Chapter 968

Of the five great families in Wei State, the Gongsun family has died, and the other four families, the Zhang family and the Murong family are still in the hands of the elders, namely Zhang Xueyao and Murong Xuan, while the Ye family and the Shangguan family have completed the replacement of the old and the new for various reasons. , the head of the Ye family changed from the old matriarch Ye Xia to Ye Daoqi, the head of the Ye family. After the death of Shangguan Qinghong, the Shangguan family was replaced by Shangguan Yun, one of the five brothers of the Shangguan family, as the head of the family.

In addition to Shangguan Yun, the other four of Shangguan's five brothers, the eldest, Shangguanfeng, went to Meishan Mingling under the order of Wei Wang Xiaojin, but they were trapped in it, and were easily captured by Xiao Yu, who had already achieved the realm of gods, and became the mausoleum's mausoleum. slave.The third son, Shangguan Tan, is now the governor of the Wei State Navy and the general who led the attack on Liangxiang this time.The fourth son Shangguan rebelled and died at the hands of Xu Beiyou.The fifth child, Shangguan Qiushui, travels around the world as a woman.

Among the five, Shangguan Tan is the most well-known, and Shangguan Feng is the most mysterious, but neither of them is the backbone of the Shangguan clan. A person who simply stays away from home for a long time is destined not to be a candidate who can support the Shangguan family.

Only Shangguan Yun, the current patriarch of the Shangguan family who is well-known but rarely shows up, is the real backbone of the Shangguan family.The reason why he doesn't show up often is because his whereabouts have been erratic for many years, and he is somewhat similar to Murong Xuan. As we all know, Murong Xuan spends half of the year in the Taoist Xuandu, and the other half of the year will be in the Wei Kingdom. Among the Murong's mansion and the Murong's ancestral house in Longcheng, Liaozhou, Shangguan Yun is roughly the same, staying in the Central Plains for half of the year, rarely appearing in Wei State, and the intersection with Wei Palace is even rarer. Not many, so when Shangguan Yun appeared in Jundao Wanshi Garden, not only the many dignitaries of Wei State, but also Shangguan Tan, who is a brother, was very surprised.

After the discussion in Jundao Wanshiyuan ended, Shangguan Yun, Xiao Lin, and Liu Mian came to the front line of Liangxiang together, but unlike the two who shot to stop Bingchen, Shangguan Yun was hiding in the team that rushed to help. Among the cavalry army of Wei State.

At this time, the head of the Shangguan family didn't pay much attention to the demeanor of a Confucian general with a feather fan and scarf. He was exactly the same as all the generals of the Wei state. He wore armor without obvious signs in the army formation, and he didn't even bring any personal guards.

The reason why Shangguan Yun wanted to act in this way was because his purpose was not to protect Xiao Shu, but to find an opportunity to attack important generals in the Jiangnan Army.

In fact, when Murong Xuan was about to go off in person, Shangguan Yun had no choice but to make a move. After all, his background was as deep as that of Taoism. Not many masters died at the hands of Xu Beiyou, but they suffered heavy losses in the battle of Mingling in Meishan. In the current situation, even Xiao Jin felt stretched and had to recall Shangguan Yun.

The five members of the Shangguan family, Shangguan Feng and Shangguan Luan have all passed away. Shangguan Tan is a high-ranking official of the Wei State and has long been unable to get away. Shangguan Yun should not have completely tied himself to the Wei State, but faced Xiao Jin's repeated orders, Even under the pressure of Murong Xuan, he still had to come, but before he left, he had arranged for Shangguan Qiushui to take a few younger generations of his family to leave Wei Guo to go to Houjian. It can barely be regarded as a pure land.

Shangguan Yun exhaled lightly, and his face, which seemed to be no doubt about his age, was still calm. He raised his head and looked at the sky above his head, which was a piece of blue.

The head of the Shangguan family told himself in his heart that the Wei State may not be defeated, and the Shangguan family may not necessarily lose. As long as the Wei State wins the world, then the Shangguan family will be the first-class hero, full of glory.

