Chapter 934
After Xu Beiyou separated from Qian Muzhai and his party, before they entered Baidi City, they encountered a group of assassins who were beyond their control, and were slaughtered by Xu Beiyou before he even drew his sword.The Taoist school has stood tall in the world for thousands of years. It will not only cultivate immortals who ascend to the Tao, but also support confidants and dead men like many high-ranking families. An assassination was launched on the must-pass road of Zhouzhou. This assassination used many precious and strange poisons. In Xiao Zhinan's hands, it was because of the plot of a strange poison that his cultivation base was greatly damaged, and he finally died in the hands of his junior Xiao Zhinan.

But this time the strange poison failed to win by surprise, the person who used the poison did not get within three feet of Xu Beiyou's body, they were all cut off by the sword energy surrounding Xu Beiyou's body, no one was spared.

In fact, even if Xu Beiyou is poisoned, it may not be what will happen. After all, he is far from being comparable to a bright dust. The cultivation base of the [-]th floor is enough to make him look down on the world. Daomen will not be unaware of this, but after successive defeats Now, they have no choice but to fight with this method that they know the chances of winning are extremely small to almost impossible. If they succeed, even if they only hurt Xu Beiyou, it will be enough to make the next layout of the Taoist sect much more calm.

It's a pity that there is never a one-in-a-kind event in the world, and this attack by the Taoist sect can only end in failure.

From an outsider's point of view, these dead men are quite chivalrous, and the way of cultivating monks in the Taoist sect is indeed good, but now that Xu Beiyou is in the situation, and he is standing on the opposite side of these dead men and the Taoist sect, it's hard to say. Yes or no.

Xu Beiyou squatted down and tore off an assassin's veil, revealing an old face. The old man was dead, with his eyes wide open, looking at the sky above his head.Presumably, it was precisely because he was old and frail that he could no longer benefit, so he was regarded as an abandoned son by the Taoist sect.

Xu Beiyou didn't have any compassion, he just closed his eyes casually, then got up and walked into the city.

Before reaching the gate of the city, Sun Shaotang had already come out of the city.

This was the first time that Xu Beiyou met the former military governor, and it was also the first time that Sun Shaotang met the well-known old Xiaoge.

But this time the first meeting was not pleasant, Xu Beiyou didn't say much, he just pointed to the lying corpse not far behind him.

Sun Shaotang didn't deliberately put on airs and act aloof in the face of this great general, nor did he bow his knees in fear and fear. He just faced it calmly with the usual attitude of superiors and subordinates. Xu Beiyou showed that he was dereliction of duty, and asked the Shangguan to condemn him.

It is true that Xu Beiyou has the authority to control Sun Shaotang in name, but at this time, he is also a general who holds military power, so he can't be too serious. Besides, Xu Beiyou didn't intend to criticize Sun Shaotang at all. After the matter was over, the two entered the city together.

Sun Shaotang's governor Xingyuan is located in Yong'an Palace in Baidi City. This place is located on Yong'an Mountain, the highest terrain in Baidi City. From here, you can easily see the situation outside the city, which is very suitable for supervising and commanding.

When they came to the main hall of Yong'an Palace, the two of them didn't have too many polite greetings. Sun Shaotang directly introduced the situation in southern Xinjiang to Xu Beiyou, and then Xu Beiyou personally went to southern Xinjiang to try to resolve the matter in southern Xinjiang.

The issue of southern Xinjiang has always been a major problem for the dynasties of the Central Plains. Whether it is the famous prime minister who crossed Lu in May, or the Gongsun family who once occupied Shuzhou, and the later Tang family, they have never fundamentally solved this problem. question.

As far as Xu Beiyou is concerned, he does not expect to be able to do things that no one before him has been able to do. Even if he enters the southern border with a single sword, kills a corpse everywhere, kills a river of blood, it will only be the second one. It's just Lin Han, and it doesn't help at all, not to mention that there is a witch religion in southern Xinjiang. Although the witch religion is not as good as it used to be, the witch religion has stood in the world for a long time, longer than Taoism. With a second master like Zhu Jiuyin, and the convenient location where the witch religion has been operating in southern Xinjiang for thousands of years, even if Xu Beiyou wants to do something, it may be as difficult as climbing the sky.Xu Beiyou firmly believed that with his own cultivation, he could get out of Southern Xinjiang safely. The real difficulty was how to prevent Southern Xinjiang from participating in the chaos of the world, and then enable the Shu army to send troops to the south of the Yangtze River and solve the predicament of the Daqi court.

Xu Beiyou thought about it several times, but he didn't have any clue. Even if he discussed this issue with Sun Shaotang, there was still no good solution. After all, the blood feud between the two clans lasted for thousands of years. I'm afraid it doesn't have such great magical powers.

In the final analysis, the human heart is the most unpredictable thing in this world. No matter whether gods, Buddhas, or emperors and generals, they cannot hold on to it for a long time, let alone go against the trend.If someone can hold people's hearts for a long time, there will be no change of dynasties in this world, and there will be no need for Taoists, Buddhas, and saints to preach in the world.

After a secret conversation with Sun Shaotang, Sun Shaotang arranged for Xu Beiyou to temporarily stay in an attic in Yongan Palace, the capital of Baidi City. Xu Beiyou opened the window and could see the mighty river outside the city. Appreciating the beautiful scenery in front of him, there was a helpless bitter smile on the corner of his mouth. Now he has a somewhat helpless feeling in it, and he also understands that the ancestor Shangguan Xianchen was the No. 1 in the world, but in the end he still couldn't turn it around The general situation is helpless, but he can't procrastinate any longer. Now that the war in the northwest is in full swing, and the south of the Yangtze River is about to come, people are dying every day. He, the old man of the small pavilion, the left governor of the Chinese army, the general of Peipinglu, can't There is nothing to do, just the [-] Chinese troops transferred from Jiangbei is not enough, but also this Shu army, which has just experienced the war in southern Xinjiang, and Yu Kuang's Jiangnan rear army, the three parties will join hands to defeat Wei. Wang and his Wei army drove out of Jiangnan and down to the East China Sea, making Jiangnan, which has burdened the world's money and food, a little more stable.

What worries Xu Beiyou even more is that the assassination incident in Baidi City this time is not big, but it can explain many problems. The most important point is that the Taoist sect headed by Murong Xuan has already sensed his movements and intentions. So this trip to southern Xinjiang is destined to not be peaceful, and it may be another bloody battle against the Taoist sect.

At that time, Xu Beiyou broke through the formation alone outside Xiangyang City, attracting a warning from heavenly thunder. If there were other ways, why would he be willing to personally take risks and go to war to challenge the rules of heaven above his head?But the situation is already like this. A disabled Jiangnan rear army alone cannot defend Jiangnan. Military affairs and monks' pursuit of longevity are two completely different things. The sword can stop millions of masters, Xiao Yu was only in the realm of the twelfth floor of the earth fairy, why can he sweep the world and dominate the world?Why did Shangguan Xianchen and Fu Chen, two invincible people in the world, still lose to Xiao Yu's hands?

Jianzong has always said that the affairs of the world are nothing more than a matter of one sword, and this is just talking.

Can it really be leveled with a single sword?
Maybe someone can do it, but Xu Beiyou can't do it now.

Many things cannot be changed by Xu Beiyou's extraordinary realm. At this time, Xu Beiyou stood at the window, staring at the rolling river, half laughing at himself and half sighing: "When the world comes, the world has the same force, so the hero is not free?"

(End of this chapter)

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