That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 71 One person, one sword is the sword sect

Chapter 71 One person, one sword is the sword sect
Zhiyun finally left and returned to the Taoist gate with the master of Zhenmo Hall, but Gongsun Zhongmou gave Xu Beiyou some information. No matter what kind of criticism he would receive, it was a blessing in disguise, and being able to worship under the head teacher of the Taoist sect had to be said to be quite a blessing.

In addition, the injury of Song Guanguan who was placed in Xuanshui Pavilion improved greatly, and after a complete recovery, Xuanyi swordsman was responsible for taking her away from Julu City.

As for Gongsun Zhongmou and Xu Beiyou, master and apprentice, because the goal was too big, they left Julu City first, and headed east from Xiulong Grassland to Liaozhou in the northeast.

This was not the last time Xu Beiyou came to Julu City, but it was the last meeting between Gongsun Zhongmou and Julu City in his life.

There are two kings with different surnames in the current imperial court, one east and one west complement each other.To the west is Zhenbei Wang Linhan, the younger brother of the late Empress Dowager and the lord of the grassland. Bounded by the Lun River, with Wangting as the center, reaching Rehai in the west, Xiulong Grassland in the east, and Jinyingkou in the north, the tens of thousands of miles of grassland and Gobi including Daxue Mountain belong to the King of Zhenbei. 52 people, hundreds of thousands of cavalry.

The Lin family in the grassland and the Yan family after the completion of the construction were once regarded by scholars in the Central Plains as two sharp swords hanging over their heads. Join hands with Murong Yan to establish five kings after the Northern Expedition, and support the current founding lord Wanyan Beiyue to take the throne. As a result, the Lin family and the Wanyan family completely surrendered, and this is how the peaceful situation has been for decades.

As for the king with a different surname in the east, it is naturally the shepherd of the Liao king who sits in Liaozhou and the northern capital. Under the city of Zhongdu, Xiao Huang's northwest foundation was almost ruined. Later, he was defeated and surrendered.Coincidentally, the ancient battlefield where Xu Beiyou led the way for Duanmuyu and others was the battlefield where His Royal Highness the Liao King fought against Xu Lin's cavalry army, the king of Xihe County.

Xu Beiyou didn't expect that he would have such a "fate" with the King of Liao early on.Of course, the Liao King here is no longer the shepherd Qi of the past, but the grandson of the shepherd Qi, Mutang.

The two masters and apprentices walked along the commercial roads that had already been stepped on by merchants on the grassland. Gongsun Zhongmou not only continued to guide his apprentices in their cultivation, but also interspersed some customs and customs of Liaozhou. Entering the Northeast, since the King of Liao is the only king with a different surname under the imperial court system, it is not easy. Although the imperial court suppressed it severely in recent years, the Liao King’s Mansion lost Jinzhou and Youzhou among the three northeast states one after another, leaving only Liaozhou. However, the emaciated camels are bigger than the horses, and coupled with the old background accumulated by the shepherds, their status and power are roughly equivalent to those of the old military leaders of the frontier armies."

"Mutang, King of the Liao Dynasty in this generation, has good strategy and intelligence, and is meticulous in thinking, but in terms of courage and courage, compared with his predecessors, he is a little less aggressive and decisive, but he has learned a lot of the gloomy spirit of the old temple. Being run over by these two old guys, Lan Yu and Wei Jin, he has a gloomy temperament, but he can't blame him. He grew up in the Liao Palace and was trapped within the high wall. He didn't have any real opportunities to practice. Teaching by example, without going through the storms and waves of my fathers and grandparents, naturally I can't cultivate the heroic spirit of my fathers and grandparents, and it is reasonable to have a biased temper."

"Of course, if it weren't for this, His Royal Highness King Liao wouldn't be friends with Teacher Wei. Mu Tangzhi was quite dissatisfied with the old men in the dynasty, so he wanted to build a bridge with the one on the grassland through Teacher Wei. , the two kings with different surnames join hands, so that they can speak confidently, after all, the general trend of cutting down the feudal clan is inevitable, if we continue to sit and wait for death, I am afraid that the Liao Palace will become an empty shell in a short time."

