That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 924 Famous Teacher General Mo Zijao

Chapter 924 Famous Teacher General Mo Zijao

After Xu Beiyou talked with Zhao Qingshen, Zhao Qing decided to persuade his old friend not to go to Shuzhou for the time being, but to go to Liangxiang first.The old Confucian scholar, or Qian Muzhai, one of the eight Confucian masters, had no objection to this, and heeded the advice of Zhao Qing, an old friend and in-law, and decided to go to Liangxiang first.

Back then, Zhao Qing was defeated in Bohai Mansion, Zhili Prefecture, and followed Xu Hongru to Jiangnan, where he met Qian Muzhai, who had just made his mark in Jiangnan Shilin. The two hit it off and became friends.Later, Zhao Qing returned to Xiao Yu, went to the imperial capital, and started to set up the Tiance Mansion, and the two parted.

It is also a coincidence to say that in the past few decades, Zhao Qingguan went to the military commander of the Northland, with hundreds of thousands of troops under his command, and ruled almost five states. I don't know, but Qian Muzhai at that time was just a junior in the Jiangnan scholar forest, so it can only be said that he was not well-known.In the next few decades, Zhao Qing was hidden in the court of Daqi and gradually became unknown to the world, while Qian Muzhai rose to fame in the Jiangnan Shilin literary circle. , a well-deserved literary dean, everyone knows.

Life is unpredictable, but that's it.

As for the result of the conversation between Xu Beiyou and Zhao Qing, although Zhao Qing didn't reject it outright, he didn't give a clear answer either. He just said that Zhao Qing was a icing on the cake, but he might not be able to deliver carbon in a timely manner.In this regard, Xu Beiyou didn't force anything too much, but said that he would go to Xiangyang City first and then talk.

A group of people turned to Liangxiang.

At this time, Xiao Jin had already started to attack Liangxiang, because after repeated defeats in the Taoist sect, Xiao Jin finally could no longer use any strategy of attacking the heart, so he had no choice but to attack by force. Fortunately, the rear army in the south of the Yangtze River suffered a lot in the battle of Dongting Lake. The disaster was far from being comparable to that at its peak, and the Daqi court was too busy to provide reinforcements at this time, and the Wei army had already occupied most of Huzhou with Jiangling Mansion as the center, and there was no need to worry about military supplies and food, enough to deal with the two Xiangyangs. Start a protracted battle against the fortifications.

Needless to say, the siege of the city was difficult and tragic. It has long been recorded in history books. The flying stones are like rain, the people are like ants, and there are countless casualties.

On the third day after the army of Wei State began to attack the city, Xu Beiyou and his party arrived outside Liangxiang City. The soldiers of Wei State who had just retreated from the city wall did not stop this group of people for the first time, and watched them enter. Passed the gate of Xiangyang City, and then withdrew the troops for a truce.

Because in this group, there are two sword immortals of the [-]th floor, a warrior of the [-]th floor, and a Confucian master.

How can these remnants of the Wei State who have been fighting fiercely for a day stop?
However, in the early morning of the next day, at dawn, King Wei Xiaojin came to Xiangyang City in person under the protection of the six sides of the King Kong Temple and Xiao Lin, the ghost palace.

In addition to his desire to meet the new Sword Sect Master who turned the situation in the south of the Yangtze River by one man and one sword, he was also afraid of Xu Beiyou, so he had to sit in charge himself.

When Xiao Jin rode out with more people, behind him was the densely packed army of Wei State, without seeing the beginning and the end, the soldiers shouted like a mountain shout, like a tsunami.

If it were any other time, I am afraid that Yu Kuang would really despair. Under the tide of Wei State's offensive, he would be trapped in the isolated city. Unless Sun Shaotang in Baidi City sent troops to rescue, it would be very difficult for Liangxiang, who is known as the southeast gateway. Persevere for two months, as long as Liangxiang falls, then Huzhou will have no danger to defend, and the rear army in the south of the Yangtze River can only retreat again and again, all the way to Baidi City, or even retreat into Shuzhou.

The key is that the situation in Shuzhou is very complicated. It is necessary to rush to the south of the Yangtze River, but also to take care of the northwest, and it is also necessary to guard against the barbarians in southern Xinjiang who have retreated into the [-] mountains. Under such circumstances, can Sun Shaotang send troops to rescue, and how many troops can he send? , among which there is still doubt, Yu Kuang has already prepared for the worst.

