Chapter 935

After Xu Beiyou stayed in Baidi City for a while, he said goodbye to Sun Shaotang, instead of going to Jincheng, he went directly to Nanzhong Qifu.

In the ancient land of southern Xinjiang, whether it is the enlightenment of Confucian sages, the preaching of Taoist sages, or even the Buddhism from the West in the future, they are all rejected here. They just left a few in southern Xinjiang with difficulty. footprints, and left in a hurry.In the eyes of the vast majority of Central Plains people, this is a barren land full of miasma and uneducated. Since the former Great Chu Dynasty, this place has been regarded as a fearful way by officials.

The southern border has a vast area, known as the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and borders several prefectures in Dazheng, and the area bordering Shuzhou is called Nanzhong.There are many barbarians living in Nanzhong. The largest tribe is called [-]. They have always had conflicts with the Central Plains people in Shuzhou, and even attacked the county town many times, which has always annoyed the Shuzhou government.

When the northwestern army left Shu and entered the lake, Tang Xiong of the Tang family in Shuzhou opposed Lin Han's violent expropriation, and secretly informed about the rebellion of Mrs. Fenghuang, the leader of the barbarian tribe in the south. , the rebellion spread to the entire Nanzhong Seven Prefectures in an instant, and even caused the fall of Jincheng, the capital of Shuzhou.

This led to Lin Han's bloody suppression later.

In the final analysis, the seven prefectures in Nanzhong are not only the root of the conflict between Shuzhou and Southern Xinjiang, but also where the two sides have always lived together. The blood feud between the two sides took place in these seven prefectures. It was not until the recent war in Southern Xinjiang that all the barbarians had to Abandoning Nanzhong Qifu and retreating into the [-] mountains in southern Xinjiang.

Today's Hundred Thousand Mountains is not peaceful. After the chaos in the Central Plains, many barbarians who had been severely injured by Wei Jin began to move again, especially not long after the war in southern Xinjiang was over, blood feuds were still alive. In front of the eyes, the crowd is excited, the undercurrent is surging, coupled with the remnants of the White Lotus Sect and people from the Taoist sect sneaking into it one after another, fanning the flames everywhere, making the chaos in southern Xinjiang more and more serious, and even the mysterious witch religion has begun to participate in it again , the power of the imperial court had to withdraw from southern Xinjiang in an all-round way. For the imperial court, southern Xinjiang is like being shrouded in heavy fog. Xu Beiyou chose to enter southern Xinjiang at this time. Not optimistic word.

After Xu Beiyou entered the territory of Nanzhong Seven Prefectures, traces of the flames of war could be seen everywhere. The back and forth tug-of-war for nearly ten years reduced the land of the Seven Prefectures to a piece of scorched earth, with ten rooms and nine empty fields and barren fields. Along the way, Xu Beiyou What you can see is a desolate and desolate place, which is difficult to connect with Shuzhou, which is known as the "Land of Abundance".

After passing through Nanzhong Qifu, you will enter the territory of Southern Xinjiang, which is also known as the land of one hundred thousand mountains. As the name suggests, one mountain is connected to another, and one mountain is connected to another. There are few people, and the miasma is rampant. It is difficult for large troops to enter. It has always been a natural barrier for the barbarians. Whenever the Central Plains dynasty conquered the barbarians, as long as the barbarians retreated, the Chinese army would be helpless. the same.

The reason why Lin Han was able to drive the army into the Hundred Thousand Mountains back then was that apart from the elite soldiers of the Northwest Army who were good at fighting, there was also an elder of the witch religion under Xiao Yu's command at that time, named Zishuiyang, who was familiar with the situation in southern Xinjiang and various witch religions. Occult.Lin Han asked his brother-in-law Xiao Yu for help because of the chaos in Shu. Although Xiao Yu was annoyed that Lin Han had acted without authorization and forced the family in Shuzhou to rebel, he also wanted to take this opportunity to clean up Shuzhou to avoid disaster, so he sent Zishui Yang sent to Lin Han's side.Zishuiyang was born in the southeast shamanism, and he is familiar with the Shiwan Dashan, and the method of dealing with miasma is at his fingertips. He wrote down a prescription, and then asked Lin Han to set up a cauldron in the military camp to cook the medicine according to the prescription, and then pour the medicine juice Distributed to the soldiers in the army to drink, once a day in the morning and evening, all day long, so that miasma can be seen as nothing.

