Chapter 81

After Xu Beiyou finished his daily homework, he still focused on the sword 36 on the outside, and supplemented by the dragon and tiger alchemy on the inside. After a while, he would be able to absorb the spirit of the Quexie sword and step into the first-grade realm.

Song Guanguan was sent by Gongsun Zhongmou to contact the disciples of Jianzong in Liaozhou. Gongsun Zhongmou himself went to see Mu Tangzhi, and Xu Beiyou, who had nothing to do, left Qinglianju alone and went to the back garden of the palace. Unexpectedly, he met an unexpected woman here.

Inner light blue narrow-sleeved jacket skirt, outer lake-colored gauze, blue-blue embroidered shoes, and jasper waffles on her hair, she is strolling in the back garden of the Liao Palace with her hands behind her back.

The woman wears light make-up and has a graceful figure, but the key is to have an extraordinary demeanor, calm and calm, with a calm demeanor.

When she came into Xu Beiyou's eyes, there happened to be a few clumps of daisies dotted around her. It was really picturesque, beautiful and magnificent.

Xu Beiyou froze in place, for some reason, he had mixed emotions of sigh and emotion.

Sensing Xu Beiyou's gaze, the woman turned her head to look, the surprise flashed across her face, and she asked with a smile, "Xu Beiyou?"

Xu Beiyou took a deep breath and looked at the woman who had been haunting his heart but couldn't see her face clearly. He clearly remembered this woman who first showed kindness to him. The woman's figure penetrated deeply into Xu Beiyou's heart. Even though the woman was just an ethereal figure in Xu Beiyou's heart, he had fantasized about this woman more than once, so when the woman really came before his eyes, he felt I had an unbelievable illusion that a woman who seemed to be far away in the sky appeared in front of me like this?

In fact, Xu Beiyou still has a standard that is unknown and not humane in his heart. Whether he can become a master depends on whether he can marry such a woman back home.

It took a while to recover from his reverie Xu Beiyou nodded and said, "It's me."

After the woman approached Xu Beiyou, she looked him up and down, and said with a smile, "I haven't seen you in a few months, you've changed a lot, isn't this Shu brocade robe cheap? A man should walk around while he's young. As you walk, you go up one floor."

Xu Beiyou smiled, subdued the turmoil in his heart, regained his usual composure, and asked, "Why did you come to Liaozhou?"

The woman smiled and said: "Just because you men are wandering around, we women can only stay out of the door? There is no such reason in the world. I am leaving home this time because I plan to take a walk around. The northwest is the first stop, and then I will go all the way south along the northeast, and go through Jiangbei first, and then go to Jiangnan to take a look next year."

Xu Beiyou hesitated for a moment, but still couldn't help but said: "It seems that you have a good family background, last time you had the son of the Duanmu family as your companion, and this time you directly stayed in the Liao Palace."

The woman walked a few steps closer, and said with a smile: "Don't talk about me, aren't you the same? Last time, you were a knight-errant who ran around for 100 taels of silver, but now you are a guest of His Royal Highness King Liao. In this way, Have you found your master?"

This is the first time for Xu Beiyou to observe her face at close range. Although it was quite close last time, she was wearing a hood, so she couldn't see Lushan's true face clearly. This is a beautiful face, so beautiful that Xu Beiyou couldn't figure out what to do. The descriptive face, but what is more brilliant is the woman's aura, which is enough to make people ignore the aura of her beautiful face. She is arrogant and restrained but not exposed, slightly distant but not indifferent. A pair of red and phoenix eyes add a lot of charm to her, but The pair of slightly thin lips properly eliminated this charm, making her look gentle and dignified. If she pursed her lips, it must have a majesty unique to women.

Among the women Xu Beiyou has met, there is no one who can compare with him, especially the temperament of the woman, which is enough to make him unforgettable all his life.

Xu Beiyou was shy for the first time in front of her, and said, "I found it."

The woman smiled and said, "Then congratulations."

Xu Beiyou was silent for a while, and then asked straight to the point: "Girl, is your surname Xiao?"

The woman was slightly taken aback, and said with a half-smile: "Do you think I'm a member of the clan?

