Chapter 80

Since the death of her husband, it is inevitable for Feng to show her face in public. She is not an ignorant woman in a deep house. In addition, she got on Mu Tangzhi's big boat and gained a wider knowledge. Teaching the real person to go down the mountain is tantamount to saying that His Majesty the Emperor is on a southern tour, and it is a major event that can shock countless people.

The Feng family is still very confident about Mutangzhi's network channels. After all, it has been painstakingly managed by several generations. The emperor Xiao Lie took control of the former Dazheng court. At that time, Emperor Wuzu was the prime minister, and the shepherd was appointed as the privy envoy.Even though the Xiao family became powerful and swept across the North, the Mu family had to surrender, but they did not become royal actors like other families, and they were still a separate party with strong strength.After Shepherd Qi's death, his father Zha Mang married Shepherd Qi's daughter to inherit the kingship, and also tried to protect the three states of Liaozhou, Youzhou, and Jinzhou, which were passed down to his generation. He changed back to the surname of Mu with his mother. The surname is still Mu, but Jinzhou and Youzhou no longer have the surname Mu, but changed their surnames to Xiao.

Having said that, the incense and friendship accumulated by the elders are still there, especially the master of the Zhenmo Temple, who is a close friend with Mutangzhi's father, and almost regards Mutangzhi as his nephew. If the Town Demon Palace can get along well, then it should be impossible to fake it.

In this way, is this master teacher who has not gone down the mountain for more than [-] years really going to make an exception?

After another cloud and rain, Mu Tangzhi returned to normal, leaning against the woman's arms with his eyes closed, enjoying the kneading of her bare hands, and said with a little regret: "If Gongsun Zhongmou can survive this test, then the matter of forming an alliance This king should try his best with sincerity, but if we can’t make it through, we can’t blame this king for treachery, because the world is like this, and I can’t help myself in it.”

Feng Shi remained silent.

There are some words that she can't say too much.

The two of them just sat quietly on the big Jinxiu bed, each remaining silent.

At this moment, Mutang's gloom and princely coolness have faded away, like a child who hasn't grown up.

After such an unknown period of time, a faint light from Xi penetrated into the room, Mu Tangzhi opened his eyes, and began to get up and get dressed under Feng's service.

Boa robe and golden crown, jade belt and brocade boots, and the seven oriental beads on the crown were shining brightly. He looked at the bronze mirror that was as tall as a man, and turned back into His Royal Highness Liao Wang in normal times.

He pushed the door out of the house, looked at the rising red sun, bathed in the autumn sun, then closed his eyes, and whispered softly: "How can life be comfortable?"

On the other side, Qinglian lives inside.

Xu Beiyou, who had already gotten up early, was moving his sword slowly, with no form but no energy.

Song Guanguan was standing aside with his scabbard in his arms, watching, correcting the young master from time to time.

Anyway, she is also a master who has stepped into the realm of ghosts and immortals and is approaching the realm of human immortals. It is more than enough to guide Xu Beiyou who is not yet in the realm of first rank.

After walking the sword one hundred and eight, Xu Beiyou stopped, threw Tianlan in his hand into the hands of Song Guanguan, then took a towel to wipe his hands, shook his head and sighed: "This time I have seen the style of the Duke's family. Clothes have to be served by four maids, no wonder some descendants of aristocratic families will not wear clothes by themselves in their entire lives, it is really not an exaggeration."

Song Guanguan smiled and said: "The Prince Liao's mansion is not close, but the nobles in the imperial capital are really particular about it."

Xu Beiyou handed the handkerchief to Song Guanguan, took back his Tianlan Sword, and said, "If you have a chance, you must go to the imperial capital to see what the best place in the world is like."

Song Guanguan's eyes narrowed into crescents, "In the early years, the imperial capital was still called Dongdu. When Emperor Xiao left Dongdu, he once said that if I were emperor in other years, Dongdu would wear black and black armour. Later, as expected, Emperor Xiao led a hundred thousand Xuan The army of Jia returned to the Eastern Capital, and the whole city was filled with the sound of mountains. There is also Shangguan Xianchen, the ancestor of the Sword Sect, who was invited by the Emperor Shenzong of Zhengzheng to go to the Eastern Capital to compete against the three Daoists. Stegosaurus made up of thousands of flying swords can be seen all over the city. If you enter the imperial capital after you become a great sword fairy, it must be an extremely domineering scene."

