Chapter 969

Just when this war broke out suddenly due to a coincidence, Xu Beiyou was still on his way from Shuzhou to Huzhou. According to his expectations and Yu Kuang's military report, this war should not have happened so early, so Xu Beiyou didn't leave in a hurry, but after receiving the message from Bingchen's flying sword, Xu Beiyou immediately sped up, and Yujian rushed to Liangxiang in the air.

Because Xu Beiyou had a premonition that the Taoist sect would not let this opportunity go easily.Although the Daoist sect has been hurt, but when it comes to the number of masters in the south of the Yangtze River, the imperial court is still inferior to the Daoist sect. The reason why the Taoist sect was able to suppress the Daoist sect before was because Xu Beiyou's sword alone made half of the Daoist sect unable to hold their heads up. Come.

Xu Beiyou is a crucial point. If he is not on the frontal battlefield, then the situation of strength and weakness will be reversed immediately, and Bingchen alone will not be able to withstand it.

Because of this, Xu Beiyou could no longer wait for the reinforcements from Shuzhou to go forward together. He had to rush to the Liangxiang battlefield alone, where not only his disciples were there, but also the general trend of the whole world.As for the reinforcements from Shuzhou, they can only be entrusted to Zhao Qing, who will advance one step later.

This master Zhao is not only a martial artist, but also the leader of the army back then. The defeat of Dazheng Beidi did not lie in Zhao Qing, but in the general trend. This time he will lead the army. With Yu sitting in Jincheng, Xu Beiyou can do it with confidence.

The Governor's Mansion of Xiangyang City.

Yu Kuang looked at a battle report that had just been sent back with a solemn expression, and remained silent.

He did not expect the situation to develop to this point. His original intention was to put a bait out. The worst result was that the bait was eaten in one bite and failed to catch a big fish. He actually dispatched his two guards to the frontal battlefield, making it impossible to decide the situation even if Bingchen, the eighteenth-floor sword fairy, took action himself.

This plunged Yu Kuang into a dilemma. He slumped on the big tiger-skin chair that belonged exclusively to the general, sighed heavily, and rested his hands on his forehead, feeling deeply exhausted.

If there is any change in the situation in Jiangnan because of this battle, even if he can kill Xiao Shu, it will be useless. After all, his son can be regenerated if he loses Jiangnan. If Jiangnan is lost, it will be difficult to get it back God.

Taking a step back, even if the situation in the south of the Yangtze River is not affected, what would Xu Beiyou, who is the lord of the Sword Sect and wears the seal of the Great General Pinglu, think about it if something happens to the members of the Sword Sect?If Xu Beiyou felt resentful because of this, then coupled with the reason for his previous defeat at Dongting Lake, then his official career would probably come to an end here.

Yu Kuang smiled wryly and said to himself: "The decades of dormancy turned out to be a complete joke."

Outside Xiangyang City, on the battlefield.

Shangguan Yun finally made a move and directly tore the huge battlefield apart. Nearly a hundred armored soldiers failed to stop the Shangguan Patriarch's attack in person, so they were broken by one person.

Bai Yu's strongest method was still the big bow on his back, not the saber in his hand, so after Bai Yu made a slash, Shangguan Yun slapped Bai Yu's chest on his chest, not only turning the mount under Bai Yu into a cloud of blood mist, And she herself had to slide backwards out.

Shangguan Yun didn't float around like an ordinary earth fairy, but walked up to Bai Yu step by step, and said, "What a beauty, what a pity."

Bai Yu half-kneeled on the ground, her chest heaving violently, stabbing the ground with the saber in her hand, leaning on the saber.

Shangguan Yun pinched his fingers leisurely to make a fortune for himself, and said to himself: "There is evil in good luck, good luck in evil, the two are uncertain, there is a little turning point?"

He looked down, "It seems that the old man did not choose the wrong person, let alone killed the wrong person."

The next moment, Shangguan Yun raised his arm and slapped Bai Yu's head with his palm.

Bai Yu struggled to draw the saber, not to block it, but to point directly at Shangguan Yun's heart.

Unexpectedly, with a backhand grab, Shangguan Yun grasped the blade firmly with his five fingers, and then lightly broke the saber from the middle, but his palm did not hurt at all.

Bai Yu knew something was wrong, she resolutely stepped back and swept away.

Shangguan Yun smiled and said: "If you are given another 20 years, I may not be your opponent, but now, you have no chance of winning."

Shangguan Yun took a step forward and punched out.

With a loud bang, Bai Yu was knocked backwards and flew a distance of more than ten feet, his back fell heavily on the ground, the cotton armor on his body was broken, and blood gushed out continuously.

Shangguan Yun took a deep breath, wisps of purple gold aura circulated on his face, and then wisps of purple gold aura rose from his whole body, which was particularly dazzling on this battlefield.

Bai Yu struggled to get up and forcibly swallowed a mouthful of blood.

Shangguan Yun didn't make any more moves, but said calmly: "If this situation continues, Xu Beiyou will arrive soon. This is the so-called bad luck, but where is the good luck hidden in the bad luck?"

In fact, in the diametrically opposite direction to Xu Beiyou, there was also a person flying towards the battlefield here.

The person who came was a middle-aged Taoist in a black Taoist robe. He stopped for a while in the middle of the journey, and when he raised his eyes, he looked like a fairy in the sky. The rays of light, dots and dots, circle around the Taoist continuously, showing the tendency of stars forming an array, moving mysteriously, like a star map in the sky, with stars constantly being born and dying, and countless dots of light are constantly passing away.

At the critical moment of the Jiangnan War, as the master of the Demon Suppressing Hall, he had to return to the Xuandu of the Taoist sect due to internal reasons within the Taoist sect, to face the face-to-face questioning of the masters of the peaks and palaces in the Yuqing Palace.

Fortunately, Murong Xuan greeted Qiu Ye in advance, and Qiu Ye, the real person in charge, came forward in person, and finally forcibly suppressed the opposition from Yuqing Palace, which allowed Chen Ye to escape and rush to the Jiangnan battlefield again .

For this, Chen Ye deeply hated him. If it hadn't been for the Yuqing Palace meeting to recall him to Xuandu, then Murong Xuan would not be alone in southern Xinjiang, and would not be in the current situation. If he could be lucky If Xu Beiyou were left in southern Xinjiang, the situation in Jiangnan would be completely different.

such a pity.

The matter has come to this point, it is useless to say more.

After Chen Ye noticed that the sword energy that did not conceal his aura was rushing towards the south of the Yangtze River, Chen Ye immediately set off for Liangxiang, Huzhou.

Having said that, his return to Xuandu this time was not entirely a waste of time. In addition to repairing his eighteen Thunder Beads, Qiu Ye, who was recovering from his injuries, even handed over the Dutian Seal to him.

If the Linglong Pagoda and the Zhuxian Sword are a pair of tit-for-tat heavy weapons, then the same is true for Dutianyin and Chuan Guoxi. As far as Chen Ye knows, Chuan Guoxi is not in Xu Beiyou's hands at this time, but is left by him. The imperial capital Xiao Zhinan.

Then Chen Ye now has the confidence to compete head-on with Xu Beiyou.

After all, too many great masters in the Taoist sect died. Although it has not yet shaken the foundation of the Taoist sect, it is time to deal with it. Xu Beiyou cannot be allowed to kill the backbone of the Taoist sect.

Chen Ye stepped forward again, and his figure turned into a rainbow and rose from the ground.

A trail of five colors visible to the naked eye sprinkled behind him, like a rainbow hanging in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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