The victory of Wei State began from the Liangxiang battlefield here.

Shangguan Yun withdrew his gaze, and directly issued an order to the leading generals, telling them to rescue the 2000 troops led by Xiao Shu. As for whether they can annihilate the thousands of soldiers and horses of the Jiangnan Army, it doesn't matter, just do your best.

Although the thousands of cavalry troops were a great achievement, since Shangguan Yun gave the order, the commander of the cavalry army did not dare to have any objections, and began to lead the army to charge.

Shangguan Yun stood on his horse and let the rolling cavalry rush forward from both sides.

Shangguan Yun, who patiently waited for the opportunity, continued to look at the battlefield, and then said to himself: "Before I came here today, I had a divination, and there was evil in the auspicious omen, I hope I was wrong."

Shangguan Yun raised his head again to look at the sky above his head, and said softly: "Because Xiao Yu is not tolerated by the way of heaven, he can only hide in the Ming Mausoleum to linger on his last breath. The next father and son, Xiao Xuan and Xiao Bai, disobeyed the way of heaven, and each died. The emperors of three generations are enemies of the way of heaven, so it can be seen that the heaven is about to perish, and that is the destiny of heaven."

Shangguan Yun turned over from the horse, and then patted the saddle lightly. This black steed has a bit of a sense of mystery, and the old horse knows the way, and instantly understood the owner's intentions. It stepped on the horse's hoof and took a series of small steps. Turn back and leave alone.

Shangguan Yun walked on foot, and the nail leaves on his body rattled as he walked.

This place looks like a battlefield, but it has actually been divided into three small battlefields.

The first battlefield was naturally where Xiao Shu led his army to strangle the remnant soldier, and the remnant soldier was just a bait thrown by Yu Kuang.

The second battlefield is where the cavalry led by Bai Yu and the cavalry led by Shangguan Yun are fighting. These two cavalry occupy the largest number of people on the battlefield, but they are also supporting roles in this big battlefield.

As for the third battlefield, it is no longer on the ground, but in the sky. It is destined to be a battle between the earth and immortals. In this battlefield, the three people fighting are the protagonists but not the protagonists.It is said that they are the protagonists because they are fully capable of deciding the direction of the battle. It is said that they are not the protagonists because the real protagonists have not yet come here.

Who is the real protagonist?
Narrowly speaking, it is Shangguan Tan and Yu Kuang, the main generals in this offensive and defensive battle between the two Xiangs.

More broadly speaking, it is Xiao Jin, the King of Wei, and Xu Beiyou, who wears the seal of General Pinglu on his waist.

Let's not talk about the overall situation of the world, just talk about this Jiangnan battlefield. After the Zhenmo Temple existed in name only, Xiao Jin and Xu Beiyou have become the two most powerful people. The game between the two will determine the ownership of the entire Jiangnan and the general trend of the world.

Shangguan Yun walked forward slowly, as if he was quietly waiting for something.

At this time, Shangguan Yun didn't look like a famous and elegant Confucian gentleman. He didn't have any fluttering sleeves or fluttering clothes. He only had an ordinary armor, just like an ordinary soldier, walking forward slowly.

While walking, Shangguan Yun finally locked on his first target.

The woman in purple cotton armor is the leader.

At the same time, Bai Yu's intuition, which had been honed from fighting in battle for many years, also immediately sensed the faint murderous intent.

At this time, Bai Yu had already come into direct contact with Wei's cavalry army, and the saber in his hand was stained with blood.

In fact, after she shot three arrows in a row, her arms began to tremble slightly. Facing the Shangguan Patriarch who was ready to go, even if she was the most powerful warrior, she still had no chance of winning.

But she didn't flinch in the slightest.

The woman vaguely remembered that when she was still young, her father who was still alive at the time told her that no one in this world is not afraid of death, even those high-ranking earth immortal monks. For a person, life and death are the bottom of the world. A first-class event, but on the battlefield, life and death are the most insignificant trifles.

A battlefield is originally piled up with countless lives and dead bodies.

(End of this chapter)

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