That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 952 One Sword Hit Like a Clock Hitting the Sky

Chapter 952
Li Fenggu, who was buried in the ruins of the Barbarian Palace, suddenly stood up and broke through countless building wreckage. At this time, the visor of the vice pope had been split into two halves by Zhu Xian's sword energy, revealing his pale face underneath. He didn't lower his head to look at the shattered breastplate, but stared at the Sect Master of the Sword Sect, and stretched out his hands to hold his chest, with blood continuously overflowing from between his fingers.

Twelve three-foot long swords were hanging above his head, staring at him.

Li Fenggu, who seems to be in a heavy siege, still has some lingering fears. Although he has already highly estimated the master of the sword sect, it seems that he still underestimates the master of the sword sect.

Li Fenggu, who didn't dare to confront Zhu Xian head-on anymore, became angry from embarrassment: "Don't make a move yet?"

In fact, long before Li Fenggu opened his mouth, Zhu Jiuyin, who was hiding in the dark, had already made a move.

Almost at the same time that Li Fenggu spoke, an old man with frosty hair appeared behind Xu Beiyou, and stretched out a finger to point at Xu Beiyou's back.

The fingers showed a shocking snow-white color, without any blood color, and the nails were like a miniature sharp sword, purple and black almost ink.

Although Xu Beiyou was also aware of it and turned back to Hengjian at the last moment, when his fingers landed on Zhuxian's sword, Zhuxian still trembled slightly.

Xu Beiyou stepped back a little distance, his face was a little dignified, and he roughly guessed the identity of this person, the actual ruler of southern Xinjiang, the great elder of the witch religion, Zhu Jiuyin.

The old man smiled sinisterly: "There is actually a large formation within a hundred miles of Zhushen Mountain. At this time, this large formation has been opened by the old man, and the sky is hoodwinked. Even if Lan Yu and Zhao Qing in Shuzhou want to rush to help As for you, it is also difficult to find this place in a short while, in other words, Sect Master Xu, you can only fight alone."

The old man's tone was calm, without too many ups and downs, but the movements of his hands were extremely ruthless. After one finger, he waved his sleeves again, splashing out countless miasma, gathering into a purple-black evil dragon, rolling away towards Xu Beiyou .

Speaking of southern Xinjiang, I am afraid that the first impression of Central Plains people is the place where miasma is rampant, and it is these almost endless miasma that stopped the previous conquests of the Central Plains Dynasty. Zhu Jiuyin and his predecessors, as the masters of Southern Xinjiang , using these god-given things here for two purposes, one is to build the guardian array that can deceive the sky and resist the enemy, and the other is to refine it into this treasure called fairy miasma, which seems to be false and real, It is extremely poisonous. If ordinary miasma is only used against ordinary people, it is useless against monks and barbarians who live in miasma all year round. Then these immortal miasmas condensed by Zhu Jiuyin are specially used to deal with earth immortal monks. Whether you have the physique of a martial artist or the golden body of Buddhism, you will be corroded and worn away by this miasma.However, although the Wugou body of the Taoist sect is most afraid of attacking with sharp weapons such as Zhu Xian, it is not afraid of such poisonous miasma, witchcraft and Gu methods. If you are a Daoist Daoist in your body, it will be difficult to do much.

This is also in line with the cycle of heaven, one thing descends one thing.

It is true that the sword sect Xu Beiyou belongs to is from the same line as the Dao sect, but each has its own strengths. The supreme sword body of the sword sect is more similar to the physique of a martial artist, and it is far from the Wushou body of the Tao sect. The most fearful thing is this kind of filth Means, to use an inappropriate analogy, hard stones may not be able to penetrate iron objects, but soft water can rust iron objects, whether it is martial arts physique or supreme sword body, they are all iron objects, and Zhu Jiuyin's poisonous miasma is corrosion Iron water.

Xu Beiyou didn't dare to let the poisonous miasma get close to him, he slashed out with a sword, splitting the long dragon in two.

In front of Zhu Xian, the miasma was naturally dissipated, but the wound on Xu Beiyou's wrist before started to ooze black blood, and even the skin on the back of his hand turned ashen, and the veins under the skin were like centipedes. Rising violently, constantly beating, extremely frightening.

Xu Beiyou shook off the dirty blood on his wrist, and then used the Qi machine to forcefully suppress the poisonous gas that seeped into his body. Although his life was safe, his cultivation was still affected.

With another wave of Zhu Jiuyin's hand, the fairy miasma that had been scattered by Xu Beiyou's sword re-condensed, and I saw streaks of deep purple aura circling around his palm, not like poisonous miasma that took people's lives, but like purple auspicious clouds.

With the lessons learned from Li Fenggu, Zhu Jiuyin did not dare to stand up to this sword celestial holding Zhu Xian, not to say that he would be beheaded directly by Xu Beiyou, but instead of taking risks, it would be better to slowly consume the lord of the sword sect. After all, he wished Jiuyin to rule the southern border, and even Shuzhou, and even ascend to the throne, so how could he be in danger!
However, he also has a layer of concern. If Xu Beiyou insists on leaving, even if Xu Beiyou is injured, even if he has activated Zhushen Peak's guardianship now that both Murong Xuan and Li Fenggu have temporarily lost their fighting strength. The big formation is still not fully sure to stop it.

Fortunately, Xu Beiyou had no intention of escaping from the beginning to the end. Instead, he turned his attention to the seriously injured Li Fenggu.

The next moment, Xu Beiyou's figure disappeared.

Li Fenggu also noticed something, and retreated abruptly.

A whistling sound suddenly sounded, and Xu Beiyou had already appeared three feet in front of Li Fenggu.

In a hurry, Li Fenggu could only cross his arms and stand in front of him.

Then Li Fenggu was chopped into the ground by Zhu Xian again.

Just after Zhu Jiuyin made a move, Xu Beiyou had already made a decision. It would be very difficult to kill Zhu Jiuyin, who occupies a favorable location, in a short period of time. It would be better to directly target Li Fenggu, who had been seriously injured by him.

After Li Fenggu barely blocked the sword with his arms, Xu Beiyou made another sword before he had time to react.

Li Fenggu was sent flying by the sword, and his body below the waist forcibly plowed a deep ditch tens of feet long on the ground.

From the beginning to the end, Zhu Jiuyin had no intention of making a move.

The great elder of the witch religion seemed to have changed from an insider to an outsider all of a sudden. He watched Xu Beiyou make a move with a leisurely look. If it wasn't for Murong Xuan who was far away from him, he might have opened his mouth to give some pointers.

The so-called three people teaming up, let alone impregnable, it is better to say it is the same bed with different dreams.

Since Zhu Jiuyin never made a move, and Murong Xuan was unable to make a move, Li Fenggu, who was wearing the holy light armor, could only retreat again and again.

Xu Beiyou's sword kept coming out like a heavy crossbow, like thunder, which made Li Fenggu unable to fight back.

Finally, Xu Beiyou and Li Fenggu were close at hand.

Although one inch is long and one inch is strong, one inch is short and one inch is dangerous, and the three-foot green blade is not suitable for real close-to-hand combat, but Xu Beiyou's sword is different!
Sword 36 claims to be tolerant of the world's swordsmanship, so it's not a lie.

Xu Beiyou held the sword behind his back, and slammed into Li Fenggu with the head of the sword.

Sword Fourteen, Cang Lei Zhen.

There was a loud bang when it hit like a clock hitting the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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