Chapter 84

"Ah what? I'm asking you something." | "Probably."

"What do you mean roughly, Xu Beiyou, a man has to look like a man, so what does he look like?"

"A woman like you looks like a country and a city. If you come from a family background, if you marry you, you won't dare to say that you can reach the sky in one step, then you will definitely be able to rise to the top. What's more, you are a delicate heart, and you can be an assistant. , Zhongneng’s red sleeves add fragrance, Xianeng is the housekeeper, young man, if anyone has no other ideas, then it’s wrong, right?”

"Very good, but since you know my surname is Xiao, do you know which Xiao family I belong to? What kind of king is my father? Which princely family is my mother? My grandfather, uncle, uncle, aunt , and those relatives who can be reached or not, and what are their identities, do you... know?"

"I don't know, but I can guess a thing or two."

"This family is big, and the rules are big. I can have today's scenery, it is all brought to me by this Xiao character, so I can't help it in many cases. After all, there is no reason in the world. How much to pay, I say this, can you understand?"

"You mean to say that you can't decide your own marriage."

"Almost, if you want to marry me, in terms of your current situation, it's not much more difficult than Jiujiu81. Among those demon kings blocking the way, Duanmuyu is just a small character. So, are you afraid? ?”

"It would be too false to say that you are not afraid. Being afraid and not being afraid are two different things. Being afraid may not mean not being afraid."

"It's comfortable to hear, Beiyou, you are really more and more in line with my wishes. If this is still the same year, you are the next Patriarch of the Gongsun family and the young master of Jianzong, I will marry you directly."

"It's a pity that it's not back then. Today's Jianzong is no better than a street mouse, and the Gongsun family is even wiped out. On the other hand, the Xiao family is no longer just a party of princes back then, but the current royal family sitting on the world. The relationship between the two of us Identity, one is in the sky and the other is in the ground.”

"From the ground to the sky is a road to the sky. The eighteenth floor of the earth fairy said by the Taoist master is nothing more than that. Beiyou, if you want to support a huge sword sect, how can you do it without the ability of the eighteenth floor? Li, if you want to marry this girl back home, you have to overcome these 81 difficulties one by one. If you don’t want to break through? That’s okay, as long as you get rid of this idea, I will take my Yangguan Road, and you will take your single-plank bridge. Do not violate the river."

"It's... black and white."

"Yes, otherwise?"

"too fast."

"Time doesn't wait for me. Having said that, one travels north and the other knows south, isn't it a good match? If you, Xu, are replaced by Xu Lin, the king of Xihe County, our affairs are almost settled."

"Zhinan, Xiao Zhinan, you great Bodhisattva, female Bodhisattva, you are first involved in causing karma, and if you become entangled in karma in the future, you will never recover, so you can blame others."

This is a conversation between Xiao Zhinan, a nobleman of the Tian Family, and Xu Beiyou, the remnant of the Sword Sect.

At the beginning, there was a bit of a joke that seemed to be true and false, but in the end, there was a bit of tit-for-tat.Xu Beiyou didn't want to retreat again and again in front of the woman, so the conversation between the two fell into such an embarrassing situation.

Xu Beiyou was born lowly, but he is not willing to be humble, what can he do?Fight?With a passion for blood and a sword, to break out of the world?It's a pity that now is not a chaotic world where people's lives are like weeds, but a peaceful and prosperous world where heroes have no place to fight. Even if they can be brave for a while, can they break this world?The sky is high and the earth is thick. If you want to be a master in this world, you can only bow your head to make friends, cling to, and climb.

Xiao Zhinan began to "talk about marriage" when the two met for the second time. Behind the seemingly absurdity, there must be some pursuit. Xu Beiyou didn't want to go into it. After the conspiracy, there was another shortcut to the sky in front of him. He didn't want to miss this opportunity, or in other words, he didn't want to fall into a vassal situation at the intersection of the two.

In the struggle between men and women, either the east wind overwhelms the west wind, or the west wind overwhelms the east wind.

