That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 96 The Nine Immortals Arrive on the Lotus Peak

Chapter 96

Lianhuafeng, where the masters of the Sword Sect of all dynasties once preached and taught. The peak of the peak is wide. In addition to a sword qi volley hall, there is also a square paved with sapphire, but this square is already fragmented and dilapidated.

Gongsun Zhongmou came here with Xu Beiyou, looked at the sword marks on the square, and said after a long silence: "That's where I escaped from Xiao Shen's hands back then."

Xu Beiyou kept looking at the sword marks all around. Every sword mark was an overbearing sword. After decades, the sword intent contained in it was still majestic and vigorous. It can be seen how terrifying the person who left the sword marks back then was. Human cultivation.

Gongsun Zhongmou looked at the ravines and ruins, and said calmly: "The sword is the same sword, but the meaning of the sword varies from person to person. Some people follow the way of immortality, some follow the way of kings, and some follow the way of domineering. There are also extremely rare tricks and holy swords. Dao, several kinds of sword intents have their own advantages and disadvantages. The Immortal Dao Sword is the most mysterious and can often do amazing things. It is best at fighting across borders. Facing opponents. Overbearing swordsmanship is difficult to fight across borders, but he is good at overwhelming people with force. He is almost invincible in the face of people who are lower than himself. Xiao Shen, one of the three elders, was the overbearing swordsman at that time, and his master was not in the sect On Biyou Island, Xiao Shen has the highest realm, so when Xiao Shen slaughtered the Sword Qi Ling Kongtang with one sword, it was a tragic situation that no one could stop."

Xu Beiyou asked: "Master, what is your sword intent?"

Gongsun Zhongmou hesitated for a moment, and laughed at himself: "As a teacher, you are king and sword. If you let me compete with Qiuye in the same realm, I have a [-]% chance of winning. Unfortunately, from the beginning to the end, Qiuye's realm is always higher than mine."

Seemingly knowing what to ask Xu Beiyou to continue, Gongsun Zhongmou showed a faint smile and continued: "As for the sword intent of being a master, it is both a fairy sword and a kingly sword. It is quite standard for a teacher to use the kingly sword to establish the world. If you are in charge of a sword sect that is in full swing, there is no problem, but if you help the building to collapse and turn the tide, it is not enough. Immortal sword has always been regarded as a high-grade sword, because the more you are in a desperate situation, the more powerful you are. The ability to turn the tide is the most precious thing. As for what your own sword intent will be, it is still unclear. It depends on your own enlightenment and practice. It may be much better if a master who becomes a teacher comes to teach you personally. "

Xu Beiyou nodded.

Gongsun Zhongmou glanced at him, and his smile became thicker: "But in my teacher's opinion, it has to be a sword of immortality, maybe it is a rare sword of the holy way in a thousand years, my teacher is optimistic about you."

Xu Beiyou was a little ashamed at first, and then he became a little bit more solemn.The reason for his embarrassment was that Master's praise for him made him a little embarrassed and even at a loss what to do, but after the praise, it was a heavy burden of a swordsman, so Xu Beiyou had to take it seriously.

Gongsun Zhongmou looked down at the interlaced sword marks under his feet, and suddenly said: "After today, I don't know how many more marks will be added? Beiyou, take care, every sword mark is a sword, and it will be of great benefit to your future swordsmanship." Benefits, you don’t have to force yourself to fully understand it now, you can keep it in your heart first, and then refer to it later.”

Xu Beiyou asked cautiously, "Master, what do you mean after today?"

Gongsun Zhongmou said with a smile: "After today, after the battle between me and Qiuye, our master and apprentice are lucky. There are still many spectators in this battle. Under the eyes of everyone, Qiuye maintains his identity and will not be a junior with you. Difficult."

Xu Beiyou looked complicated and remained silent.

Gongsun Zhongmou glanced at the sky, and sighed softly: "Qiuye said that he was in the year of Jiazi in Xuandu, but in my teacher's opinion, the kung fu of this year has made Qiuye reach the height of invincibility in the world. We At this age, this generation is a foregone conclusion, and it is basically hopeless to win against Qiuye, and it will be up to you young people in the future."

At this moment, a natural vision.

Countless dazzling snow-white lights bloomed in the sky, occupying the entire sky.

Xu Beiyou could only cover his face with his hands, not daring to open his eyes.

Gongsun Zhongmou raised his head and looked at the sky. In his field of vision, besides the endless snow-white light, there were also nine dazzling balls of light, like nine suns.

With Lianhua Peak as the center, nine light clusters formed a circle, as if they were watching the former No. [-] peak in the East China Sea.

After a while, the glaring white light all over the sky receded like a tide, leaving only nine light spheres still hanging in the sky.

