That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 925 The army evades the white robe

Chapter 925 Thousands of troops avoid white robes

After Yu Kuang said softly, be careful, he turned around and strode away.

Xu Beiyou didn't look back, let alone see him off, he jumped onto the battlements at the top of the city, and stood against the wind, fluttering like an immortal.

Before Xiao Jin could speak, countless arrows rained into the sky in an instant, black and black, and fell straight to the top of the city.

However, when it was three feet away from Xu Beiyou, it seemed as if it hit an invisible wall, and it was shattered inch by inch, and no one was spared.

Then Xu Beiyou jumped down from the top of the city.

In terms of firearms and ordnance, the army of the Wei State did not lose to the Daqi court at all, and even surpassed it in some aspects. This is why they dared to attack Xiangyang. Nearly a hundred ballistas and more than a hundred cannons were fired, and a round of salvo could turn the several miles outside Xiangyang City into a sea of ​​​​fire and hell in an instant.

Xiao Jin sat on the horse, lightly lifted the reins, the black gold python robe and black hair fluttered slightly with the morning wind, the endless flow of the king, he looked around, except for Liu Mian and Xiao Lin who were hiding on the ground around him. In addition to the masters of the Tianji list, there are also many dead men and monks who are good at forming formations against the enemy. Around them are more than a thousand heavy cavalry piled up with gold and silver. The horses are foreign species from the Western Regions. The heavy armor weighs three thousand catties in total, and the inertia after charging is enough for ordinary monks to resist. This is true for one rider, and it is the same for more than a thousand riders. After gathering into a torrent, they charge together.

This heavy cavalry was not used to fight on the battlefield, but to target those big monks who entered the battlefield in person. If Xu Beiyou hadn't disturbed the situation in this Jiangnan battle, Yu Kuang would have died here without accident. Under the heavy horse's iron hooves, there were no bones left.

Xiao Jin pursed her thin lips that were exactly the same as Xiao Yu's, raised her head, looked at the figure who had jumped off the top of the wall, and said softly: "It's a pity, this heavy cavalry is facing a sword fairy on the eighteenth floor. I’m afraid it’s gone forever.”

The next moment, Xiao Jin waved his arm lightly.

Amidst the buzzing and whistling sound, the bolts of the ballista and the projectiles of the artillery shot out together.

Like flying swords intertwined with fire and rain, it covered the entire sky.

I have to say, this scene was spectacular.If it was Xu Beiyou who was fledgling and saw such a scene for the first time on the battlefield, he would definitely be distracted, and he would never forget today's scene for the rest of his life.

It's a pity that Xu Beiyou is not what he used to be today. When he saw this scene, he was not only indifferent, but even wanted to laugh.

Because in his opinion at this time, these tricks are not even as good as Bingchen's sword.

The next moment, Xu Beiyou's figure surged like a rainbow, flashing across most of the battlefield in an instant.

In front of him, whether it was the projectiles of the cannon or the arrows of the ballista, they were all turned into nothingness by the endless sword energy before they were within three feet of his body.

In Xiao Jin's field of vision, Xu Beiyou didn't use ten percent of his cultivation base and was almost invincible. The majestic momentum of one man and one sword was not inferior to the [-] troops on his side. Xiao Jin, who was on the [-]th floor, couldn't help sighing a little. Although he disdained such a reckless behavior, he still longed for his elder brother Xiao Yu's majestic appearance back then. Dust, looking around the world, there is nothing to resist.How mighty is this?In all fairness, if it weren't for the fact that there is no way to determine the outcome in one fell swoop on the frontal battlefield, who would want to waste effort and effort in planning?

Xiao Jin also knew that if he didn't have to worry about the suppression of heaven, Xu Beiyou would really let go of his hands and kill all directions. It is by no means a lie to say that one sword can stop a million masters.Therefore, marching and fighting have always been monks against monks, and army against army. When Wei Jin led his army to conquer the southern border, he was wounded by the elder of the witch religion, Zhu Jiuyin. If there is no Wei Jin, Zhu Jiuyin can make a big move, and the outcome of the two sides will be difficult to predict.

