That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 904 1 Like the Great Sword Immortal Back then

Chapter 904 Just like the great sword fairy back then
Xu Beiyou in front of Hengjian.

Then Bingchen's sword directly hit Zhu Xian.

I saw that Bingchen's two fingers broke through the heavy purple and blue sword energy covering Zhuxian's sword, and directly touched Zhuxian's sword, and then the whole sword body began to tremble uncontrollably, spreading from the sword body to the sword, and then from the sword It spread to the hilt, and finally to the palm holding the hilt.

But Xu Beiyou's right hand holding the sword was as stable as Mount Tai, and it didn't move at all.

During the Great Chu Dynasty, there used to be a mountain named Taishan, where more than [-] people gathered together, claiming to be one hundred and eight aliens, who divided one side and fought against the imperial court. Therefore, there is a saying among the people that if there is no three-thirds, how dare you go to Taishan .

In the same way, Xu Beiyou was not [-]% sure, so how could he dare to be so big.

Xu Beiyou held his sword horizontally in front of his body, it was as motionless and stable as the earth, with the sword intent of the sword 35, it cannot be broken by a single sword unless the sword 35 breaks the ground.

So Bingchen's sword will stop here.

Logically speaking, when Xu Beiyou received the sword, he either stood still in place, or retreated to relieve his strength, or even advanced instead of retreating, but Xu Beiyou did not move, nor did he retreat, let alone move forward. , but rose from the ground and skyrocketed.

Xu Beiyou swept towards the high sky with one sword, passed through the tumbling clouds, and came to the colorful sea of ​​clouds, stepping on Zhu Xian.

When he looked up, he could see a round of scorching golden sun above his head, and countless golden lights splashed down, coating the sea of ​​clouds and his body with a layer of gold that seemed to be real.

Xu Beiyou, who was bathed in the golden light, stepped on the Zhuxian sword and lost his mind for a moment.

Bing Chen, who was standing where Xu Beiyou was originally standing, looked up, and the energy in his body began to flow rapidly, and the momentum of his whole body rose layer by layer, so that his clothes were billowing and hunting, and even his white hair was fluttering, revealing the hidden treasures hidden for many years. A beautiful face concealed by white hair.

At the same time, Emperor Fengdu's face was heavy, and he asked the central ghost emperor beside him who was proficient in the art of qi-watching: "Could it be that Xu Beiyou has some backhand here? Is it a formation? Or an ambush?"

The Central Ghost Emperor closed his eyes and concentrated on feeling for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Nothing, apart from Xu Beiyou and his sword energy, there is no other energy mechanism. Apart from that, I only noticed that Xu Beiyou seemed to be distracted. Extra breath, go to the east, but because the distance is too far, I can't be sure what Xu Beiyou is going to do."

Emperor Fengdu frowned and said: "East, what is there in the east? To the east is Jiangdu. It is true that Jiangdu has a large formation left by the court of the Great Chu, but after so many years of changes, it has long been incomplete and far from the imperial capital. Taking a step back, even if Jianzong and the Daqi court had already repaired the great formation in Jiangdu City in secret, it would not be able to quench the thirst of the near and far, even if Xu Beiyou had great supernatural powers, he would not be able to restore the great formation in Jiangdu City. Let’s move here…”

Suddenly, Emperor Fengdu's voice stopped abruptly, because he suddenly thought of a more terrifying possibility.

To the east of this place is Jiangdu, but further east of Jiangdu is the vast East China Sea. In addition to Wei Guo, there are 36 islands in the East China Sea, which are the 36 islands of Jianzong back then.

It was obvious to all that Jianzong was able to stand against the Daoist sect back then, which shows its deep foundation. If Jianzong did not insist on going against the trend and lead to the loss of elites in the sect, even with Xiao Shen's internal response and external cooperation, the Daoist sect would not be able to get what they wanted.

Although the current Jianzong cannot be compared with the Jianzong of the past, not to mention that there are very few masters in the sect, and even the only remaining Gongsun Zhongmou and Shangguan Qinghong have died one after another, which is even worse. The Shangguan Xianchen era of Jianzong was even more extreme. Only Xu Beiyou was the pillar. Emperor Fengdu would not be at all surprised if there were any secret handwriting left by the ancestor of Jianzong hidden in the 36 islands in the East China Sea of ​​Jianzong's ancestral court.

