That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 70 One seal for one person

Chapter 70

Thirty miles outside Julu City, there is a see-off pavilion.

The pavilion is very simple, but also very strong, only in this way can it withstand the wind and rain of the grassland.

The two old men were standing in the pavilion talking about things. It was hard to imagine that not long ago they were still fighting to death, but now they were talking and laughing like old friends for many years. Maybe only with such an attitude can they live longer in this world and live longer. better.

A young man and woman were waiting not far from the pavilion, feeling a little inexplicably melancholy and heavy.

Xu Beiyou was a little impatient with the helpless situation of waiting for the result, so he couldn't help but look into the pavilion.

They are also the highest masters in the world, but the images of the two old men are quite different. The black-clothed and white-haired Gongsun Zhongmou is unsmiling at this time, majestic and solemn, making people daunting. , and Chen Ye, the real master of the Temple of Suppressing Demons, conforms to all the imaginations of the juniors in the cultivation world for the masters. It is more pleasing than Gongsun Zhongmou's old face, and he will not lose his dignity because he looks too young.

Although Gongsun Zhongmou defeated Chen Ye, he couldn't kill Chen Ye, so there was no obvious difference in status between the two of them at this time, they were still relatively equal. Xu Beiyou also knew a thing or two about what they were talking about, so He couldn't help but feel melancholy.

Thinking of this, he turned his eyes to Zhiyun. This little nun also had expected it. She was keeping her head down without saying a word. She felt Xu Beiyou's gaze, raised her head to meet Xu Beiyou's gaze, and forced a smile, as if she didn't know what to do. Measures, hesitate to speak.

Xu Beiyou smiled, suddenly feeling a little aggrieved.

At the beginning, it was a helpless move to bring Zhiyun, but it was just a journey along the way, and the more time we spent together, we gradually developed feelings.

He really wants to stand up now and speak loudly to the master and the master of the Town Demon Palace, I don't want this little girl next to me to return to Jianzong, I want her to stay by my side.

But he didn't have the courage, nor the confidence.

Facing his master, he didn't have the courage to disobey the will of his mentor.

Facing the Lord of the Demon Suppressing Hall, he has no confidence to resist this big man who stands at the pinnacle of the world.

That big real person just turned his back to Xu Beiyou, and the aura on his body made him a little breathless, let alone confronting him head-on?
Maybe Xu Beiyou can do it decades later, but Xu Beiyou can't do it now.

Very helpless results and reality.

Inside the kiosk.

The conversation between the two came to an end, Chen Ye turned his head and looked at the little Taoist nun standing outside who was a little at a loss, and said flatly: "Thanks for the care of the Lord Gongsun during this period, even if the pindao owes a favor, as long as I can do it in the future, I will never give up. Do not shirk."

Gongsun Zhongmou's expression was calm, but he was very satisfied with the answer in his heart. Even if the favor of the master of the Zhenmo Palace is not as good as that of Emperor Daqi, it is not far behind. The master of the Zhenmo Palace is the most feared What matters is not his cultivation, but the power he holds. It is rumored that the head of the 36 deacons, whose cultivation is astonishing throughout the ages, is almost the same as Mr. Zhang Baisui, the number one master in the country. The order of the palace lord?

Seeing Gongsun Zhongmou nodding, Chen Ye took out a seal from his sleeve, the whole body was black, with a unicorn engraved on it, the size was almost the same as the "Lingbao" seal that Xiao Mahe had given to Gongsun Zhongmou earlier, and the four characters of Qingge Layman were engraved on the bottom .

Gongsun Zhongmou took the seal and said with a faint smile, "Since I got old, my heart has softened. Let us two old guys go over there and let the young people say goodbye to each other."

Chen Ye hummed flatly, but did not refute.

The two old men walked out of the pavilion one after the other, and Gongsun Zhongmou gestured to Xu Beiyou.

Xu Beiyou looked at Zhiyun beside him with a complicated expression, hesitating and not knowing how to speak.

Are you finally leaving?

