That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 896 Three Punches Are Three Swords Out

Chapter 896

Xu Beiyou didn't speak. The palm of his right hand that punched just now was covered by the cuff, and only his fingers were exposed to clasp the jade belt around his waist.

Qi Xianyun came behind Ksitigarbha and asked softly, "Ksitigarbha, is this person really a member of the Sword Sect?"

The Ksitigarbha King said in a deep voice: "Although since the Jianzong was destroyed, the various methods of the Jianzong have been handed down in the world, but the inanimate sword energy hidden in the needle in the hand cannot be used by everyone, it is not the true inheritance of the Jianzong. No."

Before Qi Xianyun could speak, Xu Beiyou opened his mouth and said, "Actually, at the [-]th floor of the Earth Immortal, one method can be mastered and all methods can be mastered. If it is replaced by a real person in charge to use this inanimate sword energy, it will not be much worse. .”

Ksitigarbha narrowed his eyes, "Your Excellency, you mean that you already have the realm of the [-]th floor of the Earth Immortal? Are you the late founding master Wanyan Beiyue? Or the Sword Sect master Xu Beiyou?"

Xu Beiyou said nothing, and raised his hand to signal Li Shentong to go to Zhang Yuping.

After Li Shentong trotted over, Xu Beiyou slowly opened his mouth and said: "I don't use a sword today, I use fists instead of swords. If there are three of you, I will throw three punches. As long as you can catch my three punches, I will let you leave this place." , It was the first punch just now."

Ksitigarbha took a deep breath and said softly, "Miss Twelfth, please step back."

Qi Xianyun didn't move, but asked instead: "Will this person be your opponent? You are at the [-]th floor of the Earth Immortal. Even if he is a swordsman on the [-]th floor of the Earth Immortal, he will never fight beyond the third level." reason."

The Ksitigarbha King shook his head and said, "Miss Twelve, do you still think that this person is only in the realm of the twelfth floor of the Earth Immortal? Since he dared to speak like this, no matter how low his realm is, he would not be lower than the old man, but this is still the most important thing. Good situation, if he is..."

Qi Xianyun was shocked and said: "Could it be that he is still at the sixteenth floor of the Earth Immortal? Apart from Xu Beiyou and Zhang Xueyao, Gongsun Zhongmou and Shangguan Qinghong are all dead in the sword sect. Where did such a number one come from?"

Ksitigarbha King's eyes darkened, "If it's the worst case, I'm afraid it's that person who came in person."

Then the old man took a step forward and made a defensive posture with his hands.

Qi Xianyun finally took a step back, because she had already vaguely guessed the identity of the person in front of her.

But she was only taking a step back.

The old man frowned, and said directly with his spiritual thoughts: "Miss Twelfth, if that person is really coming here in person, the old man can't stop him, so he can only try his best to delay it. It is considered as doing his best to obey the destiny. When the old man is trying his best to delay, We must leave this place as soon as possible, return to Jiangling and report this matter to Madam, and ask her to make a decision, after all, Jiangling is only a mere distance from here..."

Xu Beiyou, who had never spoken, suddenly interrupted the old man's voice transmission, "Although this place is only twenty miles away from Jiangling Prefecture, it's nothing to a cultivator in the realm of the fairyland, but to me, it's nothing. It's nothing, I want to kill, no one can escape."

The old man's face was shocked, and then suddenly turned pale, and murmured: "It's really you."

Xu Beiyou didn't speak, but stretched out his right hand from the wide sleeve of his robe and clenched it into a fist.

This is his second punch, which is both a sword and a punch, so it has both sword intent and fist intent.

Needless to say, sword intent, since Xiao Shen's death, he and Bingchen are the only sword immortals in the world, even when they are writing with a pen, they still have sword intent.As for the boxing intention, based on his relationship with the Daqi Xiao family, it is reasonable to know some Xiao family boxing intentions, but it is funny to say that this boxing is not learned from Lao Taishan Xiao Xuan, but learned from his sister-in-law. Xiao Yuanying.

