That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 903 2 Sword Bone Forged Sword Immortal

Chapter 903 Twelve Sword Bone Forged Sword Immortal

It's just that in front of Xu Beiyou, not to mention the sixteenth floor of the earth immortal, even the eighteenth floor of the earth immortal is nothing. What's more, this kind of cultivation level that relies on secret methods to forcibly elevate is like a castle in the air, without even a half foundation at all.

Seeing this scene, Tianyun couldn't remain indifferent. With a wave of his sleeves, the Tianshu Tower in his hand flew into the sky, and at the same time it began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was more than ten feet high in a short time, although it was not as high as the headmaster of the Taoist sect. Linglong Tower, but its momentum is extremely frightening.

After feeling the rising aura behind him, Bing Chen, who stood at the front, frowned, but soon felt relieved.

Then she took a step forward.

During the first battle in Jiangdu City, Xu Beiyou stepped into the city, claiming that he was the best of men and the best of swords.

Today, she repays him with his way.

At the same time, the three behind her, Emperor Fengdu, King Yama, and the Central Ghost Emperor, each took a step forward, forming horns with each other.

Xu Beiyou was indifferent to this, he didn't seem to be hostile to life and death, and even seemed to be defiant. If you don't have bones, you can achieve the posture of an invincible sword fairy. I know that my aptitude is blunt, and I can't compete with the talents of the world because of external forces, so I started to search for the twelve swords of the sword sect in the world."

"When I was ten years old, on the cliff outside Xiaofangzhai, I ran into Sun Zhongmou, my former teacher. He exchanged Xia Chan for the birth of Zhuxian, and formed a relationship between master and apprentice. Before leaving, my first teacher left Tianlan with a sword."

After the words fell, a white brilliance flew over and hung in front of Xu Beiyou's body.

"When I was 20 years old, I followed my master on a trip to the northwest, and came to the Thousand Buddha Caves outside Dunhuang City. Here I met the sick tiger Zhang Wubing, and Zhang Wubing gave him a sword to ward off evil spirits."

A crimson brilliance swept over, juxtaposed with the white brilliance.

"I was still 20 years old. I practiced sword alone. I went all the way to Julu City. Outside Julu City, I met Song Guanguan. Song Guanguan took back the inexplicable sword from Ye Zui, the deacon of the Town Demon Palace, and gave it to me."

The third brilliance arrived with the voice.

"In the battle of Lianhua Peak on Biyou Island, my first master lost to Taoist head teacher Qiu Ye, and led me to escape from Biyou Island. When he was dying, he handed over his sword Xuanming to me."

A black brilliance descended from the sky.

"After my teacher passed away, I went to the south of the Yangtze River alone. I met Xiao Yuanying in Huizhou, and then I met Taoist Wuye who was holding the five poisons. I joined hands with Xiao Yuanying to defeat the Taoist Wuye, but failed to capture the five poisons. Instead, the five poisons fell one after another. It was put into the hands of Zhang Zhaonu and Wu Le, and after several twists and turns, the five poisons were finally retrieved from Wu Lezhi."

There are colorful brilliance.

"After arriving in Jiangdu, I met Aunt Qin, and Aunt Qin gave me a Chilian sword with her kindness and help."

Strong blood energy immediately permeated the air, and there was a flash of blood in it.

"When I first arrived in Jiangdu, there was Zhao Tinghu carrying Zidian sword to provoke me, but I was defeated and had to leave Zidian behind."

The purple lightning flashed away.

"For my engagement, I left Jiangdu for the imperial capital. Before leaving, my teacher gave me the sword Baihong."

White light pierces the sun like a rainbow.

"Before getting married, Lao Taishan took the Huanglong Sword from Xiao Shen and gave it to me as a gift."

Accompanied by bursts of dragon chant, a golden light exploded.

"In the 23rd year of Taiping, I returned to Biyou Island and met Chen Gongyu here. Chen Gongyu was the treasure of the sword seizing sect, and he did not hesitate to use the sword Tianwen as a bait to plot against me, so I got another sword from Tianwen. "

The blue light is like the blue sky.

"Because of Chen Gongyu's scheming, by chance, I entered the secret realm left by the ancestor of the Sword Sect, and got a special sword from it."

There is a looming jade-white brilliance coming here.

"After I escaped from the secret realm, it coincided with the great change in the imperial capital, so I returned to the imperial capital, where I killed the sword sect's rebellion against Xiao Shen, and got Qingshuang's sword."

