Chapter 95

The so-called Weiguo is actually a huge island located on the East China Sea, its area is roughly equivalent to a state in the Central Plains.

In the last year of the Great Zheng, after the Jiangnan War, Lu Qian, the governor of Jiangdu, died, and Zhang Chuanting, the governor of Jiangnan, led the remnants to flee to Weiguo.

After Da Qi established the country, Xiao Yu sent his half-brother Xiao Jin and veteran Yang Bofu to lead more than [-] sailors across the sea to fight against Zhang Chuanting. Blood flowed like a river.

Back then, Xiao Jin was known as a Banished Immortal, he was born knowing it, and was good at scheming. In the troubled times where talents are born, he can still be regarded as outstanding.When Lan Yu was appointed as the palm seal officer of the Jiangling camp, the position of the chief official of the Wang Xiangfu was vacant, and Xiao Jin was appointed as the left minister of the Wang Xiangfu in Huangkou's year, becoming Xiao Yu's right-hand man.Among Xiao Yu's two counselors, Lan Yu is good at plotting and focusing on frontal warfare, while Xiao Jin focuses on intrigue, and most of the private affairs cannot get around him. Xiao Yu's elimination of dissidents was presided over by Xiao Jin himself.

After the world was stabilized, Xiao Yu used two reign titles, first using Huanglong and later changing to Taiping, for about 30 years. In the first year of Huanglong, Xiao Yu named Xiao Jin King of Wei. State, Xiao Yu changed Wei State to Wei State, and granted Wei State to Xiao Jin's fiefdom.

Today, there are 36 small islands in the southeast of the Wei Kingdom, which faintly coincide with the trend of the 36 Tiangang. This is the famous Jianzong 36 Island. It used to be as famous as the Nine Peaks of Taoism. Dutian Peak is also known as the Holy Land of Tianhai.

The sky refers to the Dutian Peak which is the closest to the sky, and the sea refers to the Biyou Island above the East China Sea. However, the Dutian Peak remains the same today, but the Biyou Island is no longer the holy place it used to be.

There are three mountains on Biyou Island, one of which is called Lianhua Peak.There is a long-abandoned palace on the top of Lianhua Peak. Many years ago, it was called Jianqi Lingkong Hall.

At that time, apart from the suzerain Shangguan Xianchen and the first disciple Gongsun Zhongmou, the Sword Sect also had three elders, namely the Sword Emperor Zhang Chongguang, the Great Sword Slave Mr. Dongxing and Xiao Shen.

In that battle of swordsmanship, Zhang Chongguang died at the hands of Weichen, the previous Taoist master of Tianquan Peak, and the great sword slave was defeated by Xi Chen, the previous Taoist master of Tianji Peak.As for Xiao Shen, who was born in the Xiao family, he was uncle Xiao Lie and uncle Xiao Yu, who rebelled against the Sword Sect at the last moment and joined the Daoist sect. He who stayed behind on Biyou Island slaughtered the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall with his own hands, and handed over Biyou Island to the previous generation of the Daoist sect. Yuchen, the master of Yuheng Peak, based on this merit and his Xiao family status, became the master of Taoist Sword Peak in the future.

To this day, these elders are hard to escape, only the wreckage of the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall is still standing here, leaving only endless desolation.

It is rumored that the millennium heritage left by Jianzong is still hidden on Biyou Island, but after the Daoist sect invaded Biyou Island, they did not find any clues after digging three feet. here.

After Qiu Ye, the head teacher of Taoism, came to Weiguo, the Daoist Master on duty had already left Biyou Island, and he would return to Biyou Island after the incident here.

At this time, the entire Biyou Island was empty, and a pair of master and apprentice set foot on Biyou Island under such circumstances.

The traces of the First World War are still visible today. There are broken walls and ruins everywhere, white bones, and even the huge potholes and cracks created by the great supernatural beings during the fierce battle. How can there be half of the atmosphere of the holy land of the fairy family?It is clearly more like an ancient battlefield where fighting was brutal.

Gongsun Zhongmou, who was in his twilight years, looked around, touched the scene, and fell silent.

——On the coast of the East China Sea, a white dress flitted across the sky, and once stopped on the back of a seabird, counting silently with his fingers, his face became more worried.One time, he stood on top of a huge tide, closed his eyes and concentrated, the bright red between his brows became more and more seductive. After opening his eyes, he looked towards the east like a fairy in the sky, dazed and speechless.

Someone sailing on the sea saw this situation and just wanted to step up to take a closer look, but that person had disappeared from the tide.The east, south, west, and north seas, the east sea is the busiest, with countless ships passing by. On this day, countless people saw the immortal sailing against the wind, passing by in the sky.