For this, Xiao Jin originally had a solution, that is, let the Daomen Suppressing Demon Palace take action, supplemented by experts such as Liumian and Xiao Lin, as long as Xu Beiyou dares to personally enter the battle, it will completely plunge him into a situation where he is surrounded by enemies on all sides , it is really possible to besiege and kill the new Sword Sect Master.

For this reason, Xiao Jin had repeatedly deduced and confirmed with Murong Xuan, thinking that this move was almost foolproof, but now, Chen Ye, the two pillars of the Temple of Demon Suppression, has returned to the Taoist Xuandu, and Bingchen has simply defected from the Taoist sect and surrendered. Jian Zong, in this way, this so-called plan has become a joke. As for how to stop Xu Beiyou, it can only be filled with life and those bullets and arrows exchanged for real money.

As for how much to fill up, Xiao Jin is not sure. He can only hope that Xu Beiyou will cross the rules of the Heavenly Dao, which will arouse the wrath of the Heavenly Dao, and end up like Xiao Xuan and Xiao Bai's father and son.

In sight, Xu Beiyou began to move forward with an almost domineering posture, and rushed straight to the Chinese army formation where Xiao Jin was.

Xiao Jin had no choice but to retreat, and then layers of armored soldiers continued to block in front of him, forming a barrier of flesh and blood between him and Xu Beiyou.

When Xiao Jin retreated about two hundred feet away, she stopped suddenly, with a calm expression on her face, "Here we come."

The eagle-nosed and blue-eyed Xiao Lin appeared on the left side beside him, and the six faces covered in golden light and glazed appeared on the right side. The two of them, one on the left and the other on the right, were facing a formidable enemy.

At this time Xu Beiyou began to break through the formation alone.

One person and one sword.

The entire battle formation was instantly torn open a huge hole.

The countless iron armors on the front line of Xu Beiyou's advance were all divided into two, and countless blood mist rose up, connecting them in a line. If you look down from a high altitude, it will be a scarlet blood line.

However, compared to the extremely miserable death conditions, these soldiers died without pain, and they were swept away by the sword energy before they even realized what happened.

Around this line, many people died directly, being swept by the sword energy like a storm, it was a bloody storm.

At this time, Xu Beiyou's body was surrounded by countless sword qi, endlessly recurring.

In the face of these sword qi, no matter generals or ordinary soldiers, almost everyone would die if they touched them, and they would die if they touched them.

Xu Beiyou was trapped at a distance of hundreds of feet. At this time, those ballistas and artillery could no longer threaten him, and he could only be stopped by monks.Xu Beiyou paused slightly, only to see that dozens of monks from the Ghost King Palace had already been killed in an instant.

The movements of these monks are uniform, and they all have the will to die.

In an instant, countless talisman papers appeared in front of Xu Beiyou, fluttering like rain.

Then, while these talisman papers burst open to attract Xu Beiyou's attention, these dead warriors from the Ghost King's Palace quickly rushed towards Xu Beiyou. The short sword in their hands was shining with black luster, and the sword was engraved with strange script, which was exactly the same as the God-killing arrow.

Then the next scene made these people's eyes widen suddenly.

I saw that those talisman papers didn't play any role at all, they exploded in mid-air, like the fireworks of the Lantern Festival, they failed to set off any storms, but Xu Beiyou took advantage of the trend and slashed his sword, and the group of them just felt cold, The upper body still maintains a forward posture, but the lower body has separated from the upper body.

Under such circumstances, these dead men who were not afraid of death still tried to stab Xu Beiyou's body with the short sword in their hands, but the distance between them was only more than ten feet, but it was like a natural moat, which was difficult to cross.

The upper body of these dead soldiers fell heavily on the ground, their eyes filled with unwillingness, and they soon died. In the end, their desperate fight was nothing more than a sword.

In fact, this was indeed the case. These dead men in the realm of immortality only made Xu Beiyou's footsteps stop slightly, that's all.

At this time, Xu Beiyou, dressed in white, was already less than a hundred feet away from Xiao Jin.

There are thousands of troops and no one can stop them.

(End of this chapter)

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