In the end, did Xu Beiyou's north wind overwhelm Xiao Zhinan's south wind, or did Xiao Zhinan's south wind overwhelm Xu Beiyou's north wind?
Or is it a staggered pass?

No one knows.

The nine-dan master of the big country is against those who are new to this way, and if they don't fight on the chessboard, they can't claim victory.

Xu Beiyou's "female Bodhisattva" statement made Xiao Zhinan laugh out loud, laughing unscrupulously, "Beiyou, do you want to talk to me? To be honest, our chess skills are far from each other. If I get involved in karma first, I will lose." Even if you get the upper hand, but then again, don’t say that I let you go first, even if I give you the upper hand, what chance do you have of winning?”

At this moment, Xiao Zhinan's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a bit of aristocratic style, looking at Xu Beiyou, and said: "It's boring to talk about war on paper, do you want to play a few games of chess?"

Xu Beiyou's face was a little dignified, "Go?"

Xiao Zhinan smiled softly: "There is a sword in Sword 36, which seems to be called Xingluoqibu. It was born out of the way of Go. You followed Mr. Gongsun to practice Sword 36, so you don't know the way of chess?"

"Let's play Go then." Xu Beiyou nodded calmly.

Xiao Zhinan clapped his hands, and the three maids walked into the room holding black pieces, white pieces and the chessboard respectively.

The well-regulated torreya wood chessboard, with white jade for white pieces and black jade for black pieces, is not a rare item, but for ordinary people, it is definitely a sky-high price item that is difficult to touch.

Xiao Zhinan leaned against the back of the fragrant wooden chair, held the white, pushed the pot of black chess to the opposite Xu Beiyou, and said softly: "Please go first if you hold the black."

Xu Beiyou sat upright, picked up a black ink jade chess piece, pondered for a moment, and tapped it lightly on the chessboard already placed on the table.

Lazi Tianyuan.

Xiao Zhinan glanced at the chess pieces, and smiled, "Silver horned grass belly in Phnom Penh, Luozi Tianyuan's move is either elegant or vulgar, a masterful move or a stinky move?"

While speaking, she picked up a crystal white jade chess piece and played with it between two equally white fingers.

As far as Xu Beiyou is concerned, he can only barely say that he has dabbled in the game of Go. He said that his level of chess is too far away. The reason why he wants to fall in Tianyuan is because he has an intention to not follow the rules. If he follows the rules, he will probably be in the middle stage It's about to crash.

With a crisp sound, Xiao Zhinan settled down, and the regular star position should be a fixed pattern.

All the expressions on Xu Beiyou's face were restrained, he was completely calm, and his moves were getting faster and faster. His chess style was like a three-foot green sharp edge, with an aura of gold and stone, as well as a murderous aura, aggressive, even at the expense of both jade and stone.

Xiao Zhinan kept his composure, his chess style was just like her, unmoving, even and stable, and like a Taoist, soft yet strong, seemingly retreating step by step under Xu Beiyou's pressing force, but in fact it was a hidden needle.

In this round, Xu Beiyou barely survived the middle round, and then he stopped his aggressive posture and turned to the end of the crossbow. Xiao Zhinan easily slaughtered the dragon and had to surrender.

Xu Beiyou watched the endgame for a long time, and said softly, "Come again."

Xiao Zhinan smiled slightly, lifting his delicate chin.

The two maids standing on both sides retrieved the black and white pieces on the chessboard back into the chess pot.

Qiu Guang, who came in with a torreya chessboard in person, was standing next to Xiao Zhinan to watch the battle just now. Although she watched the chess without saying a word, her mind was not entirely on the chessboard, but kept looking at Xu Beiyou with a look on her beautiful face. Calm, I don't know what I'm thinking.

Qiu Guang didn't pay attention to the "rebellious" words that the master said earlier. After all, the master has done many such daring things since he was a child. What is so special about the young man that he can make his master, who has always been high-spirited, bet on him for once? Just find someone to recharge, right?
What's more, this person is still a remnant of the Sword Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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