Gongsun Zhongmou took off the sword box behind his back and stood in front of him, saying loudly: "Old friends, it's been many years since I've seen you."

Nine earth immortals above the twelfth floor came out of their bodies and appeared together!
One of them sneered and said, "Gongsun Zhongmou, today will be your death day next year, so I'm here today to see you off!"

During the conversation, the nine light spheres gradually dispersed their light and took on their own appearances. The one who spoke just now was an old Taoist in a black Taoist robe.

A middle-aged Taoist standing behind Gongsun Zhongmou sneered: "My Taoist sect is the leader in the cultivation world, and the real person in charge of teaching is the well-deserved No. 1 in the world. It is an established general trend for the sword sect to return to the Taoist sect. Your Gongsun Zhongmou To think of going against the general trend with one person's strength is really like a mantis' arms and a car, beyond his own strength!"

Gongsun Zhongmou remained silent.

Standing on the right hand of Gongsun Zhongmou is an old man in Chinese clothes. He is the most powerful and majestic, as if he is sitting between the heaven and the earth, suppressing some demons and evil spirits. As far as the momentum is concerned, it is even higher than the old man who spoke just now. After a while, he spoke slowly, his voice resounding like a loud bell, resounding through the heaven and earth, "Gongsun Zhongmou, Murong Xuanyin can't save you, you are taking death!"

Gongsun Zhongmou put his hand on the sword box, and said calmly: "My swordsman's swordsmanship has always been based on the straight, not the curved. If I avoid and don't fight, it will violate my own swordsmanship."

There was no trace of emotion on the majestic old man's face, and he said indifferently: "Since you and Qiu Ye are going to have a fight, then we will give you this fight. The old man promises that no one else will interfere in this fight."

Gongsun Zhongmou lowered his head slightly, and said with a light smile, "It's really wonderful."

Standing opposite the majestic old man was a handsome monk, shaking his head slightly, his face showed a faint look of compassion and pity, "The Daoist master has passed the eighteenth floor, and there are two treasures in his body, even if it is a living god That's too much, unless Daoist Qingchen appears here..."

The Taoist standing next to the monk shook his head and laughed loudly: "Although Master Qingchen was expelled from the Taoist gate by Uncle Tianchen, in the final analysis, he is still a descendant of the Taoist ancestor, and he will not appear here .”

Lan Yu, the chief assistant of the court, was also among the nine, but he didn't speak, and just looked silently at the young figure behind Gongsun Zhongmou.

The young man's eyes were already red, his fingers clenched into fists, and his nails pierced his flesh without knowing it.

Among the nine people, there were four Taoist peak masters, and three of them had already spoken out one after another. At this time, the last peak advocate opened his hands, and finally said loudly: "Poverty Dao has seen Zhu Xian's sword return to the Taoist sect."

Gongsun Zhongmou was unmoved by these words, and said calmly: "Qiu Ye, you haven't shown up yet?"

The wind rises, the wind rises and the wind falls.

The Taoist in the Ye family's ancestral house suddenly disappeared without leaving any trace.

The next moment, a cloud shoe stepped on the Lotus Peak, and a purple-robed Taoist appeared on the Lotus Peak, walking slowly towards Gongsun Zhongmou.

Xu Beiyou's eyes widened suddenly. Although this was the first time they met, he was certain that this person was the Taoist who came by boat.

The Taoist Qiuye who said that "Qiuye from the Taoist sect will come here to kiss him, and he will end the fate of the past".

The Taoist came to a hundred feet in front of Gongsun Zhongmou, shook his sleeves, and said lightly, "Here are the autumn leaves."

Leaving aside Xu Beiyou, an insignificant little person, everyone else is out of their bodies, only Qiuye and Gongsun Zhongmou are real.

The only woman among the high-altitude nine people sighed softly, exchanged glances with the others, and each took the initiative to step back.

Gongsun Zhongmou waved his robe sleeves, and Xu Beiyou flew backward into the main hall of the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall involuntarily.

As a result, only Qiu Ye and Gongsun Zhongmou were left on the mottled and broken Qingyu Square.

Gongsun Zhongmou pressed the sword case with one hand, and said loudly: "Sword please!"

The sword box suddenly opened, and then the sword energy surged.

A sword rose slowly from the sword box.

The Zhuxian Sword this time is quite different from the past.

The whole body is black and purple, from the hilt to the body of the sword, there are two auras of purple and blue, like two long dragons entangled, covered with white light outside, and red light looming inside.

Gongsun Zhongmou stretched out his hand to grasp the hilt of Zhu Xian's sword, and said softly: "I have a fairy sword, which has been locked in the sword box for a long time. Once it is born, it will cut off thousands of mountains and rivers.

(End of this chapter)

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