Chapter 970

In many sects, such as Jianzong, there may be only one outstanding person who is expected to live forever in a generation, but among Taoist sects, there are often several people. Among the generations of Chen, there are three people, Zichen, Qingchen and Tianchen, and even In addition, there is Bingchen who stood behind him, and the Yezi generation who is now in charge of the Daoist sect is slightly inferior to the previous generation, but there are two of them.

Among the generation of Ye Zi, the head teacher's wife Murong Xuan is a genius, but she can't be regarded as a purely Taoist. At the beginning, he was a talented person who attracted worldwide attention. In the future, the road will be even smoother, from the young master of the Ye family to the disciple in charge, from the disciple in charge to the first disciple of the Taoist sect, then from the first disciple of the Taoist sect to the head teacher of the Taoist sect, and finally with Daqi Together, the emperor is called the second sage of the world. He has always been a figure bathed in the light of ten thousand zhang.

Chen Ye, who was not born in the lineage of the head teacher, didn't see much at first. To ordinary people, he naturally has excellent root and bone aptitude, but it is not so conspicuous in a Taoist school where talents are born. Long, far inferior to the exiled immortal Dacai, but besides his own good nature, Chenye also belongs to the kind of person with great luck. After Yicheng, he met his "noble man" Qingchen. Due to Chen's troubles, he had to step down as the master of the Demon Suppressing Palace. Afterwards, Qingchen was in charge of the Demon Suppressing Palace. A large number of newcomers were able to enter the Demon Suppressing Palace, the head of the five halls and twelve pavilions, and Chen Ye was one of them.Then, during the incident of Qing Chen's rebellion that spread to the entire Taoist sect, the entire Zhenmo Palace was cleaned up by the main peak master Tianchen because of Qingchen's involvement. By stepping aside, Chen Ye, as a newcomer, will have a bright future and become a top figure in the Temple of Demon Suppression.The third time, because of the battle between Qingchen and He Laoshan, Qingchen slaughtered more than half of the large Demon Suppressing Palace. Taking advantage of the opportunity, he was promoted to be the master of the Zhenmo Temple, and completely reorganized the upper and lower parts of the Zhenmo Temple, canceling the original position of elder, and invited Bingchen from the Zhenmo Well, which completely stabilized his position in the Taoist sect. After painstaking efforts, he finally became known as the head teacher in black.

According to the law of Taoism, the real person in charge wears a purple robe, and the great person wears a black robe, so the head of the halls and pavilions, the master of the Demon Suppressing Hall, is also called the head teacher in black, which is a kind of praise in the eyes of outsiders. Even the vast majority of Taoist people think so.Ke Chenye understood in his heart, why is the Lord of the Demon Suppressing Hall so important?Looking at the masters of the Demon Suppressing Hall through the ages, Wu Chen, Qing Chen, and Ming Chen, there is no mediocrity. In the final analysis, the Taoist leader and the Lord of the Demon Suppressing Hall are two sides of the Taoist sect, just like the one who has seen countless There are yin and yang Pisces all over the place, the Daoist master is the yang side, which is the face, and the master of the Demon Suppressing Palace is the yin side, which is the face.

In the Daoist sect, as the face-saving teacher, the Daoist Master must be radiant and must not tolerate any dust.As the master of the Demon Suppressing Palace in Lizi, he can only wear black clothes in the dark, doing the dirty work that he doesn't want to do and can't do.

Sit face and talk with others in Zixiao Palace, maybe Lizi will have to throw a person into the demon-suppressing well.In life, scheming, skill, and talent are all secondary. Some people become face, and some become li. In the final analysis, it is determined by the times.

Speaking of the grievances between the Taoist sect and the Daqi court, fighting against the emperor of Daqi is something that should be done for face, and Lizi can't replace it. Now in the Jiangnan battlefield, this is something that Lizi should do, and face can't be replaced either, Chen Ye The previous defeat in the south of the Yangtze River almost ruined the entire Zhenmo Palace, which was equivalent to bleeding, but Li Zi couldn't stop it and let the blood flow to his face. This is a major event to destroy the sect.

When he came to Jiangnan again this time, he wanted to make up for his previous mistakes and make up for his mistakes.

When Chen Ye no longer concealed his aura, Shangguan Yun, who was in the center of the battlefield, relaxed his brows, and finally knew where the word "auspicious" came from. It turned out to be the "going and returning" man in black The head teacher finally returned to the south of the Yangtze River again, judging by his momentum, he was even better than the eighteenth-floor realm sword fairy above his head at this time. It seems that Chen Ye has gained a lot from returning to the Taoist sect this time. One of the treasures was handed over to Chen Ye.

Looking at this posture, Chen Ye may really have the power to fight Xu Beiyou head-on. After all, the Sword Sect Master has fought successively in the recent period. Combat strength, Xu Beiyou, who is no longer at the peak at this time, is really hard to say the outcome of Chen Ye, who is holding a heavy weapon of Taoism and waiting for work.

Shangguan Yun also finally understood that King Wei's intention of sending all three of them here at one go was not just to protect Xiao Shu, but it seemed that Xiao Jin used Xiao Shu as bait to catch Xu Beiyou, a big fish.

Knowing it from birth is considered exhaustive, and it has never been a lie.

If Liumian and Xiao Lin above were to contain Bingchen, the [-]th-floor sword fairy, then Shangguan Yun was no longer trying to assassinate some important general, but acting on his own and waiting for the opportunity.

This was Xiao Jin's real intention. As for why he didn't speak clearly before, it was probably because he was not sure about the specific attitude of the Daoist sect.

All of a sudden, there seemed to be a series of muffled thunder sounds between the sky and the earth, and countless clouds burst violently, coming from far and near, and they were coming towards this place swiftly.

At this moment, in Shangguan Yun's line of sight, there was no more large army fighting, no Bai Yu who was seriously injured and dying, no Liu Mian, Xiao Lin and Bing Chen, no Xiao Shu and Li Shentong, no Huang Xiao and Zhang Yuping, only that road galloping from the end of the sky. The coming sword Qi Changhong.

At the same time, in the opposite direction corresponding to it, five-color clouds suddenly rose and filled the entire sky.

The two sides appeared on the battlefield almost at the same time, confronting each other and not giving in to each other.

Then the two quickly approached.

The sword Qi Changhong spans between the sky and the earth. This sword seems to be a white rainbow penetrating the sun. It is swift and fierce, even better than thunder, and the light is dazzling, like lightning in the middle of the night.

The five-color clouds quickly diffused, soaking the entire sky, as if a beautiful picture scroll was drawn on the sky curtain, a long scroll of heaven and earth.

There is a theory of five immortals in Taoism. The founder of Taoism Chunyang divided the earth immortals among the five immortals into eighteen towers, and the old Taoist teacher Zichen interpreted it: the realm of earth immortals is a painting, and earth immortals are a building. Jingjing only saw the tip of the iceberg of this painting, while Dixian Shibalou had already taken this painting into his eyes from beginning to end.

This scroll of heaven and earth is Chenye's fairyland.

Xu Beiyou's sword slowly entered the scroll like an ink pen, leaving a deep trace on the painting.

The initial mark of the pen is the deepest, and the color gradually fades as the pen runs, and finally the ink on the nib is exhausted, leaving no traces.

(End of this chapter)

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