Chapter 951

Now that Li Fenggutuo was big, Xu Beiyou was in a position of strength, and he slashed down with his sword in the air, and the sword energy hung in the air like a waterfall. In Li Fenggu's sight, there was nothing but the overflowing sword energy.

Li Fenggu took a deep breath, not daring to rely on the holy light armor on his body to take the sword forcefully, he saw his whole body shining brightly in an instant, his figure skyrocketed, and he became a "man of light" with a height of three feet.

He stretched out his hands and separated the long curtain of sword energy from it.

The next moment, Xu Beiyou waved his sleeves.

One after another three-foot long swords hovered in front of him.

Different colors, different sword qi, different sword intentions.

Although these twelve swords have been fully absorbed by Xu Beiyou's sword energy and spirit, and they are no longer the magic of the past, but there are disadvantages and advantages. Now the twelve swords of the Jianzong and Xu Beiyou are one, and what Xu Beiyou thinks is what the flying sword goes. It can be said to be like an arm.

Li Fenggu, who has already turned into a light man, saw this scene, and naturally knew all kinds of rumors between Xu Beiyou and the Twelve Swords of Jianzong. He used to be quite disdainful of such means of relying on foreign objects, but now he dare not have any more These thoughts are solemnly answered, but I don't know if the twelve swords have other hidden secrets that are not known to people. It is said that Xu Beiyou has used these twelve swords to form a sword array more than once. Is it still the same today?
Xu Beiyou's face was calm, and his eyes swept over the twelve swords in front of him. Just as Li Fenggu guessed, he was going to use the twelve swords to fight the enemy.

The twelve swords of Jianzong create an invincible earth immortal. This is a saying that has been circulated in Jianzong, but no one has tried it. It was not until Jianzong was at the end of his life that Gongsun Zhongmou really put this legend into practice. , So there is Xu Beiyou today, who incorporates the sword spirit and spirit of the twelve swords into himself, casts the bones of the twelve swords, and becomes an invincible earth immortal.However, because of this, the sword energy of the Twelve Swords does not exist, and it is far from being comparable to Zhu Xian, so Xu Beiyou has rarely used the Twelve Swords to fight against the enemy, but the sword spirit of the Twelve Swords still exists. The second sword is to fight the enemy with sword intent.

I saw twelve sword intents soaring into the sky, and then Xu Beiyou took a deep breath and exhaled a huge sword energy from his mouth.

This sword qi is the purest sword qi, without any supernatural powers, but after blending with the twelve sword qi, they have their own auras, and finally they are divided into the twelve sword qi. At this time, Jianzong The Twelve Swords are just like when they were at their heyday.

Tianlan, in response to the spirit of the eight directions, can cut jade and gold, just like cutting earth and wood.

But evil, do not meet evil spirits, and those who have evil spirits will fall when they see them.

Xuanming, in response to the Qi of the toad and rabbit, uses it to point to the moon, and the moon is reversed.

Chi practiced, killing countless people, full of blood and wild, confusing people's minds.

The white rainbow responds to the energy of the golden crow sun, and points it to the sun, and the sun reverses it.

Five poisons, with five colors on the body, to respond to the five poisons, strange and unpredictable.

Zidian, carrying wind and thunder, is as fast as lightning.

Qingshuang, like the frost in late autumn, locks up the spirit.

Inexplicable, irregular, shapeless, fickle.

Huanglong, in order to respond to the spirit of the emperor, is majestic and kingly, and is invincible.

Ask the sky, ask the heaven and the earth with the sword, ask yourself with the sword, don't ask about the way ahead, don't ask about the back.

Different returns, all kinds of different ways to return.

The Twelve Swords of Jianzong at this time not only returned the sword energy from Xu Beiyou to them again, but they also absorbed the unique sword intent of Xu Beiyou after he reached the peak.

Although Li Fenggu didn't understand the sword intent of the East, he once had an in-depth conversation with a sword master in the far west. The sword master once said something that Li Fenggu still remembers. He said that sword It is not dead, the sword is alive, and the sword with life is the strongest sword.

So at this time, Li Fenggu didn't look at the twelve swords with dead objects, but with the eyes of living people, so he saw many scenes that he couldn't understand.

It was a famous swordsman, with different expressions, faces, costumes, and ages. He held a sword for bloody battles, or held a sword for martial arts, or used a sword to divide water, or held a sword to watch waterfalls, or held a sword to kill people. , or slaughter with a sword, or sit quietly with a horizontal sword, or hang a sword to look at the moon, or stand in front of a sword, or sing with a sword, or walk a thousand miles with a sword, or walk with a sword.

If he guessed correctly, this should be the past masters of the Twelve Swords, that is, the previous patriarchs of the Sword Sect Master in front of him.

Twelve people, twelve swords, each with its own style, even Li Fenggu was in a trance for a moment.

The next moment, Xu Beiyou suddenly pressed his hands down.

All the pictures in front of Li Fenggu's eyes suddenly shattered, and then what greeted his eyes was a line of swords.

Li Fenggu subconsciously assumed a defensive posture.

Almost at the same time, twelve swords fell on him, and the sound of twelve impacts almost converged into one sound.

These twelve swords seem to be light, but in fact they are so powerful that Li Fenggu's body sank several feet into the ground in an instant, leaving only the upper body exposed to the ground, and he even swallowed it forcibly and almost gushed out. With the blood in his throat, he barely stabilized his body and stopped shaking violently.

However, Li Fenggu is one of the few top figures in the world. With his hands on the ground, he stood up against the Twelve Swords of Jianzong. After a sound, he still rushed forward violently, his aura instantly climbed to the top, and he punched hard at Xu Beiyou, who had shown a weak state after exhaling sword energy.

Facing Li Fenggu's almost all-out punch, Xu Beiyou didn't panic at all, instead of retreating, he allowed Li Fenggu's punch to hit his forehead, and Zhu Xian in his hand stabbed at Li Feng without hesitation. ancient heart.

Attack against attack.

Although judging from the overall situation, there are three people on Li Fenggu's side. If one person's life is exchanged for Xu Beiyou's serious injury, or the end of both, the side with more people will undoubtedly win, but from the actual situation, a person with aspirations How could Li Fenggu, who was in charge of the Holy Church and even the entire Far West, be willing to exchange his life with others in such a place.

He is not a dead man.

So at this moment, Li Fenggu still cherished his life and chose to switch from offense to defense.The light on his body presents a shimmering scene, and the whole person is like a shining sun.

At this moment, the entire barbarian city was engulfed by the white light emitted by this round of shining sun, leaving only a vast expanse of whiteness between the sky and the earth.

However, this piece of white light only lasted for an instant, and the next moment, a ray of light split the white light curtain in two.

Three feet piercing armor, like a broken bamboo.

The white light dissipated, Zhu Xian pierced Li Fenggu's breastplate, and the tip of the sword touched his heart, making him unable to move.

Li Fenggu showed his original appearance, the armor on his body was already dull.

Holding the sword in both hands, Xu Beiyou suddenly took a step forward. Although Zhu Xian, who was at the end of his strength, failed to pierce Li Fenggu's chest, he was knocked out completely.

Amidst the roar, dust was flying.

Li Fenggu's figure passed through the entire city, plowed a deep ditch hundreds of feet long on the ground, and finally crashed into the palace of the barbarian king.

The barbarian palace, which symbolized the barbarian king, collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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