Xu Beiyou smiled, but did not speak.

The woman's tone was slightly joking, and said: "There are many people with status and status in the world today, but they don't have to be named Xiao. Take the current imperial court as an example, those who can enter the cabinet, the few who are the governors Those with titles, the Supervisor of Rituals and the Secret Guard Mansion are all first-class dignitaries. If you add the six ministers, the left and right servants, the nine ministers, the nobles above the earl, and even the three divisions of one state, There are even more so-called dignitaries. If we take a step back and look at grades, local officials use the fourth rank as the boundary line, and court officials use the third rank as the boundary line. As long as they can cross this line, most of them can be regarded as high-ranking officials. These people, they But none of them are surnamed Xiao."

Xu Beiyou said with a smile: "These words have given me a lot of experience, but it is true that these people hold great power, but how many of them can let their daughters live in the Liao Palace? I am afraid that there will be no one out of ten."

The woman couldn't help but clapped her hands, "You're right, although the Prince Liao's mansion has been in decline these years, it's not something that anyone can bully. If I were just a little girl, Mu Tangzhi would definitely not even look at me Even if I look at it, it's probably because of lustful thoughts, but for my father's sake, even if His Royal Highness King Liao is not happy, he still wants to entertain me well. There are many people not surnamed Xiao in this world. Unfortunately, my real surname is Xiao."

Xu Beiyou said with emotion: "The surname is Xiao, this is really the biggest family background in the world."

The woman was noncommittal, walked to a pavilion not far away and sat down, lightly tapped the black and bright stone table in front of her with fingers like suet and white jade, and said leisurely: "Xu Beiyou, what kind of person is your master? Can you guess?" Knowing my surname is Xiao, I am afraid it is not your own ability, most likely your master guessed it and told you, such an expert, can the little girl be lucky enough to meet her?"

Xu Beiyou's several thoughts were easily broken by the woman, and he couldn't help feeling a little awed, and then shook his head and said, "I don't care if I see you or not, and I don't believe you don't know my master's identity, after all, in Ju You Xiao family should be very clear about the big commotion in Lucheng and Xiao Mahe's involvement in it."

The woman gave him a charming look, and said softly: "Gongsun Zhongmou, the master of the Sword Sect, of course I know this. But when it comes to what kind of person he is, I don't know. Some older people may know , but seeing once is better than hearing a hundred times, and no matter how much you hear, it is better to see it in person, and only after you have really touched it can you understand.”

Xu Beiyou was noncommittal.It's true that he has a good impression of the woman in front of him, but he hasn't reached the point where he can't understand what is the most important thing. After all, the master has just warned him that the woman of the Xiao family has a deep mind, and she will be played by her if she is not careful. In the palm of the stock, Xu Beiyou couldn't help feeling jealous.Of course, if it's another kind of hope, if the woman makes this request in another capacity, such as his wife, then Xu Beiyou will agree to it no matter what.

Seeing that Xu Beiyou didn't speak, the woman just thought about it and figured it out, she was still neither annoyed nor angry, and the smile on her face didn't increase or decrease, "Since it's inconvenient, let's move on to another day."

While Xu Beiyou was relieved, he also felt some unspeakable regret.

The woman turned around and left.

But Xu Beiyou called out to stop her again out of nowhere.

The woman stopped, turned around, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and asked, "Why, did you figure it out again?"

Xu Beiyou shook his head, feeling a little cloudy in his heart. Although this woman from the Xiao family who came from an extraordinary background did not despise him, she would not take him too seriously like Zhiyun or Song Guanguan. This made Xu Beiyou feel deeply Feeling powerless, just like when he faced the hidden guard of the third-rank realm alone in Chonglong Temple.

Seeing the woman's smile and frown, Xu Beiyou was in a daze for a moment, but he still asked the question that had been hidden in his heart for a long time, "Dare to ask... the girl's name?"

The woman was slightly taken aback, then smiled.

This smile made Xu Beiyou's five points become nine points in a trance.

After a while, she restrained her smile, and said with a smile: "My name is Xiao Zhinan, Caotou Xiao, you know, Nan of Jiangnan."

(End of this chapter)

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