The white-robed immortal who couldn't hide his gloomy eyes continued to travel eastward, and finally met another Taoist who was also passing by in the air.

The two refused to give in to each other and collided head-on.

The surface of the sea with a radius of ten miles sank three feet in an instant.

The Taoist wore a black Taoist robe, cloud shoes, and a five-sacred crown, with two sword belts fluttering, and said softly: "Murong Xuanyin, this is a matter between my Taoist sect and the Jianzong, and you, an outsider, are not allowed to intervene."

The corners of Murong Xuanyin's mouth curled up, and the gloom in his eyes became heavier. He raised his hands, "What if I insist on intervening? You alone can stop me?"

The Taoist had a light smile on his face, and said calmly: "Everyone in the world says that my Taoist school is best at bullying the few with the more."

As soon as the words fell, a huge green lotus slowly bloomed behind the Taoist, and two great masters in black robes stepped out of the green lotus.

The three great masters stood in a formation of three talents, blocking all of Murong Xuanyin's exits.

These three great masters are all above the tenth floor.

Even if Murong Xuanyin is above the sixteenth floor of the Immortal Realm, he dare not say that he ignores the joint obstruction of these three great masters.

Although Qiuye never brought the Daoist masters to bully the few with more, but he did not allow others to disrupt the situation without authorization and break the rules.

Murong Xuanyin smiled charmingly, and said slowly: "The sun, the moon and the stars, the three great masters, what a great battle."

——Jiangdu, East Lake Courtyard.

The other courtyard is built near the water, half of which is built on the shore of the land lake, and the other half is built on the surface of the blue lake. In summer, a little bit of water vapor leaks out from the feet and cools the body. It is really a first-class summer resort.During the Dazheng period, some scholars and literati often came here together, half to enjoy the scenery and half to swim in the lake. If the owner of the other courtyard is lucky enough to invite them, they can go to the other courtyard and talk about it in front of friends.However, the owner of the other courtyard has always lived in seclusion, and he is not a hospitable person, so very few people can enter this deep and secluded courtyard, and most of them can only stop outside and look at it from afar.

After the change of dynasty, the other courtyard changed hands and became under the name of Empress Lin. More than 20 years ago, Empress Lin had a bet with others. The bet was made, and the other courtyard changed hands again.

The woman stood gracefully by the lake, holding a thin letter paper in her hand, groaning silently.

The signature of the letter is only Murong.

The woman is the current owner of this other courtyard. The first owner of the other courtyard is Tang Shengyue, the second owner is Lin Yinping, and she is the third owner. Her name is Zhang Xueyao.

Among the women of the same generation, in terms of appearance, she is enough to rank among the top three.

Although today's Zhang Xueyao is still charming and beautiful, she is no longer the peerless beauty of the past. From the appearance point of view, she is already a woman in her 30s, but if she stands with the gray-haired Gongsun Zhongmou , I am afraid that no one would dare to believe that the two would be husband and wife, and they were also a pair of beautiful couples like a golden boy and a jade girl when they were young.

She was holding the letterhead from Murong Xuan in her hand, as if it was extremely heavy.

There were only two or three words in the letter, "I have heard that my husband wants to return to his hometown, but the wind is high and the waves are rough. If he travels rashly, there may be unexpected worries. Wangxian and his wife will think twice."

The woman said softly: "Think twice, that is to persuade him to let go. If he can let go, is he still Gongsun Zhongmou? If I can persuade him, why are we husband and wife like this?"

The woman sighed faintly, and the letter slipped from her fingers and fell onto the surface of the lake. It was soon soaked by the lake water, and slowly sank into the water without causing any ripples.

Zhang Xueyao seemed to have expected this day a long time ago, her expression was calm, no sadness or joy could be seen.

She just stood by the lake, staring at the clear water, dazed.

I only heard the woman muttering to herself: "In the third year of Huanglong, the Zhang family and the Gongsun family were destroyed. The next year, you and I got married. This East Lake courtyard is where you and I got married. At that time, we had nothing. , It’s just two people and two swords, worshiped the heaven and earth here, and consummated the bridal chamber here, counting on your fingers, we have been married for 46 years, which is really not too short.”

Zhang Xueyao laughed at herself: "You are stubborn, and I am also stubborn. No one is willing to take a step back, so it has become what it is now. I have been here all these years and have never left. Have you ever come back? Even if it is You know that this trip will be a disaster, but you still refuse to come to see me, do I just annoy you like this?"

Zhang Xueyao didn't know whether to cry or laugh, "Gongsun Zhongmou, you are a self-righteous bastard!"

(End of this chapter)

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