Xu Beiyou lost his mind for a while, and when he came back to his senses, he smiled and said, "You know how to pour me the ecstasy soup, what kind of sword fairy enters the imperial capital, I will practice my sword."

Song Guanguan restrained his smile, and said seriously: "My family believes that the young master will really have that day."

Xu Beiyou held Tianlan, rubbed the sword head lightly with his palm, and said with a light smile, "Then let me borrow your good words and wait for that day."

Song Guanguan had a smile on his face again, but he stopped talking.

The reason why I told Xu Beiyou about this old story is partly because I really like Xu Beiyou, and partly because I think about him. The place in the imperial capital can no longer be described as a mixed bag, but a crouching tiger, hidden dragon.

Duanmuyu, who is regarded as extremely majestic in the northwest, can only be regarded as an upper-middle-class family member in the imperial capital, with six ministers in the cabinet, nine ministers in the cabinet, governors in the five armies of the governor's office, honorable relatives of the clan, 24 yamen in the inner court, and secret guards. How big is this battle in places like the Mansion, Guozijian, Qintianjian, Tianji Pavilion, Hanlin Academy, and Wucheng Bingmasi?

As far as monks are concerned, if they don't reach the realm of ghosts and immortals, they will be the life of a gatekeeper. Even if they are in the realm of ghosts and immortals, they can at most be mixed with guest officials. This is the core of the imperial court on a par with the Daoist sect, not to mention there is also a royal family, the Xiao family, which has run the imperial capital for many years, and is known as the No. Yes, just like Xiao Huang, who was invincible in the world back then, did not dare to climb to the top of Taoist Xuandu alone.

From Song Guanguan's point of view, based on Xu Beiyou's current cultivation, if he went to the imperial capital, he would definitely not be able to become famous. With these words, I wanted to dispel the idea that Xu Beiyou had just sprouted.

Xu Beiyou really calmed down, and began to silently move dragons and tigers.

Song Guanguan stood sideways and looked at Xu Beiyou, who was quietly running his Qi machine. He had a clean face, without the roughness of a man in the Northwest, but with the loftiness and vastness of the Northwest in his aura. Such a person seemed to be born with a look like the wilderness of the Northwest. Such a big heart.

Such a person is destined to live a long life.

As for the Liao King Mutangzhi who just glanced at him from a distance, in Song Guanguan's view, his grandeur is not worthy of his position, and he will be suffocated to death sooner or later. He really looks like a short-lived ghost.

Song Guanguan believed that she was fairly accurate in judging people. When she was young, her parents were no longer there. Just when she was thinking about how to avoid starving to death, a tall old man with a sword box appeared in front of her and asked her Whether he would like to go with him or not, the young Song Guanguan only nodded and agreed after a little thought.

This time she bet right, she followed the old man whose real name is Gongsun Zhongmou to a hidden place, where there are many little girls who are also orphans, there are dozens of little girls, each with a wooden sword, but The daily ration is only for ten people. If you want to eat enough, you have to defeat other people.Song Guanguan just had a hungry meal and was never hungry again. About a few months later, she saw the old man again and was taught the way of swordsmanship by the old man himself.

Later, she finally knew the true identity of the old man. At this time, she had become a swordsman in the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall.

Later, under the order of the suzerain, she completed certain tasks again and again. Most of these tasks were killing people, but even so, she felt that it was much better than the precarious days before. She is self-satisfied, if she hadn't chosen to follow the Sovereign, would the grass on the grave be three feet high now?In other words, there is no grave at all, maybe it was eaten up by wild dogs long ago.

Now she has become one of the twelve sword masters of the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall. Although she is ranked at the bottom, she is still above the 36 swordsmen, isn't she?Barely qualified to stand in the team.

The first time she saw Xu Beiyou on the Xiulong Grassland, she didn't care at first, but after getting along for a long time, she became more and more optimistic about this young young master, and the more she looked at him, the more pleasing she was. She believed that one day, this young master would Inherit the position of suzerain and carry forward Jianzong.

She trusts her own eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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