to the ground. Some things can indeed be said clearly. The dispute between me and the teacher is never in the minutiae, nor in political policies, or even in Daoism. Because of authority, the teacher has been assisting the late emperor since the beginning of the incident, and it has been more than sixty years. Just now, the teacher said that he is not Zhang Jiangling, and I do not want to follow Zheng Shenzong, so I want to ask the teacher to sue."

Is Sapphire old?

From the perspective of ordinary people, his age can indeed be regarded as very old, but if it is considered to be an earth immortal monk, he is not too old, even if he is the chief minister of the cabinet for another 60 years, it will be more than enough.

However, on the Circular Mound Altar at this time, in this gloomy weather, in the current situation of the enemy, on the last day of the 22nd year of Taiping, His Majesty the Emperor of Daqi asked his teacher to retire.

Sapphire was silent for a long time without opening her mouth.

Xu Beiyou said that people in the world are always mistaken by their positions. This sentence is very true, even the autumn leaves on the [-]th floor are no exception. Otherwise, he should be proving the way and ascending at this time, instead of hiding in the Zixiao Palace to make up for the way. .

Sapphire is an earth celestial being and a great monk with extraordinary cultivation, but he is not a refined person who takes fame and fortune lightly. In his life, he has been accompanied by countless rises and falls of fame and fortune. Now it is not easy for him to let go.

As the saying goes, anyone can be at peace by staying out of the matter.Who is safe and indifferent in it?Don't talk about people easily, because you are not in it.

Without sitting in the position of Lanyu, it is all bullshit to say that fame and fortune are just passing by.

The great monk advises people to let go and be at ease, because the things they pick up are not in his hands.

Mr. Confucianism persuades people to live in peace and happiness, just because the word "poverty" does not rest on his shoulders.

Taoist alchemists advise people to throw away wealth and honor to seek longevity, just because wealth is not his wealth.

All the truths in the world cannot escape the four words: easy to know but difficult to do.

It's easy to tell others.It is difficult to do it yourself.

After a long time, Lan Yu said softly: "Now that the enemy is in front of us, His Majesty wants the old minister to retire, so he is not afraid of self-destructing the Great Wall? I am afraid it is not the act of a wise man."

Xiao Xuan gently twirled the three-legged wine bottle in his hand, "The teacher should have known what I said today. The teacher is a person with a firm mind. Once he makes up his mind, he will not change his original intention. So whether I Saying these words will not affect how the teacher does it."

Lan Yu chuckled, "This world was brought down by the old minister with the late emperor, and it was also governed by the old minister with His Majesty, so the old minister will never let it fall into the hands of Xiao Jin and others."

He paused, looked at the Circular Mound Altar under his feet, and sighed: "After this incident, if Your Majesty is safe, the old minister is safe, and I am safe, the old minister will write a letter to report to the old man."

(End of this chapter)

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