The cyan brilliance arrived and just made up the number of twelve.

Twelve beams of light, that is, twelve swords, all hung in front of Xu Beiyou's body.

Xu Beiyou smiled, "My path is very different from yours. To put it bluntly, I am looking for swords. When Xiao Shen died, I finally gathered the twelve swords of the Sword Sect, absorbed his sword energy and spirit, and perfected my own way of the sword. , stepping into the realm of the eighteenth floor of the earth immortal."

After Xu Beiyou's voice fell, twelve sword qi shot up into the sky, like twelve sword pillars connecting the sky and the earth.

Bingchen raised his head and looked towards the sky.

In the sky, the wind is surging, and there are various brilliance surging in the sea of ​​rolling clouds, rolling like boiling water, which is very spectacular.

Xu Beiyou took a step forward and walked out of the range of the sword formation, leaving only Qi Xianyun in it.

Seeing this scene, Old Man Wuyun asked, "What's going on?"

Tian Yun said with a gloomy face: "Xu Beiyou is so arrogant, so defiant."

Wuyun old man shook his head and said: "Not necessarily, maybe he has something to rely on, so he is confident."

Tian Yun did not speak.

When they came here today, the lady behind the scenes meant very clearly, that is to rescue Qi Xianyun. As for whether to kill Xu Beiyou, there were only four of them, and they did what they could.As long as Qi Xianyun can be rescued safely, it doesn't matter whether Xu Beiyou is killed or not.

Of course, everyone knew that unless Xu Beiyou was fighting to the death, otherwise, their attempt to kill Xu Beiyou would be tantamount to nonsense.

A sword fairy on the eighteenth floor, plus Zhu Xian, the world's number one offensive weapon, if Xu Beiyou wanted to leave, who would be able to stop him?Even if it can be stopped, who in the field is willing to risk their lives to stop it?

Tian Yun said softly: "There is indeed something strange, Xu Beiyou seems to be waiting for us to come over."

Old Man Wuyun's eyes were gloomy, "If this is a trap set up by Jianzong and the imperial court..."

With a heavy heart, Tian Yun frowned and said: "That's really a murder with a borrowed sword. Jianzong is the sword, Madam is the one who borrowed the sword, and you and I are the ones who are killed."

Old man Wuyun took a deep breath.

At this time, Xu Beiyou said again: "These twelve swords form a cage of sword formations, right behind Xu, so it is actually very simple for you to save Qi Xianyun, first defeat me, and then put this sword formation Break away, so that Qi Xianyun can be taken away and returned to Mrs. Murong."

Bingchen frowned and said, "Xu Beiyou, An dare to trust you so much."

Xu Beiyou smiled and said nothing, just stretched out his hand, as if waiting for someone to hand the sword into his hand.

The next moment, I saw that the originally gorgeous sea of ​​clouds in the sky seemed to be pierced severely by someone, and a huge hole appeared.

There is a huge sword energy rushing from behind the sea of ​​clouds, like the water of the Qinghe River coming up from the sky, or like the Milky Way falling down from the sky.

This sword energy falls straight down like a long rainbow. If there is an immortal sitting on the cloud nine and looking down at the world, he can see an extremely bright spot of light. Even if he looks at the entire vast land, it is extremely eye-catching.

This sword energy fell into Xu Beiyou's hands and turned into a sword.

The body of the sword is black, entangled with purple and blue sword energy, and there is a faint glint of blood on the spine of the sword.

At the same time, Bingchen, who had been motionless after taking a step forward, finally started to move forward.

It seems to be waiting for this moment.

If the sword 36 is just a bequest from the ancestors of the predecessors, then Bingchen has lived for nearly a hundred years, and he also has a sword.

Turn body into sword.

Therefore, the ultimate human being is the ultimate sword.

This is the No.34 five swords that Bingchen realized after stopping at Sword 35, which is completely different from Sword 30.

This sword came within walking distance of Xu Beiyou in an instant.

Countless Zhuxian sword qi scattered around Xu Beiyou's body were all bounced off by this sword, and they couldn't get close to it.

Xu Beiyou was a little surprised but not horrified. He was surprised that Bingchen used a trick that was almost desperate for his life from the very beginning.

But he wasn't too afraid, because he didn't think he would lose.

Even if Bingchen is a sword fairy in the same realm as him, even if there are five other people behind Bingchen.


(End of this chapter)

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