Zhiyun glanced timidly at the two elderly people who were walking away, and mustered up the courage to grab Xu Beiyou's cuff.

Xu Beiyou looked down, and the little Taoist nun's eyes were moist, showing signs of a flood breaking the embankment.

Perhaps in Gongsun Zhongmou's view, such a pair of young men and women who are ignorant and unknown, but they have been together for a few months, how can there be any unforgettable love for their children? As far as he is concerned, the couple have gone through life and death together. After ten years of mutual support, didn't they part ways in the end?The two young people will feel uncomfortable for a while at most, and the past will pass.

But Zhiyun didn't think so. After the death of the old master of Chonglong Temple who adopted her, she became completely alone, and then Chonglong Temple was destroyed, and she didn't even have a final shelter.Just like when a person is drowning, he will subconsciously grab something that can be grabbed. Now Xu Beiyou is the driftwood that Zhiyun hugs tightly. As long as he relies on him, Zhiyun feels that he will not sink to the bottom of the water.

Zhiyun said in a low voice: "I don't want to leave, I don't want to go to the Daomen."

Xu Beiyou forced a smile, and said against his will: "What's wrong with Daoism? The mysterious capital in the sky is known as Yujing. How many monks want to go but can't."

Hearing Xu Beiyou's words, Zhiyun really wanted to cry, and lowered his head, neither looking at him nor speaking.

Xu Beiyou was silent for a while, sighed, hugged her shoulders, and said softly: "Don't look at the current scenery of our master and apprentice, but maybe one day we will be chased and killed by someone, that is the real Desperation, maybe Heaven doesn’t care about you anymore, what if I lose you? That’s why I let you go back to the Taoist sect, no matter how bad it is there, there is always a sense of security.”

The little nun still lowered her head, tears streaming down her face, and sobbed softly.

Xu Beiyou wanted to wipe her tears, but she covered her face with her hands, her frail shoulders trembled, obviously feeling that she was abandoned as a burden.

No matter how euphemistic Xu Beiyou's words were just now, Zhiyun still understood the meaning of the words.

This is what Gongsun Zhongmou meant. Instead of taking this little Taoist nun and letting her die unexpectedly one day, it is better to exchange her for the favor of the master of the Demon Suppressing Hall, and everyone will be happy.

Xu Beiyou was silent for a long time, and Zhiyun cried out, sobbing and mumbled, "I've seen that person, he once came to visit Master."

That person naturally refers to the Lord of the Demon Suppressing Hall.

Xu Beiyou didn't speak, not because he had nothing to say, but because he was hesitant to speak.

Zhiyun wiped the teardrops on his face with his sleeve, raised his head, and said word by word: "I'm leaving."

Xu Beiyou took out a book from his rucksack, handed it in front of her, pretended to be calm and said lightly, "Don't you like the pictures in this Di Jian Tu?

Zhiyun subconsciously took the book and was lost in a daze.

Xu Beiyou took Zhiyun's hand and walked towards the direction of the two old people.

The master of Zhenmo Hall looked at Zhiyun walking towards him with a calm expression.

When there were dozens of steps away, Xu Beiyou stopped, let go of Zhiyun's hand, and said softly, "Go."

Zhiyun hugged the Emperor's Guidebook tightly with both hands and said, walking slowly towards the master of the Demon Town Palace alone, looking back constantly.

It seemed that he hoped that Xu Beiyou could call out to stop him.

But Xu Beiyou didn't say anything from the beginning to the end, he just waved.

In the end, Xu Beiyou exchanged a glance with the Lord of the Demon Suppressing Palace by accident.

When we meet again next time, what identity should Xu Beiyou use to face the Lord of the Demon Suppressing Palace?
After the two of them walked away completely, Gongsun Zhongmou patted his apprentice on the shoulder and said with a faint smile, "Why does a man have no wife? You lost a little daughter-in-law. I will give you a little thing for my teacher."

While speaking, a seal was thrown into Xu Beiyou's hand by Gongsun Zhongmou.

The whole body is jasper, and the word Lingbao is engraved on the bottom.

(End of this chapter)

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