Lin Han acted in accordance with the law, and then sent a small number of scouts to test, and found that he was not afraid of miasma, and then under the leadership of Zi Shuiyang, the army set off and marched into the southern border.

It's a pity that there is no elder of the witch religion like Zishuiyang in the imperial court now, and this elder of the witch religion who is equivalent to a traitor has not left any heirs, otherwise Wei Jin could follow the example of Lin Han back then and attack If you enter southern Xinjiang, you won't be in a dilemma today.

Of course, the miasma is only one of the natural barriers for the barbarians, and the complex terrain restricts the movement of the army even more. In such rugged mountains, not only the cavalry cannot move, but even the heavy armored infantry can hardly do anything. On the contrary, the barbarians in southern Xinjiang There is a kind of rattan armored soldier in rattan armor, who climbs mountains and ridges like walking on flat ground, is as agile as apes, and is like a fish in water among the [-] mountains.

Finally, after the barbarians in southern Xinjiang retreated into the Shiwan Mountain, they were completely broken up into pieces, and they were scattered all over the Shiwan Mountain with the village as a unit, making it impossible for the army to form a decisive battle with them. Back then, Lin Han invaded southern Xinjiang and destroyed countless villages, but he still didn't really hurt his fundamental vitality. In the end, he had to withdraw from southern Xinjiang when the food and grass backup was unsustainable.

These barbarian villages can be roughly divided into three types according to their locations. The outermost ones are the barbarians who retreated here from Nanzhong Qifu. , never had any contact with the people of the Central Plains, such as people who escaped from the world, they were called barbarians, and the one located in the innermost core area was the witch religion, which could be as famous as Jianzong and Tianji Pavilion.

There are dynasties changing in the secular world, and so are the major sects of the monks. It is nothing more than a trend of prosperity and decline, separation and reunion.The Taoist sect that was once in full bloom evolved into today's Taoist sect and Jianzong because of the disagreement between the three masters, so that the Western sect came from behind. The King Kong Temple where it originated, the Molun Temple that spread to the grassland, and the Zen Buddhism that flourished in the Central Plains.Then there is Confucianism taught by sages, Xuanjiao blended with other schools, etc., have all appeared in the world, but before Taoism, the real overlord was witchcraft.

The term "monk" comes from the saying of Qi practitioners in ancient times. Later, the Taoist school was the only one, and Qi practitioners were also called people who cultivated the Tao. After the combination of the two, they became monks. Qi practitioners call themselves shamans, but they call themselves shamans. Those who have achieved success in cultivation can be called great shamans, which is equivalent to today's earth immortal monks. There are twelve elders who jointly control the shamanism, and they are called the twelve ancestor shamans.

Ancestral Witch is a respectful title, which roughly means the ancestor of witchcraft, and its realm of cultivation is roughly equivalent to the realm of immortals in Taoism.It is said that the twelve ancestral witches can form a magnificent formation that can shake the sky and the earth.Although the Taoist ancestor at that time had become a god, he only had three disciples, and he had not yet established a religion. The only one who could compete with the witch religion was the Eastern Emperor, who was the ruler of all the people in the world. , and the situation of the two sides is somewhat similar to today's Daqi and Daomen. Fighting against the Twelve Ancestral Witches, the final result is that both sides will burn together. The Eastern Emperor died, and the country under his command quickly fell apart. With the rise of the three schools of Buddhism and Taoism, the witch religion had to abandon its ancestral home, Mount Qi, and move to the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Today's great elder Zhu Jiuyin, if placed in the heyday of the witch religion, would be just a great witch status, but today, the Dao ancestor and the three Dao lords are no longer there, and only one great witch can be ranked on the list of secrets.

Xu Beiyou had an inexplicable premonition that he might have a battle with this great witch.

(End of this chapter)

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