Chapter 950

The ripples of the Qi machine visible to the naked eye turned into a huge gust of wind and spread in all directions. The surrounding houses swayed in the gust of wind, like paper paste. The nearest dozen or so brick and stone houses showed signs of collapse, not to mention those bamboo houses. Lou and others were directly uprooted by the strong wind.

Xu Beiyou's face was calm, and he looked at Murong Xuan, who had retreated nearly a hundred feet away, and stood still after sweeping back a distance of more than a hundred feet. There was a purple-blue sword energy in his hand, and a blood glow in the middle was already faintly visible.

A moment later, Li Fenggu's figure slowly rose from the huge bowl-shaped pit. At this time, the pure white robe on the vice pope's body was broken, revealing the armor shining like diamonds under the white robe. Under the pressure of the swarm of Qi, the gaps in the armor have slightly leaked blood, no longer pure and flawless.

As far as Li Fenggu saw, the first thing that caught his eyes was a pair of badly worn cloud shoes with black background and white patterns, then a beautiful white robe, then white hair and a cold face, and finally the fierce The famous Immortal Sword Zhu Xian.

In today's world, all the big monks know that if Xu Beiyou, the lord of the Sword Sect, is the palm of his hand, he is almost unstoppable except for the Daoist Master and Wanyan Beiyue. Several Daoist Masters have already used their own lives to prove it. This point is just that Li Fenggu passed Xu Beiyou several times because of the Battle of Jundao, so before that, he had always been skeptical about this statement, until now, he had to admit that, in In the absence of the other two who are also three saints, Xu Beiyou who is holding Zhu Xian is indeed difficult to match.

Li Fenggu said slowly: "This is Zhu Xian, it's beyond my expectation."

Although the scepter in his hand was cut off by Xu Beiyou's sword, it didn't hurt the root, and he still had the power to fight.

Of course, Xu Beiyou was even more so.

The two were far from giving their all, but even so, the confrontation between the two earth immortals on the [-]th floor was still massive. Xu Beiyou's aftermath of just one strike destroyed half of the city.

What if this sword directly aimed at this barbarian city?
I'm afraid the city will be razed directly, which is why Xu Beiyou acquiesced in allowing all the barbarians in the city to evacuate out of the city. If there are still people left in the city, I'm afraid there will be heavy casualties just in the aftermath of the battle.

As for the bystanders at this time, I am afraid that there is only Zhu Jiuyin hiding in the dark.

Li Fenggu reached out and tore off the remaining white robe on his body, completely revealing the armor under the white robe. The brilliance was so brilliant that he was as brilliant as a god descending from the earth.

Originally, the armor was relatively light and thin, and only protected a few important parts. However, after Li Fenggu tore off the white robe, the armor began to "grow" at a speed visible to the naked eye if it was active. It first changed from thin to thick, and then slowly extended. Wrap Li Fenggu's entire body without leaving any gaps, and finally start to extend upwards to form a helmet with a mask.

Li Fenggu, whose face was gradually hidden behind the visor, said, "You can cut off my scepter, but I wonder if you can cut off my Holy Light Armor? This is a sacred object bestowed to me by His Majesty the Pope. The sword in your hand is bad."

Xu Beiyou didn't speak.

Not worse than Zhu Xian?so what.

I have never used Zhu Xian before, what can you do to me if you join hands with Murong Xuan?
Xu Beiyou drew his sword again.

Zhu Xian hadn't touched Li Fenggu's Holy Light Armor yet, and there were already circles of ripples around the latter, with different sizes, different heights, and even different aftertaste, just like heavy rain falling on a big lake.

Li Fenggu didn't dodge, and let the ripples ripple around his body. He raised his right hand and clenched his fist, hitting his chest hard.

In an instant, the armor shone brightly, and his whole body was covered with a layer of faint white light, and at the same time, there were a few fireflies floating down from his body, spreading to the surroundings.

For Li Fenggu who is wearing the Holy Light Armor, the reason why he has the confidence to stop Xu Beiyou, besides his own level of cultivation is not inferior to Xu Beiyou, is more important because of the Holy Light Armor on his body, which is treasured by the temple One of the ten holy relics of Li Fenggu, once the beloved object of the first head of the Templar Knights, it is on par with the Judgment Spear in the hands of the Chief Judge of the Inquisition. Before Li Fenggu left for the East, the Pope of the Templar specially Put this armor into his hands, let him wear this armor, he can ignore most of the spells, such as Murong Xuan used to shoot shadows before, if it is used on Li Fenggu, Li Fenggu Confidence can go unscathed.

At the beginning of the Battle of Jundao, he faced Lan Yu, the owner of the Tianji Pavilion, who not only had the best cultivation in the world, but also held the Tianji List formerly known as the Mountain and River Map in his hand. It is also relying on this Holy Light Armor, which is known as the absolute defense in the Far West.

At that time, the small thousand world created by the map of mountains and rivers was not comparable to the small thousand world temporarily created by the earth immortals on the [-]th floor. It was almost the same as the secret place of the cave. Master, who is in the most convenient location, raises his hand to call for wind and rain, breathes into wind and thunder, almost comparable to the combat power of the peak of the [-]th floor. Without this holy light armor, then Li Fenggu would not only be seriously injured. Simple, I am afraid that I have died in the cave of the mountain and river map.

From this, it can be seen that this holy light armor is solid and extraordinary.

Zhu Xian fell suddenly, Li Fenggu did not dodge, but raised his arms to block in front of him.

The edge of the sword brushed against the armor, and there was a series of intense friction and pulling sounds of metal and stone, piercing the eardrums.

Li Fenggu frowned, and had to step back.

He thought that after using the Holy Light Armor, he would be able to easily block Xu Beiyou's Jade Immortal, at least it should be evenly divided. Unexpectedly, it was only the first time they fought, and Xu Beiyou cut a line of more than a foot on the arm armor with a sword. The long crack almost completely tore through the entire arm armor, which made Li Fenggu have to refrain from a little underestimation in his heart.

In fact, it's definitely not that Li Fenggu's strength is weak, but that Xu Beiyou's strength is beyond common sense. After all, Li Fenggu's realm is so high that he ranks among the best in the entire Far West. Deputy statement.If it was replaced by Chen Ye, who was also in the [-]th floor realm, without the Thunder Pond Formation, Li Fenggu, who was wearing the Holy Light Armor, would really be helpless.

In terms of realm, Li Fenggu was even slightly higher than Xu Beiyou, but realm was not equal to combat power. In terms of combat power, besides Xu Beiyou, there were only Taoist Qiuye and Hou Jianyan Yan Beiyue.

Now that Qiu Ye is retreating to recuperate from injuries, it is difficult to get out of Xuandu, and Wanyan Beiyue brought Murong Xuanyin back to build the Dao of Ascension, the current Xu Beiyou is a well-deserved invincible earth fairy.

(End of this chapter)

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