What's more, Xu Beiyou had just entered the secret realm of Jianzong not long ago, and after coming out of it, he jumped into the realm of the seventeenth floor of the earth immortal. It is undoubtedly a great opportunity, and if there are other unexpected gains, it is also reasonable.

At this moment Xu Beiyou, standing in the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, looked at the magnificent scene in front of him, and remembered the battle of Dongdu that he heard from his master back then. In that battle, Xiao Lie and Xiao Yu, father and son, joined hands to force the palace against Emperor Shenzong of Zheng. Emperor Shenzong of the Great Zheng was unwilling to sit still and wait for his death, so he invited out the Great Sword Immortal Shangguan Xianchen who had been imprisoned for twenty years.

Shangguan Xianchen left Jianzhong Island where the retreat was located, and took Wan Jian from Jianzhong Island, crossed the East China Sea, traveled northward, and finally arrived at the Eastern Capital, which had not yet been renamed the imperial capital.

In that battle, Shangguan Xianchen fought against the three Taoist peak masters alone, and won a big victory.

When Xu Beiyou heard this place, he couldn't help yearning for it.

Deep down in his heart, Xu Beiyou yearned for the sword sect he had never caught up with back then, that is, the "former sword sect" in the Taoist population. It was the era when Shangguan Xianchen was half of the sword sect, and the sword energy of Lianhuafeng soared into the sky The era of majestic as new, the era when millions of swords were buried on Jianzhong Island, the era when nearly a thousand sword furnaces were opened to cast swords at the same time on Biyou Island, the era of Jianzong's heyday when everyone in Weiguo wore swords.

Of course, it is also an era when Jianzong and Great Sword Fairy Shangguan Xianchen are heading towards eternal doom.

Xu Beiyou suddenly thought of the blue sea and blue sky of Biyou Island, the white sandy beach, the emerald green forest, and the broken walls and ruins hidden by the trees.

Although Xu Beiyou has only been to Biyou Island twice, that's all, but he feels that he has been bound there for 20 years, so what he has to do is to regain Biyou Island, rebuild Biyou Island, and re-establish the Sword Sect , to reproduce the glory of Jianzong back then.

Xu Beiyou knew what he wanted to do a long time ago.

Xu Beiyou looked at the sea of ​​rolling clouds beneath his feet, and said softly, "Mo Dao has a bumpy road ahead, and the road to the world is uneven."

This sentence is a true portrayal of his journey along the way.

Xu Beiyou finally said to himself: "The common people in the world, the rise and fall of the family and the country, how can we turn a blind eye to it."

Xu Beiyou raised his palm, as if to raise his arms and call out.

Thousands of miles away in the East China Sea, countless swords are buried on the lifeless Jianzhong Island.

In fact, the so-called burial of the sword is not to bury the sword completely in the soil, but to pierce the sword into the ground. Only half of the sword body is hidden under the ground, and the sword body including the hilt stands above the ground.

Countless swords are like this, as spectacular as a forest.

All of a sudden, countless "burial swords" all over the entire Jianzhong Island began to tremble, at first only a few, then the sound of the sword cries became louder and louder, resounding throughout the entire Jianzhong Island, shaking off the veil that had shrouded Jianzhong Island for many years. The dense fog finally rushed straight to the sky and scattered the clouds in the sky.

While a rusty long sword was trembling, the entire blade was trembling endlessly, and the trembling was getting bigger and bigger. Finally, after a sharp sound of gold and stone, it seemed to be held by an invisible hand The hilt of the sword was pulled out from the ground by itself, and there was still a little bit of dirt on the tip of the sword.

Then the long sword began to rise slowly and flew into the sky.

At the same time, this scene continued to be staged in other places on Jianzuka Island.

The long swords were pulled out of the ground one after another, and the long swords floated up in the air.

In the end, almost ten thousand long swords rose into the sky.

Such a large number of swords gathered in the air to form a mighty dragon, heading west.

Just like Shangguan Xianchen left the island and went to sea back then.

(End of this chapter)

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