Chapter 85

In the second set, it was still Xu Beiyou who played the black game first.

This time, Xu Beiyou no longer set his son Tianyuan to deliberately pursue the belly fight in the middle game, but changed to a corner fight.

Qiu Guang, who watched the battle from the sidelines, was a little disappointed. Although she was a maid, she was raised as an official lady since she was a child. She was also served by servants and taught by famous teachers. She was the best among the five maids, even compared with Xiao Zhinan, in her opinion, Luozi Tianyuan in the last game was more or less like a thunderbolt, although she was defeated, it was interesting.But in this game, Xu Beiyou not only had no hope of winning, but even the last bit of "something interesting" was completely lost.

Xiao Zhinan lightly tapped the chessboard with two fingers, and said slowly: "This will inevitably be a bit boring. Last time you came to attack and I defended, how about this time I attack and you defend?"

Xiao Zhinan picked up a chess piece and dropped it lightly.

This time, Xiao Zhinan's style of chess changed suddenly. He was no longer like the last one with a needle hidden in the cotton, but rather bold and resolute, not giving up an inch of ground, and started a tragic fight with Xu Beiyou on the corner.

Xiao Zhinan in this game is the same as Xu Beiyou in the previous game, like a sharp sword out of its sheath, cold and invincible, but Xu Beiyou does not have Xiao Zhinan's ability to hide needles in cotton, so this game just reached the middle of the game, Xu Beiyou It has completely collapsed, and once again surrendered.

Xiao Zhinan looked at the chessboard, blinked Qiushui's long eyes, and asked, "Continue?"

Xu Beiyou nodded.

The chessboard was restored to its original shape again by two maids.

Xu Beiyou said slowly: "Why don't you hold the white first in this game of chess?"

The so-called seat means that before the game, both sides put two stones on the four-pointed star position, also known as the momentum, which can limit the first-hand advantage and pay more attention to the fight in the middle game.

Xiao Zhinan looked calm, said a good word, and then made the first move.

This time, Xu Beiyou's expression was solemn, his moves were extremely slow, and the time to think about each step became longer and longer.

This chess game lasted for an hour, and Xu Beiyou finally survived the middle stage.

After 120 eight moves, Xu Beiyou's black chess fell into a hard fight, while Xiao Zhinan's white chess still had the first-hand advantage.If Xu Beiyou can have a clever move at this time, it may not be impossible to turn defeat into victory. Unfortunately, Xu Beiyou has tried his best to get to this point. After barely sustaining to 180 moves, Xiao Zhinan stabilized the situation and closed first.

Xu Beiyou, who had lost three games in a row, shook his head calmly, gently playing with a cool black jade chess piece.Although it had been expected that Xiao Zhinan's chess strength was not weak, he still did not expect that even though he had exhausted all his strength in the last game, he still had no hope of winning the game.

Qiu Guang looked at the endgame and frowned. She knew best how the master's chess skills were. She never expected that Xu Beiyou could fight Xiao Zhinan in the third game to the final stage. It really surprised her that a person like Xu Beiyou, who was already established according to the theory, could make such progress in just one night.

Xiao Zhinan stretched his waist, and said with a smile: "You have been taught by a famous teacher, but you didn't pay attention to it, and that famous teacher didn't teach it deeply. It's really not easy to have this kind of chess ability. You don't have to be discouraged, I learned chess at the age of six, and I have been taught by three big national players, if I was won by a half-assed player like you, then I would be wronged, and my three national players would also be pissed to death."

"It's very interesting." Xu Beiyou put down the black jade chess piece in his hand.

Xiao Zhinan shook his head and said: "It's interesting, but it's only interesting. No matter how many changes there are on the chessboard, it will be dead after all. Compared with the game of chess in the world, it's too far behind. A strategist, let alone a chess player who manipulates the general trend of the world."

