Chapter 926

Xu Beiyou knew that standing alone on the battlefield was like a reef in a river. Although it could stand upright, and even make the torrent have to detour, it was not a stone dam after all, and could not completely stop the flow of the river.

In fact, this is also an inevitable thing. You must know that the rules of heaven are strict, and the most well-known rule is that monks are not allowed to kill in the world. If someone dares to violate it, their fate will be the same as that of Xiao Xuan and Xiao Bai. Regardless of whether you are the supreme martial saint or the only emperor, you will die under the law of heaven.Going forward for hundreds of years, there are many cultivators who want to take advantage of the chaos in the world and want to fish in troubled waters. The most famous one is that in the last years of the Great Chu Dynasty, Xuanjiao was established and went south. A Xuanjiao giant slaughtered half of the people in a small city in the Central Plains. , using countless fresh lives to refine a strange treasure, the result aroused the wrath of the heavens, and the whole person was killed by the nine-fold thunderstorm, and the strange treasure was also not spared. There is nothing special about iron, but it is extremely hard. Later, it was made into a black iron order by Xuanjiao to symbolize the identity of the leader.

Although Xu Beiyou is now an Immortal of the Eighteenth Floor, he has almost no opponents in the world, but with many lessons learned from the past, he dare not ignore the way of heaven and forcefully use such killing moves as sword 34, fearing that he will be wiped out with a single sword Go tens of thousands of people, and the next moment will attract nine times of thunder and calamity.

So Xu Beiyou restrained himself very much, and suppressed his realm to about the twelfth floor of the Earth Immortal. Even Zhu Xian never used it, trying not to cause Heaven's backlash.

Xu Beiyou also thought very clearly, since he couldn't stop the entire army of the King of Wei, he should directly capture the thief and the king first, and go straight to Xiao Jin.As for Liumian and Xiao Lin, who were guarding Xiao Jin's side, they must not dare to attack with all their strength, otherwise it would be just the aftermath of the fight, which might also lead to the suppression of heaven.

This is also the reason why great monks are unwilling to set foot on the battlefield easily. If they are not careful, they will be punished by the heavens. Even if Xu Beiyou deliberately suppresses his own cultivation, if he kills too many evils, God will "keep the account ".In the future, the catastrophe caused by ascending to the immortal will naturally be more serious, as evidenced by the Shangguan Xianchen back then.

Because of this, the Daoist sect has always had the rule of being free and unrestrained and not entering the secular world. Even though Hou Jian almost won the world back then, the Daoist master never killed on the battlefield.

Xiao Jin stopped retreating, and the heavy cavalry not far away from him had already put on their armor, mounted their horses, and lined up, with iron spears in their hands, ready to charge at any time.

Xiao Jin squinted her eyes, glanced at this "beloved thing", then turned her gaze away, and at the same time, an imperceptible haze flashed across her face.Only when you have personally saved your belongings can you know that every penny is hard-won. Xu Beiyou's appearance here today will at least cost him millions of silver. However, he is not a stingy person who cares about everything. It’s okay, even if this elite cavalry joins in, the key is to know how to stop losses, figure out a solution to the problem, and don’t continue to stumble on the same hurdle.

Unfortunately, he doesn't have a good solution yet.

Xiao Lin said softly: "Your Highness, Xu Beiyou is still continuing to break through the formation. As expected, he is heading straight for His Highness. Shall we continue to retreat?"

Xiao Jin said indifferently: "The lonely king will not retreat. If I want to meet the master of the Sword Sect, don't worry, he doesn't dare to attack with all his strength."

Xiao Lin said in a deep voice: "If Xu Beiyou makes a sudden attack with all his strength, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to guard against."

Xiao Jin held the reins in one hand, and pointed the whip in the other to the direction of Xu Beiyou, and said slowly: "Back then, Fu Chen attacked with three heavy weapons, and there was Shangguan Xianchen, an immortal with a great sword holding Zhu Xian, Xiao Yu Even if you can not retreat, Gu is only facing Xu Beiyou today, why should you retreat? How can Gu lose to Xiao Yu?"

