Chapter 971
After the power of the sword was exhausted, Xu Beiyou showed his figure, holding Zhu Xian, surrounded by purple and green sword energy, and spread to the surroundings at the same time, continuously dispelling the five-color cloud energy.

In a cloud of five colors tens of feet away, Chen Ye also swayed from the air to the ground, holding a square seal in his hand, and on the four sides were Taihao Fuxi, the eastern emperor, Shaohao Jintian, the western emperor, and so on. Yandi Shennong, the emperor of heaven in the south, Zhuanxu Gaoyang of heaven and earth in the north, and Xuanyuan, the emperor of heaven in the center, above the seal.

It is the Dutian seal, one of the two most important weapons of the Taoist sect.

The corner of Shangguan Yun's mouth curled into a smile, as expected, Chen Ye was carrying a Taoist heavy weapon, which was enough to fight Xu Beiyou head-on.

Then Shangguan Yun felt a little emotional in his heart. When he was young, he read books and read all over the history books. Every time he was able to turn the tide, he always seemed to fall short at the last moment.

He didn't know why at the time, but later he figured out the reason, the tide is falling, it is the trend of the general trend, and trying to turn the tide is going against the general trend, how can he be undefeated?
Now Xu Beiyou, the man who turned the tide, finally came.

In Chen Ye's hand, Du Tianyin flew up by itself, born with a vision.

Each of the five heavenly emperors on the seal has its own qi, the green qi of the east, the golden and white qi of the west, the flaming red qi of the south, the mysterious water qi of the north, and the earthy yellow qi of the center. into the dust leaf body.

Chen Ye's body was surrounded by five-color aura that was almost condensed into substance, shining brightly, and his aura rose again and again, and there was a tendency to approach the eighteenth floor of the Earth Immortal.

Chen Ye closed her eyes, bathed in the five-color aura, as if intoxicated by the sublime realm in front of her.

Xu Beiyou took a deep breath, his clothes bulging endlessly, instantly filled with sword energy.

Then he stepped out, and after stepping out a crack like a spider web on the ground, he swiftly swept towards Chenye.

Chen Ye opened his eyes, turned his palm over, and there was a little spark jumping out of his palm. At first glance, it seemed that it was not as good as the light of a candle, but in Xu Beiyou's eyes, it was a sea of ​​flames.

Chen Ye flicked her fingers, and the sparks of fire followed.

This red dot as small as sparks began to expand rapidly during the flight, and when it was still three feet away from Xu Beiyou, it had already turned into a sea of ​​flames, like a brilliant burning cloud at sunset.

Xu Beiyou castrated continuously.

Sword 21, the sword that breaks the void with reality.

The three-foot green blade in his hand is real, but the sea of ​​fire in front of him is empty.

A sword passed by, but at the beginning, nothing happened. After a while, the sea of ​​fire was split from it, splitting into two.

Xu Beiyou stomped heavily on the ground with one foot, forcibly stopped his figure, and then swept across with his backhand sword. In an instant, countless sword auras fell from the sky, forming a truly grand occasion of sword aura raining down.

Chen Ye chuckled, waved his sleeves, and forcibly blocked the countless majestic sword qi with his own majestic aura.

Xu Beiyou was expressionless, holding a sword in one hand, and his whole body was like a straight line. He didn't look like a sword fairy with a sword for thousands of miles, but like a swordsman fighting a duel in the world. Simply, as fast as thunder, as powerful as thunder, with a sword.

Chen Ye's figure flew backwards, and a gust of wind howled, retreating nearly a hundred feet in one breath before slowly stabilizing her figure.

The sword failed, so Xu Beiyou pointed at Chen Yeyao with his sword.

The next moment, a line of white sword energy spewed out, the power is not inferior to the sword of the eighteenth floor sword fairy.