Following Xiao Zhinan's example, Xu Beiyou leaned back in his chair, "The ancients had an appointment of ten rounds, we might as well follow the example of the ancients today, and play three rounds first, and save the next seven rounds for later."

Xiao Zhinan nodded, and waved for several maids to back off.

After Qiu Guang and the other two maids left holding the chessboard and chess pot, Xiao Zhinan said, "In a few days, I will leave the Northeast, go to Yanzhou, and then transfer from Yanzhou to Qizhou."

In the three-game fight just now, Xu Beiyou had one of the biggest gains. He gradually adapted to the aura of Xiao Zhinan, a noble lady, and his mentality did not fluctuate much. At that time, Kang maintained a far-sighted and quiet attitude towards the woman in front of him, and calmly said: "Maybe I will go to the grassland, and maybe I will go to Houjian."

Xu Beiyou's answer was not beyond Xiao Zhinan's expectation, she just said with a little regret: "That's the opposite."

Xu Beiyou smiled, "I'm not like you, I can stand alone, and I'm still under the protection of Master."

Xiao Zhinan did not meet Gongsun Zhongmou, who could be regarded as her grandfather, when she came to the Liao Palace this time, but from the descriptions in the files of Mudan and Anwei Mansion, she could imagine the demeanor of the master of the Sword Sect.From the bottom of her heart, she doesn't like this old man with good wrists. This old man is very different from Xu Beiyou. People gave each other almost the same evaluation, with deep scheming.

In the end, Xiao Zhinan personally sent Xu Beiyou out of Qinglingju, and with a slight smile when he parted, Xu Beiyou, who had finally strengthened his defense just now, almost failed again.

Back in Qinglianju, Xu Beiyou took off his outer robe, sat in the study, held a cup of tea, took a sip, and sighed softly: "This Xiao Zhinan is not simple. In this day, I have met her twice, but it is better than fighting ten times." The two wolf robbers are still tired, almost no less than a life-and-death battle."

Song Guanguan on the side frowned and asked, "What exactly does this girl from the Xiao family want to do?"

Xu Beiyou was silent for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I still can't see clearly, but I can guess one or two. Think about why Xiao Mahe went to great lengths to invite Master to Julu City."

Song Guanguan said thoughtfully: "The king of Lingwu County asked the suzerain to go to Julu City. Apart from other things, he mainly wanted to use the suzerain to deal with the Daomen Town Demon Palace, so that the suzerain could contain the Town Demon Palace, so that the Taoist sect had no time to take care of Julu City. It's about the mutual market."

Xu Beiyou said softly: "So, I guess Xiao Zhinan also wants to use me to check and balance someone or something."

Song Guanguan was stunned.

Xu Beiyou said with emotion: "But it can be seen that Xiao Zhinan is still undecided, she is considering me. And I am also waiting to see how sincere she is in releasing the bait, and then decide whether to bite the hook or not. I have to say , this woman, she herself is a big bait that men can hardly refuse."

Song Guanguan's smile became a bit narrower, "What does the young master mean by that, that you have taken a fancy to that noble lady?"

Xu Beiyou drank the hot tea in his cup, savoring the hot and slightly bitter taste in his mouth, "Don't say those self-deceiving words, let's be honest, it's useless for me to look at others, they have to look at me."

Song Guanguan hesitated for a moment, and asked late, "Does the suzerain know?"

Xu Beiyou said helplessly: "I asked Master, he only told me to wait and sink, but he didn't say anything dead."

Song Guanguan then asked: "Young Master, what is your plan?"

Xu Beiyou said: "There is no good way, this woman is more powerful than me, I can't subdue her, at least not now, I can only wait and see."

Song Guanguan sighed, "Young master is becoming more and more like a suzerain now, and he is always weighing things up. I was looking at things that are so romantic, but after being said by the young master, there is only the smell of money and calculation."

Xu Beiyou put down the empty teacup in his hand, and sighed, "Because only in this way can we go up."

(End of this chapter)

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