Chapter 984

It is now the 24th year of Taiping. Because of the successive deaths of the two former emperors, there was no time to change the Yuan Dynasty, and now the emperor is vacant, so the Taizong Emperor's Taiping year name is still used.

This year is a rare good year, with good weather, especially after spring, the white disaster on the grassland tends to ease, and Jiangnan and other places are seeing another bumper year, but it is a pity that the war has started now. Regardless of the white disaster on the grassland, the grassland After all, the army has already moved south. No matter how much rain there is in the south of the Yangtze River, the soldiers will fight together, the people will flee, the fields will be barren, and there will be no good years.

Just at the end of spring and the beginning of summer, Wei Wang Xiaojin ordered his general Shangguan Tan to launch the two offensives. The total strength of the two sides reached 30 people, and there were also nearly a thousand catapults, bed crossbows, artillery, etc. Especially on the attacking side, they had assembled a total of [-] catapults. As the so-called offensive and defensive weapons, they were nothing like cannons.If the attacker has the art of cannon, the city will be invincible, and if the defender has the art of cannon, he will be able to control the enemy.Back then when Houjian's army attacked Xiangyang, they fired a volley of boulders and cannons to destroy the city walls of Xiangyang. The three-year offensive and defensive battle of Xiangyang was finally settled amidst the sound of artillery.

The "cannon" here is not a cannon in the traditional sense, but a trebuchet, and the objects fired are boulders, not solid iron bullets.At that time, Xiao Yu's Northwest Army had a stone-throwing machine. After Ai Linnan's improvement, it was more labor-saving and could throw a boulder weighing 150 kilograms. The throwing distance was 250 steps, about 130 feet. After the boulder fell to the ground , can penetrate seven feet into the ground, this kind of power, even Chi Bing's all-powerful blow from the peak realm of a human immortal is nothing more than that.During the First Battle of Dingding, Xiao Yu's army was divided into two groups, advancing by land and water. Xiao Yu personally sat on the bank of the river, and Wei Jin led an army alone to attack the two Xiangxiang from Shu Prefecture. This thing made great contributions and was captured by Xiao Yu Personally named it "Zhongdu Pao", and Ai Linnan was able to be knighted as a foreign woman, which is also the reason.

At this time, the trebuchets used by the army of the Wei State were the "Zhongdu Cannon". Xiao Jin was the one who supervised the construction of the "Zhongdu Cannon". Relying on the three major battalions, they ordered people to join in and rush to build. This is how today's scene of five hundred catapult machines forming an array is formed. Every time a salvo is fired, it is really flying stones like rain. Three feet, this is where Xiao Jin dared to directly attack the city.

At the same time as the battle of Liangxiang, the first batch of reinforcements from the former army of Shuzhou had already arrived from Baidi City, led by Zhao Qing himself, rushing to assist Liangxiang.

After the two great wars in the last years of the Great Chu and the last years of the Great Zheng, Liangxiang once again became one of the key nodes that determine the direction of the whole world, so that many people are worried. Both times ended in defeat, so there were two sayings of "the end of the year", and Da Chu and Da Zheng had to die.

Could it be that today's Da Qi has to follow in the footsteps of these two?

At this critical moment, Xu Beiyou, who was wearing the seal of the Great General Pinglu, as the highest-ranking military officer in the Jiangnan War, was supposed to be in charge of Liangxiang, but at this moment, Xu Beiyou secretly left Xiangyang City without knowing where he was going.

For Xu Beiyou, he has almost done what he can do. For the next confrontation between the two armies, for Xu Beiyou, who can no longer fight recklessly on the battlefield, he, who has never led an army, is not too big. Useful, it is better to go to the place where he is needed more.


No matter how you look at it, before the summer season, Jiangnan, and even the whole world, is already a troubled autumn.

At this time, the imperial capital ushered in a long-lost peace. At this time, a question that was temporarily forgotten by the officials was brought up again. The master is the emperor.

If there is no emperor, the name will be wrong, and if the name is wrong, the words will not go well, and if the words don’t go well, everything will go wrong. After all, a person must be selected to truly determine the status of emperor and minister, even if it is a woman.