After walking for ten days, the scenery of the grassland gradually decreased, and sparse forests could be seen gradually. At this time, Xu Beiyou had completely stabilized his second-rank realm, and the Tianlan sword was even more commanding. Gongsun Zhongmou was very pleased with this, Although my disciples are not as good as those banished immortals, they are also rare and unique talents in the world. With a banished fairy's disposition, there is no need to worry about the bottleneck of the realm and stagnate. The root bones of a real person have deficiencies, and the twelve swords make up for it. After stepping into the realm of the earth fairy, the root bones and understanding are irrelevant. Two words, my apprentice may not be able to climb to the eighteenth floor of the small longevity realm like today's Taoist head teacher, and he is only half a line away from the truly immortal immortal great longevity realm.

Thinking of this, Gongsun Zhongmou's thoughts drifted away, and he said softly: "Beiyou, as a teacher, I will tell you some secrets about the realm of the earth fairy today. There are countless masters in this world, but the real gods who can be immortal, All of them are already heavenly beings, and are no longer the world’s people. As the saying goes, the world’s people are in charge of the affairs of the world. If they want to use their cultivation to influence the general situation of the world, they can only climb to the top of the eighteenth floor of the earth immortal. This realm is also called the realm of small longevity. What is a small The realm of longevity? It is no different from the immortals of longevity, only half a step away from the gate of heaven."

"Hundreds of years ago, there are only a handful of people who can achieve the realm of small longevity. Aside from Zichen and Tianchen who have already ascended, only your ancestor Shangguan Xianchen, the leader of the White Lotus Sect back then, Xiao Yu, the former emperor of Daqi, and the Taoist rebel Qing Chen, the Daoist Daoist, and the current head teacher of the Taoist sect have this realm. However, Xiao Changsheng is not a real Dao Changsheng after all. Among the five Xiao Changsheng masters, three of them died successively. After repeated battles with the exhaustion, the leader of the White Lotus Sect died under Xiao Yu's sword of the emperor, and Xiao Yu was also karma. In the end, he was backlashed by the death of the leader of the White Lotus Sect and had to escape into the Meishan Mausoleum. But in the eyes of the teacher, Xiao Yu is probably dead, even if he is not dead, he is still in a half-dead state that is hard to see the light of day, and he will never be reborn."

Xu Beiyou was thoughtful.

Gongsun Zhongmou smiled, and continued: "As for the other two, Qingchen is a generation higher than the teacher, and he is a real senior figure. Before Jiazi, he was already expected to ascend, and after Jiazi, his cultivation base will be even more unfathomable. , the reason why he did not soar was because of the betrayal at the beginning, and he had no face to meet the Taoist patriarch in the sky. As for the current head teacher of Taoism, he followed the path of Jishan School, and his cultivation was enough, but in the matter of good deeds It’s still almost ready, so I should be waiting for an opportunity, and at the same time, I can’t let go of such a big family business, so I have to arrange the funeral before I can rest assured to ascend.”

Xu Beiyou asked softly: "Master can also ascend?"

Gongsun Zhongmou chuckled, shook his head and said, "Feisheng to prove the Tao? I don't have any hope in this life. If I can pass on the legacy passed down by my ancestors, I am already satisfied as a teacher."

Xu Beiyou sighed, and deliberately said in an old-fashioned way: "Master, you can't do it with this mentality. My apprentice is still looking forward to your ascension earlier, so that you can go out and show your prestige. Heir to the gods, how famous is this, just ask whoever you are." Not afraid?"

Gongsun Zhongmou patted his apprentice on the shoulder and said with a big laugh: "If you are a teacher in the world, others will be afraid of you. If you leave now, you will not be able to keep these family fortunes. Well, the teacher knows you You are thinking about the master, and you want to go to heaven for the master earlier, let alone whether the master has the fate of ascension, or the old saying, if everyone thinks about immortality, the Taoism passed down by the ancestors It's over, some things have to be done by someone."

The old man looked at the sky and said softly: "I failed to support the Gongsun family's family business back then. As far as Jianzong is concerned, I don't want to repeat the mistakes of the past."

Xu Beiyou really sighed this time.

At that time, the master of Jianzong, Shangguan Xianchen, claimed that one person was half of Jianzong, and he pushed Jianzong to the position second only to the three religions with his own power, and even competed with Taoism. collapsed.

Now that Gongsun Zhongmou is very old, the burden of Jianzong will fall on Xu Beiyou's shoulders sooner or later. Can he support it with just one sword and one sword?

(End of this chapter)

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