Especially the scene of Xiao Yuanying practicing boxing in the heavy snow made Xu Beiyou's memory particularly deep.

Shaking his arms and hitting the sky, stomping the earthquake in Kyushu.

I saw Xu Beiyou's fist darting out, hitting the old man's arms crossed in front of his chest like a rainbow.

First, a clearly visible fist mark appeared on the old man's right arm, and it fell down.

Immediately afterwards, a blood hole exploded in the old man's left arm, piercing through the membrane, muscles, and arm bones.

In the end, a blood mist exploded on the old man's chest, and the chest was bloody and bloody.

Ksitigarbha looked down at his chest, his expression was still calm.

Qi Xianyun behind him hesitated to speak.

The old man slowly opened his mouth and said: "There are only a handful of people in the world who can break through the triple physique of an old man with one punch, and this punch not only has the essence of the Xiao family's boxing intention, but also has the true meaning of the sword sect's swordsmanship. There is no second choice among them.”

Xu Beiyou said flatly, "There is one last punch."

The old man said with emotion: "The first two punches have both fist intent and half sword intent, but this last punch probably has only the shape of a fist but no intention of punching."

Xu Beiyou didn't speak.

The right hand is still clenched into a fist.

As the old man said, there was no trace of the Xiao family's fisting intention in this punch, only the mighty sword energy leaked out, circulating endlessly in this small world, like a long river rushing at noon, with sparkling waves.

Ksitigarbha is a long-established master in the Taoist sect. If it is the face of the Taoist sect to teach the real person Qiuye and the black-clothed Chenye, then the Ksitigarbha king is the face of the Taoist sect. Although he is only the last person among the great real people, it can be seen that the old man is extraordinary. He is especially good at melee combat and is famous for his strong physique. It is rumored that he once asked the abbot of Buddhism, Zen Master Qiuyue, for advice on how to temper his physique. Dao, realized the five-point true meaning of the Buddhist golden body, and then combined with the Taoist's impeccable body.

Ksitigarbha King's feet are slightly spread apart, and his left hand is erected on his chest, like a monk saluting.

Xu Beiyou punched out, there was no sign of wind and thunder, just an understatement.

But the long river of sword energy also moved accordingly.

Like water from the Milky Way coming from the sky, it slammed into Ksitigarbha King's body, and countless sword qi rose like mist.

Ksitigarbha King trembled all over, and countless fine blood oozes from all over his body, staining his clothes red.

Since they are destined to be unable to leave, they hope that Xu Beiyou will keep his promise, as long as he can bear three punches, Xu Beiyou will let the three of them leave.

It has to be said that Ksitigarbha King is very decisive, and he is also ruthless enough to cut off the wrists of a strong man, but since Xu Beiyou has already made a move, he will not show mercy. With this punch, he is bound to kill the third chief deacon of the Temple of Demons.

The majestic sword energy seemed endless, although the first half hit Ksitigarbha's body and exploded into countless "water mist", but the second half still did not see the end, and it went on and on and on and on.

Ksitigarbha's posture remained unchanged, but his whole figure was difficult to stay still, he kept retreating, and later, he even began to sway and tremble violently.

This long river of sword qi is actually composed of countless small and mixed sword qi, rushing out together, like a river of mud and sand. With his diamond physique, he blocked the most powerful Forty-Nine Platinum Sword Qi, but he couldn't stop the feminine and lifeless Sword Qi, which was penetrated into the body along the skin texture by strands of cow hair sword Qi.

After an unknown amount of time, this seemingly endless river of sword energy finally came to an end and gradually dried up.

Ksitigarbha, who blocked all the sword energy, was already crumbling.

But there is still a punch at the end of this sword.

Qi Xianyun's eyelids trembled involuntarily.

This punch is a sword.

Finally, Ksitigarbha no longer maintained the posture of standing upright in front of his chest, and stretched out his left hand, advancing instead of retreating, and bumped head-on.

(End of this chapter)

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