Xiao Lin still made the last effort, persuading him: "Back then, Xiao Yu had the two important weapons of the Emperor Sword and the Chuan Guoxi, so he could naturally be fearless, but His Highness is different now, he doesn't have such important weapons in his hands, it is not good forced comparison."

Xiao Jin didn't refute, and said: "But Xu Beiyou is not comparable to Fu Chen back then, let alone Shangguan Xianchen."

He waved his hand, "I've made up my mind, so there's no need to persuade me."

Xiao Lin hesitated to speak, but in the end he didn't say anything more.

On the other side, Xu Beiyou no longer plundered with sword energy, but began to fight with his sword.

There was once a poem by a banished immortal who said "kill one person in ten steps", but at this time Xu Beiyou has completely reversed it, killing ten people in one step.

The Chilian Sword in Xu Beiyou's hand was originally a blood-thirsty sword. With Xu Beiyou's cultivation level, he was not afraid of Chilian's backlash. He used this sword to kill people. Every time he killed a person, the blood on the sword became brighter and the blood became more vigorous. Later, Chi Lian even started trembling, as if he was extremely happy.

Xu Beiyou's use of this sword to kill people can be said to be twice the result with half the effort. Along the way, corpses lay everywhere.

Among these dead people were ordinary soldiers as well as accomplished monks. In front of Xu Beiyou, they were all treated equally, and they were all a matter of one sword.

However, when another dead man in the realm of human immortality died under Chi Lian's sword, Xu Beiyou felt a sense of resentment in his chest.

Jianzong has fallen so far, not to mention the masters of the fairyland, even the monks of the fairyland should be taken very seriously. The twelve sword masters in the famous Jianqi Lingkong hall are only of the fairyland.

It is precisely because of the lack of manpower in the Sword Sect that Xu Beiyou had to try his best to recruit Bingchen, but even so, the real cornerstone of a sect is these monks in the realm of human immortality and ghost realm. The name and general experience of each human immortal monk, on the other hand, in the country of Wei, the monks in the human immortal realm seem to need no money. On this battlefield that blocked Xu Beiyou, more than two human immortal monks have died in Xu Beiyou Under the sword, it already exceeds the sum of the number of immortal monks in the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall today.In other words, a Sword Qi Lingkong Hall had been destroyed in Xu Beiyou's hands just now, and Xiao Jin didn't even know the names of these dead immortal monks, and they died as soon as they died.

If it wasn't for Jianzong's downfall, these monks who were born in Wei State should have been Jianzong's disciples, instead of becoming Xiao Jin's dead soldiers of the ghost palace.

At this moment, the ground suddenly began to shake, interrupting Xu Beiyou's thoughts.

This is not the kind of small-scale slight tremor brought by the pawns moving forward together, but the sound of extremely heavy horseshoes falling on the ground, and each sound is like knocking on the heart.

Xu Beiyou stood where he was, looking towards the direction where the earthquake came from.

A cavalry army appeared in Xu Beiyou's field of vision.

This is an iron cavalry that both men and horses bear armor.

Also a real heavy ride!
This heavy cavalry, which King Wei regarded as his beloved, finally began to charge. The speed changed from slow to fast, and it became faster and faster. Wrapped in billowing smoke and dust, it came straight to Xu Beiyou.

In today's battlefield, even if there are all kinds of firearms, even if there are all kinds of monks, the heavy cavalry is still an unparalleled weapon that can play a decisive role.

The cost of such a cavalry army is enough to be worth more than ten thousand ordinary cavalry.

Each rider weighs three thousand catties, and the torrent of steel gathered by thousands of riders is doomed to be difficult to fight against even a monk in the realm of the earth fairy under the huge inertial charge.

This is truly invincible.

If Xu Beiyou wasn't a sword fairy in the [-]th floor of the Earth Immortal, but just an ordinary monk from the [-]th Floor of the Earth Immortal, ninety-nine percent of the result of the invincible battle would be drowned by the torrent of iron cavalry.

At the same time, another figure came to Xu Beiyou's side, facing the thousand heavy horses with him.

The same white hair, the same three-foot hand.

(End of this chapter)

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