Chapter 985

Today, there are three major wars in the world, and there are three battlefields, namely Jiangnan, Northeast, and Northwest, corresponding to the three vassal kings in the so-called "San Francisco Rebellion", Wei Wang Xiaojin, Zhenbei Wang Linhan, Liao Wang Mutangzhi.

As far as the intensity of the war is concerned, the Jiangnan battlefield is undoubtedly the most, followed by the Northwest battlefield. If the Jiangnan battlefield is the pinnacle of naval forces and various offensive and defensive weapons, then the Northwest battlefield is the pinnacle of cavalry battles. As early as after the Five Kings Rebellion, Tiefutu has been proved to be a paper tiger and a showpiece that has changed over time. After a long period of peace, the combat power is weakened, and it is no longer the invincible combat power that attacked Da Chushu back then. So the two strongest in the world The cavalry army is the Northwest Left Army of Daqi and the Wangzhang Cavalry Army of the Grassland. At this time, the two cavalry troops are fighting against each other, which can be called the peak of pure manpower.

The royal court of the grassland went south with all their clans, and put on the stance of fighting with all their strength. If it was changed to other times, with the national power of Daqi and the management arrangement of the Northwest Left Army in the northwest for many years, it is not difficult to block the offensive on the grassland, even As Wei Wuji and Zhang Wubing said, it is not impossible for the Northwest Army to counterattack the grassland.

But now it is different, because of the pressure from King Wei, King Mu and Daomen, the Daqi court had to focus on the Jiangnan battlefield, and the left army in the northwest could only fight alone. It is also necessary to ensure that the Northwest cannot lose half of it. It is inevitable that hands and feet will be tied up. Since the beginning of the war, it has been quite difficult.

Now the morale of the Northwest Left Army is still there, but the whole army is extremely exhausted after repeated hard battles, and has to temporarily retreat to Liangzhou to rest and wait for the next big battle.

Although the battle was a bit unfavorable, the atmosphere in the entire Chinese military camp was fairly peaceful, and there was not much pessimism. After all, it was not a day or two since the Northwest Left Army and the Grassland Cavalry Army had been neighbors, let alone the first time they had dealt with each other. Previously, the two sides had fought side by side. Both sides knew the root and the bottom. As the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy, you will never end in a hundred battles. It is very difficult for the Northwest Army to be defeated like the Jiangnan Army. This is destined to be a protracted battle.

Wushaoling has been famous for its steep mountains and dangerous terrain since ancient times. It is also the gateway and throat of the Xiliang Corridor, and has always been a battleground for military strategists.During the Great Chu Dynasty, city walls and beacon towers were built in Wushaoling. Anmen and Anyuan lived in the south of Lingnan and north of Lingbei, relying on the city walls and beacon towers.If you take Liangzhou, you must first take the Xiliang Corridor. If you take the Xiliang Corridor, you must first take Wushaoling. If you take Wushaoling, you must first take Anmen and Anyuan.

From the two forts to the front line of Dunhuang, it is destined to be the next main battlefield for both sides.

It was here that Xu Lin became famous because of two wars. First, during the reign of Dazheng Shenzong, he defended the city with Dunhuang. He was promoted to governor.

More than ten years later, Xu Lin, who had changed his mind, once again led his troops to the city, but this time he was no longer defending the city, but attacking it.At that time, there were still 8 defenders in Dunhuang City, but they were blocked by Xu Lin's [-] troops in the city.

At the same time, this was Wei Jin's first battle. Because the Xiliang Corridor had been conquered, Wei Jin was able to attack Yumen Pass overnight and personally supervised the battle. More than [-] people, after being ordered to rest, attacked the city again at noon. Wei Jin's confidant, the lieutenant, personally led the team to attack the top of Yumen Pass, and died in a fierce battle.Wei Jin led the supervising team to stand in the middle of the army, indifferent.Fighting continued until the evening, Wei Jin's captains were all killed, Wei Jin ordered to beat the drums to help out, when the booming sound of the drums sounded, the future second governor of Daqi personally led the team to attack the city. After Jin personally fell into the battle, the morale of the already exhausted soldiers was greatly boosted, and they attacked Yumen Pass in one go. Wei Jin was covered in blood, with no less than a dozen sword wounds all over his body, and Wei Jin's guards were all killed in battle. .

An hour later, the forbidden army of Wei captured Yumen Pass.

This battle was the first time that Daqi's two successive governors joined forces to fight together. It was like the alternation of the old and the new with their own will in the dark, but now both of them are no longer alive, and things are different.

Zhang Wubing boarded the top of Anmen Fort and looked at the Xiulong Grassland across the river in the distance. It was still extremely chilly outside the Great Wall at the end of spring, and the new wind blowing from the grassland seemed to be fierce. The blade of the sword shall cut a gash in the face.

Several military officers from the Northwest Left Army accompanied them, all of them were silent. If Xu Beiyou was the pillar supporting the southeast half wall, then Zhang Wubing was the pillar holding up the northwest sky. The bent figure seems to be able to feel the weight on its shoulders.

Zhang Wubing was silent for a long time, then rubbed his stiff cheeks with both hands, and said slowly: "It's time for a decisive battle on the Jiangnan side. There must be no difference in the momentum of the counter attack."

All the military officers remained silent, but each had varying degrees of surprise on their faces.

The reason for the silence was that this was already expected.The reason for the surprise is that this day came earlier than expected.

Zhang Wubing withdrew his gaze, straightened his back again, and was still that rare martial arts master.

Zhang Wubing said slowly: "The current situation in the south of the Yangtze River, since the first battle of Dongting Lake, Yu Kuang's Jiangnan rear army has been completely disabled, and can only retreat to Liangxiang to defend the city. A [-] army is coming to transfer to the south of the Yangtze River, but the water in the distance cannot quench the near thirst. Before that, it depends on whether Yu Kuang can persist until the [-] army reaches Huzhou."

"If Yu Kuang can hold on, with Jiangbei's [-] Chinese army, Shu Prefecture's front army, and Liangxiang's Jiangnan rear army, the day of King Wei's defeat in Jiangnan is not far away. As long as the Jiangnan war ends, The former army of Shuzhou will be able to rush to the northwest, and we will be able to start a decisive battle with the grassland, and the final decision will be made."

"But if we can't hold on, and Liangxiang falls, and the subsequent reinforcements fall into the quagmire in the south of the Yangtze River, then we will be completely alone. We can only switch from offense to defense and sit and wait for death."

All the military officers were silent and their faces were solemn.

Zhang Wubing suddenly smiled, "Of course, these two roads are not the only ones. We can still put all our eggs in one basket, abandon Zhongdu, Shanzhou and Liangzhou, and 20 cavalry go to the Central Plains to join the Chinese army in Jiangbei. We can keep half of the country, but in this way, Shuzhou and Jiangnan will be completely exposed to the iron hooves of the grassland, and the southeast half will be unreasonable."

Zhang Wubing turned around and looked at these Paoze subordinates, and said calmly: "I don't hope that day will come."

(End of this chapter)

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