However, in such a situation, the arrival of Xu Beiyou and others is undoubtedly a timely rain, allowing Yu Kuang to experience the taste of a long drought and rain.

After Xu Beiyou entered the city, he first met Zhang Yuping and Li Shentong. Li Shentong had gone through several battles. Although his kendo cultivation had not improved much, his gaseous state was obviously different, with a bit more iron and blood smell, which made Xu Beiyou feel quite emotional. , Sure enough, the battlefield is the best destination for a man.

After that, Xu Beiyou met Cang Yun and Ling Yun again. Ling Yun asked Xu Beiyou where Qi Xianyun had gone, and Xu Beiyou told him that Qi Xianyun had been brought back to the Taoist sect by Murong Xuan. After hearing this answer, Ling Yun was obviously relieved, but Xu Beiyou told him After Bing Chen told him about it, his face became more serious.

Xu Beiyou didn't say anything more. In his opinion, among Qiuye's twelve disciples, Ling Yun was actually the most suitable candidate to be the head teacher. He is impulsive, but there is one thing Ling Yun can overcome all shortcomings, that is, he has no selfishness and acts only for the sake of justice.The head teacher of the Taoist sect is not the master of the Sword Sect, so there is no need to be arbitrary in everything. It is far better for such a selfless and impartial person to be the head teacher than Tian Yun and Bai Yunzi, but it is a pity that Ling Yun is only ranked No. 11 among the twelve head teacher disciples , without the foundation of Tian Yun and others, nor Qi Xianyun's favor, and lack of sufficient experience, so it is destined to be difficult to ascend to the position of head teacher.

After a sleepless night, before dawn, Xu Beiyou and Yu Kuang climbed to the top of the city.

At this time, the corpses on the top of the city and under the city wall have been evacuated, and it is no longer as tragic as yesterday, but the bloody smell still lingering in the air reminds everyone that many people have died here in the past, and in the future , still many people will die.

Xu Beiyou leaned on the battlements and looked out. Not surprisingly, he saw the surging tide of soldiers outside the city and Xiao Jin who had already entered the battle.

He said to Yu Kuang who was about to return to the watchtower in the city to take charge of the overall situation: "Captain Yu, as far as I know, Chen Ye, the master of the Daomen Town Demon Palace, has been recalled to Xuandu by the Yuqing Palace to accept questions from all the peak masters. Now the Daoist sect can no longer cause any big storms in Jiangnan, so Xiao Jin had to start attacking the city in order to win Jiangnan as soon as possible, stabilize the battle situation, form a rivalry with the imperial court, and then strive to move north to cooperate with the grassland army in the northwest , with the Northeast Mu Wang attacking back and forth, conquering the imperial capital, and thus unifying the world."

Yu Kuang smiled wryly and said, "Why don't I know this truth, the southeast half is tied to my body alone, and there is no room for loss."

Xu Beiyou hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Shall I help you boost your morale?"

Yu Kuang tightly clenched the handle of the knife at his waist, stared at Xu Beiyou and said slowly, "Do you want to be the enemy of ten thousand people?"

Xu Beiyou smiled and said, "Since we've come to Xiangyang and caught up with such a big battle, if we don't leave the city to fight, wouldn't it be a waste of time to come here."

Yu Kuang said calmly: "If you want to go out of the city to fight, you can, but you have to pay attention to your own safety. If you die outside the city, I can't explain to Mr. Han Ge and His Royal Highness, let alone your own safety. There is no way to explain to Jianzong."

Xu Beiyou said with a smile: "With Bingchen and Zhao Qing standing up for me and wanting to kill me, it would be more or less the same if it were Qiu Ye who would do it himself."

Yu Kuang stopped persuading him, looked at Xu Beiyou who was only dressed in a beautiful white robe, and asked, "Do you want to wear armor?"

Xu Beiyou shook his head.

At this moment, the army formation outside the city had begun to change, and a large number of soldiers spread out to both sides, and then a cannon and ballista were pushed out. Presumably this was a gift from Wei Guo to Xu Beiyou.

Xu Beiyou pressed the Chilian sword hanging from his waist.

Yu Kuang exhaled heavily, and asked again: "Don't you want to kill the immortal?"

Xu Beiyou laughed softly, "They're not worthy yet."

(End of this chapter)

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