Chen Ye's figure turned sharply, unsteady, although he narrowly avoided the sword, the bun on his head was still blown away by the aftermath of the sword energy, and his hair was disheveled.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Beiyou started to run forward with the sword in his hand, his whole body and the sword in his hand merged into one, and then turned into a horizontal thunderbolt, instantly passing the distance of hundreds of feet between the two of them.

In terms of swordsmanship, Shangguan Xianchen, who has died, is the well-deserved No. 1 in the past hundred years. In the end, he was defeated by the sky, and he is already invincible in the world.And Xu Beiyou, who has absorbed the Twelve Swords of Jianzong, is undoubtedly the second swordsman after Shangguan Xianchen. Although Bingchen is also a sword fairy of the eighteenth floor, his sword 36 is not complete, and the inheritance of swordsmanship is lacking. The well-known pure swordsmanship competed with Xu Beiyou along the way.

Xu Beiyou's sword is as powerful as a broken bamboo, breaking open and intercepting twelve air attacks one after another.

But when the sword's edge was still three inches away from Chen Ye, no matter how he moved forward, he couldn't touch Chen Ye at all.

This is so far away.

Chen Ye waved his sleeve again, and a wind blew up, blowing the sky full of clouds.

If someone took a closer look, they would find that everything around the two of them began to blur.

It seems like an ink painting that is constantly diluted with water, first blurred, then bizarre, and finally chaotic.

The world says that immortals can turn beans into soldiers, touch stones into gold, move mountains and seas, fly into the sky to escape the earth, paint the earth as a prison, and bring the dead back to life.

This is to paint the ground as a prison.

As long as Xu Beiyou, who was imprisoned in the prison, killed Chen Ye, he had to break the cage first, and then he could touch Chen Ye who was outside the prison.

The expression on Xu Beiyou's face became more and more solemn. He first retracted the sword, and then handed it out again. However, he retracted the sword halfway through the sword. He repeated this several times, but still did not actually hand out a sword.

On the other hand, Chen Ye, with a wave of his big sleeves, formed a small thousand world with his vast cultivation base, without seeing the iron cavalry fighting outside it, everything was quiet.

After many attempts, Xu Beiyou finally took a step forward, Zhu Xian made his first move in his hand, and swept forward.

This sword pierced through the door of the cage, breaking the ground as a prison.

At this time, the pupils could no longer be seen in Chen Ye's eyes, only the endless deep starry sky remained, and the stars were disillusioned and shifted, and his hands formed complicated and difficult instructions.

There are more and more points of light like stars, and under the blue sky in daylight, there is actually a vast starry sky that can only be seen under the night.

This was originally Zhongli Anning's unique skill, but after Chen Ye's cultivation has improved greatly, he can also do it at his fingertips.

With the control of Dust Leaf, countless stars began to change their positions constantly. The stars seemed to have no rules to follow, but wherever they went, the light faded, and even the sound was silenced. The surrounding environment was unexpectedly Start shifting toward the stars.

A point is a star, this is a star-studded formation.

Daozong's mountain gate formation has [-] points, so it is called the Zhoutian Xingchen formation, but it was built with the help of the right time, place, people and talents, and the star-studded formation formed by the dust leaves this time is already a single Three thousand six hundred points of the ultimate human power.

Xu Beiyou stepped out of the prison and entered the formation.

At this time, the formation formed by Chen Ye was even better than that of Zhongli Anning back then.

Xu Beiyou reached out and wiped Zhu Xianjian's body, and handed out the sword.

Sword 26, Yuwei's sword, breaks the big with the small, and breaks the one-sided sword with one point.

One sword is extremely small, while the other is extremely large.

At this moment, within the formation, there was a sword moving forward, and the entire formation seemed unable to stop this sword.

With a calm face, Chen Ye said a casual word.

The formation suddenly dispersed.

From a burst to more than [-] stars, permeating around the dust leaf.

Yu Wei's sword returned without success.

Chen Ye said another ligature.

The big formation took shape instantly.

Finally, as Chen Ye flicked his sleeves, the stars in the formation fell like rain.

(End of this chapter)

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