After all, there were precedents before, since there was already a female emperor, and that female emperor was considered to be a powerful monarch, so why not have a second female emperor?What's more, the current situation has become completely clear. The princes are all hopeless great treasures. Han Xuan and Xu Beiyou's father and son are in power one inside and one outside. Only the princess can take over the big position. On this point, after several The civil and military officials who were purged did not have any objections.

Since there is no objection, then there is nothing new under the sun, and the next thing is the most common drama, all civil and military officials jointly resigned to persuade them to advance.

It's just that beyond everyone's expectations, Her Royal Highness, who was only one step away from the chair, neither accepted it readily, took advantage of the opportunity to sit on the chair, nor refused sternly, pretending to be modest, she just put everything The persuasion to enter the table and not send it out made the officials in the court a little uncertain what the princess was thinking.

Could it be that Her Royal Highness feels that the time is not enough?Or does Her Royal Highness have other plans?
Except for a few elders in the cabinet who can guess a thing or two, it is difficult for others to figure out what Her Highness the Princess really thinks.

Now Xiao Zhinan seldom lives in his princess mansion, and most of the time he lives in the Feishuang Palace. Although the Feishuang Palace is called a palace, it is far less large than the Ganquan Palace, but the structure of the building was originally modeled after the Taoist sect. , so that the whole palace hangs above the water of Qingchi Lake, so that the pool water surrounds the palace, like a moat. It is Feishuang Palace.

At this time, in a side hall facing the lake in the depths of Feishuang Temple, Xiao Zhinan, who was wearing a plain dress, was lying on a red sandalwood recliner near the window. , It is the above form of the Manchu civil and military co-resignation to persuade.

Xiao Zhinan stretched out his hand to take the top copy, it was made by a veteran of the three dynasties, the whole article was gorgeous, quoted from the scriptures, well-founded and convincing, but Xiao Zhinan just glanced at it casually, and took the copy with silver silk The bordered ornate folder was closed again and set aside.

That position, for many men, is a place where they dream of sitting. Even if they are a puppet on the throne, they are also happy. .

There are also people who don't hesitate to let the common people suffer and make the people hang upside down, but they want to sit in that position, like her ambitious uncle, Wei Wang Xiaojin.

But to her, this position is like a piece of iron felt that has been burned red, if she sits on it rashly, she will be burnt to pieces.

This reminded her of a sentence she read when she was a child when she read Zhang Wenzheng's public collections, "If you gather in a fire, you will find a cool door."

This is a sentence said by Zhang Jiangling, the chief assistant of the Dazheng Shenzong Dynasty, in his later years. Because the Taizu of this dynasty highly respected the first minister of Dazheng, she was particularly impressed by this sentence.

Standing in the fire pit, it feels like being in an ice cellar.

Under what circumstances did Zhang Jiangling say this?At that time, he teamed up with the supervisor of ceremonies to hold the eunuch and the empress dowager, emptied the young Emperor Shenzong, and poured power into the court.

The name is Shoufu, but it is actually the regent.

At this time, the chief assistant of Dazheng is in full bloom, which is the so-called "gathering like entering a fire".

But why do you say "deqingliangmen"?
His contemporaries said that he was "working and seeking the country, but clumsy at seeking his own life".

This minister, who is known as "Qing Tian", has been upright and upright all his life, and he is jealous of evil. It is reasonable to say that this kind of person should be good at planning affairs, but not good at personal planning, but he ended up with a good death in the end. People admire.However, Zhang Jiangling was able to achieve such a level from a commoner to an official to Zaifu. It showed that Zhang Jiangling was very good at seeking his own life, but his final fate was completely opposite. Later, all his achievements during his lifetime were denied by Emperor Shenzong, and his son committed suicide or was sent away. Even the mansion of his hometown was surrounded by local officials and people. In the end, more than a dozen family members were trapped and starved to death inside.

How can a person who is able to be a regent have a thoughtful and intelligent mind, and how can he fail to see through such a simple truth?It is precisely because he has seen through it that he said the words "if you gather in a fire, you will find a cool door".

However, Zhang Jiangling also said another sentence, explaining his "work and seeking the country, but clumsy at seeking life".

I would like to serve the world with a deep heart and not seek benefits for myself.

Xiao Zhinan thought he was not as good as this Da Zheng Yixiang, but at this moment he already felt the same way.

There are some things, as long as you do it, there is no way out.

If you gather in a fire, you will get a cool door.

(End of this chapter)

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