That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 897: Toasting, not eating, drinking and punishing

Chapter 897: Toasting, not eating, drinking and punishing

But he underestimated Xu Beiyou's punch, and overestimated his vajra physique.

Ksitigarbha raised his left hand to receive the punch, but within a split second there was a crackling sound, and his left hand fell as slumped as his right.

Although Xu Beiyou doesn't have a three-foot green sword in his hand, he has a three-foot sword aura!

There was a bit of despair in the eyes of Ksitigarbha, and he could only watch helplessly as the punch landed on his chest.

When Xu Beiyou's punch was carried out, not only the old man's entire chest was shattered, but a scarlet blood flower burst open at the back of his heart.

A beam of sword energy slowly dissipated behind Ksitigarbha King.

The sword had already penetrated the old man's chest.

The advantage of Ksitigarbha King is that his body is like a diamond, and he is as immovable as a mountain. If he is against a swordsman of the same realm, although it is difficult to win, it is also very difficult to lose. As high as a mountain, no matter you are blown by wind and waves, I will stand still.

But if he faced a sword cultivator with a higher realm than him, then he could only let himself be beaten.

Xu Beiyou, as the only [-]th-floor sword fairy in the world, even if he had never used Zhu Xian, it would not be difficult to kill an opponent whose realm was lower than his own.

Ksitigarbha, who was pierced through the chest by a sword, remained motionless, drenched in blood.

Xu Beiyou slowly withdrew his fist that landed on the old man's chest, looked past the old man and looked at Qi Xianyun behind him, this Taoist fairy who had already had a premonition looked sad and his lips trembled slightly.

Since the person in front of him is the newly promoted [-]th Floor Sword Immortal Xu Beiyou, it is a great blessing that Ksitigarbha was seriously injured and dying under his sword, and it is even more likely that he died on the spot.

Xu Beiyou looked at this woman who was considered to be on par with him not long ago, an undisguised murderous intent flashed across his face, but it dissipated after a while and regained his calm.

Qi Xianyun's face was pale, and he murmured: "Ksitigarbha..."

The old man didn't respond in half.

Qi Xianyun's face became paler and his anxiety grew heavier.

Xu Beiyou stepped back a few steps, his right hand was covered by the big sleeve again.

At the same time, Ksitigarbha, who had been standing still, finally fell to the ground.

Now everyone can confirm that Ksitigarbha, the third chief deacon of the dignified Daomen Town Demon Hall, failed to withstand Xu Beiyou's third punch after all, and died on the spot.

Qi Xianyun's body trembled undetectably.

The scene just now is still vivid.

Xu Beiyou only threw three punches from the beginning to the end. The first punch was just to block the Ksitigarbha King's preemptive attack. The second punch was still a little tentative, but after the third punch no longer left half of his hand behind, it was a punch that overwhelmed him. The Ksitigarbha King in the fifteenth floor of the Earth Immortal was beaten to death.

The third chief deacon of Tangtang Town Demon Hall died without a sound.

He couldn't even get the new master of the Sword Sect to draw Zhu Xian's sword.

Could it be that the Sword Immortal in the realm of the eighteenth floor is so terrifying?

Just when Qi Xianyun was slightly at a loss, Ling Yun, who had been silent all this time, suddenly stepped forward, stood in front of Qi Xianyun, and said calmly, "Sect Master Xu."

Xu Beiyou said with a faint smile, "Brother Lingyun, it's been more than a year since we left the imperial capital, and I never expected to see you again under such circumstances."

Ling Yun said slowly: "However, after more than a year, Sect Master Xu has already inherited the lineage of Jianzong, which is really unexpected."

Xu Beiyou hummed, and suddenly said, "Brother Lingyun, although we have our own positions and disagree with each other, I admire your character, so I would like to present you with a bowl of wine."

As soon as the words fell, the wine jar and sea bowl on the table in front of Zhang Yuping moved by themselves, and after filling the two bowls of wine, they flew to Xu Beiyou and Ling Yun respectively.

Xu Beiyou caught the wine bowl and raised his hand to Ling Yun, "Brother Ling Yun, you have a chivalrous spirit, something I yearn for but don't have, so you must drink this bowl of wine."

Ling Yun hesitated a little, but still reached out to catch the wine bowl.

Xu Beiyou raised his wine bowl and said, "First, I respect you as a person; second, I respect your chivalry; third..."

Xu Beiyou paused slightly, then smiled and said, "Let's not talk about the third one, I respect you, so I won't kill you today."

Ling Yun held the wine bowl, but didn't drink immediately.

After Xu Beiyou drank the wine in his hand, he continued: "If brother Lingyun is willing to go to Jiangdu with me, no matter the status of Jianzong or the official position of the court, it is up to you to choose."

Ling Yun said calmly: "You should know what kind of person I am, Ling Yun."

Xu Beiyou laughed at himself, and said, "Naturally, there are many. If Daoist Brother Lingyun really followed me to Jiangdu, I wouldn't toast you with this bowl of wine."

Ling Yun didn't speak, and waited for the next article.

Xu Beiyou turned his gaze to Qi Xianyun, and said, "Since Daoist Brother Lingyun is unwilling to come, Xu is naturally not willing to make things difficult for others, but Fairy Qi must stay, life or death is optional."

Ling Yun let go of his palm, let the wine bowl fall to the ground, and the wine in the bowl spilled all over the ground, and said in a deep voice, "I can't drink this bowl of wine."

Xu Beiyou threw away the empty wine bowl, and said in a low voice, "There is love."

The next moment, seeing no movement from Xu Beiyou, Ling Yun flew upside down, out of Xu Beiyou's Little Thousand World, crashed through the wall, and landed outside the inn.

The two who were once evenly matched are now worlds apart.Although Ksitigarbha couldn't let Xu Beiyou use his sword, he could at least let Xu Beiyou use his punches, but Ling Yun didn't even have the qualifications to let Xu Beiyou use his punches.

Xu Beiyou raised his voice slightly, "Brother Ling Yun, this is the third point of my toast, but unfortunately you don't want to eat my toast, so you can only drink as a fine."

At this moment, Qi Xianyun calmed down, "Xu Beiyou, what are you going to do?"

Xu Beiyou looked at her and said calmly, "I've always been curious about why the Master Teacher favors you so much."

Then he glanced at the old man's corpse on the ground out of the corner of his eye, and continued: "Even the powerful third deacon of the dignified Demon Town Hall should be honored as Miss Twelve, even though you are ranked No. .12, but the 11 people in front of you don’t seem to have such a precedent. Even with the exception of Tianyun, Wuyunsou and Baiyunzi, the other seven should take the initiative to lower their stance when facing these powerful people , even Tian Yun and the others are nothing more than equals."

Qi Xianyun's face changed slightly.

Xu Beiyou said with a smile: "I used to think that the so-called female head teacher was just a joke, but today, the situation has reached such a dangerous point, and the Taoist head teacher still insists on not appointing the first disciple, which makes Xu have to give birth to a lot of research. Heart, is the rumor that the so-called woman is in charge of the teacher true?"

Qi Xianyun suddenly shouted: "Shut up!"

Xu Beiyou clapped his hands and said, "It seems that I guessed it right. The Daoist Master's plan is not only for thousands of generations of Taoism, but also for thousands of generations of one family and one family name. It seems that the reason why someone wanted to set you up To die is not only because of the battle for the first disciple, but also for the future of the Taoist sect."

Qi Xianyun's face was no longer pale.

(End of this chapter)

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