Chapter 994

Chen Meng was silent for a long time. He didn't think the young suzerain was too arrogant, because the latter had proved to the world with many bloody facts that he had the confidence to say such things. What Chen Meng hesitated was how to face it. Such a person who can change the situation of the entire grassland is only perfunctory and has already made the other party dissatisfied. He must come up with some substantive answers, whether it is agreement or rejection.

Just when he was thinking silently, Xu Beiyou had already said: "Well, after all, it is a major event that affects the whole body. I will give Chen Wangye an hour. After an hour, whether it is successful or not, I will give it to me How about an answer?"

Chen Meng also stood up and said softly: "Then please wait for a moment for Xu Zongzhu."

After all, this Brobi Khan left in a hurry.

Xu Beiyou, who was left alone in the pavilion, turned his head to look, and his eyes fell on the two women.

Lin Jinxiu regained consciousness in an instant, and was about to turn around and leave, but was held back by his friend, Chen Chen stared at the stranger, and said softly, "Jinxiu, tell me the truth, do you know him? "

Lin Jinxiu's face turned pale, she bit her lip lightly, and became more and more silent.

Chen Chen first glanced at her face, then looked at the person who came, and suddenly thought of something, "White hair? Jinxiu, he must be the 'Old Xu' you mentioned."

Lin Jinxiu nodded silently.

While the two were talking, Xu Beiyou walked out of the pavilion slowly, came to the two of them, looked at Lin Jinxiu and said, "Jinxiu, I didn't expect to see you here."

Lin Jinxiu hummed lightly.

Chen Chen said in surprise, "Are you really Xu Beiyou? The emperor's son-in-law who married Xiao Zhinan, the elder Xiaoge, and the master of the Sword Sect?"

Xu Beiyou nodded lightly, neither complacent nor concealed.

Chen Chen was also very courageous. Facing the "vicious" Sect Master of the Sword Sect in the south of the Yangtze River, he didn't have much fear, but was more curious, "I've heard your story before, In the 20th year of Taiping, you were still an unknown person who did not enter the ranks. How did you suddenly become a sword fairy in the [-]th floor in less than four years? Do you have any secrets, can you tell me? "

Xu Beiyou said calmly: "Of course there is a shortcut, but the price of this shortcut can no longer be replicated. It is the painstaking efforts of our ancestors and ancestors of the Jianzong, in exchange for me standing on the clouds today."

Chen Chen was a little surprised when he heard this. She didn't expect the master of the Sword Sect to admit it so bluntly. She couldn't help but look up and down at this white-haired man of the same age. She is wearing a sword, but this attire makes her feel a little disapproving. She has seen a picture of a sword fairy handed down from the Central Plains. The person in the picture is Shangguan Xianchen, the great sword fairy back then. It seems that there is not much difference with Shangguan Xianchen, even the hair color is the same. I heard that there is a sword fairy in the Central Plains, Bingchen, who also has white hair. Do you have to have white hair to be a sword fairy?This rule is really strange.

Xu Beiyou didn't have much interest in this prairie beauty. He looked at Lin Jinxiu and said, "Jinxiu, Zhinan and Yuanying miss you very much. If you have a chance in the future, you might as well go to the imperial capital to see them..."

Lin Jinxiu interrupted Xu Beiyou's words, and said in a low voice, "Is there still a future?"

Xu Beiyou was silent for a while, and said slowly: "There will be. I came this time just to have a future."

Lin Jinxiu lowered her head again and sighed, "I can never go back to the past again."

Xu Beiyou smiled, "Sentimental, this is not like you, even if you were kidnapped by the colorless monk back then, you didn't look like this."

Lin Jinxiu had a sad face.

Xu Beiyou didn't intend to say anything anymore, and was about to turn around and leave, but Chen Chen stepped forward and blocked his way.

It wasn't until this moment that Xu Beiyou took a serious look at the woman in front of him.I saw her hands behind her back, her white fingers intertwined, her small chin raised slightly, with a bit of pride and playfulness, her red and phoenix eyes sparkled, and she was full of a woman's romantic attitude.

Xu Beiyou said calmly, "What's your job?"

Chen Chen asked directly, "Why did you come to Duoyan City?"

Xu Beiyou asked back: "Don't you know?"

Chen Chen rolled his eyes, and said a little coquettishly, "I know it's the same thing, but I want to hear it from you."

Xu Beiyou frowned slightly.

The next moment, Chen Chen let out a soft cry, and his body moved involuntarily. When he came back to his senses, he was already in the pavilion where Xu Beiyou and Brobihan were, and Lin Jinxiu was beside her.

The two looked up.

It wasn't until this moment that they suddenly realized that there was one more person at some point.

It was Xu Beiyou who noticed this person's arrival just now, and moved the two of them away.

The person who came was a tall grassland monk, with a red face and a faint glow flowing under his skin. He was dressed in a bright red monk robe, with one arm exposed, and a bone rosary as big as a fist was hanging on his chest. From the looks of it, each rosary is actually made of human skulls using secret methods, but it seems to be much smaller. The skulls are filled with many precious materials, making each rosary shine brightly.

This is the unique human bone rosary of Molun Temple. After the monks of Molun Temple sat down and passed away, they performed sky burials. The corpses were fed to the eagles to achieve the compassionate state of the Buddha cutting his thighs and feeding the eagles. The remaining bones were used as ritual utensils.Each of its bone beads is taken from the skull of an eminent monk.Therefore, the monk in front of him had to wait for one hundred and eight eminent monks who have cultivated above the level of ghosts and immortals to pass away before he can practice a pair of rosary beads, which shows that it is rare.

However, as the saying goes, once the sea was too difficult for water, such treasures may make ordinary people feel frightened, and even ordinary immortal monks will have the heart to look up to the mountains, but it is really nothing to Xu Beiyou. So what if the great fortune invites the Dutian seal of the five heaven and earth Dharma statues?
But what surprised Xu Beiyou a little was that this person's casted golden body was completely different from the golden body of Central Plains Buddhism, and also different from Xuanjiao and King Kong Temple.

Excluding the Immortal Golden Body of Shinto, there are four great golden bodies in the world, namely: the Immortal Golden Body of King Kong Temple, the Immortal Golden Body of Xuanjiao, the Invincible Golden Body of Zhongtu Buddhism, and the Molun Temple The immovable golden body.

The four golden bodies lead to the same goal by different routes, but each has its own focus.The undefeated golden body of Buddhism is good at integrating the golden body and the dharma. At the peak, it can be cultivated into a hundred-foot golden body, which itself is the dharma.The immortal golden body of Xuanjiao lies in the fact that if the energy is not exhausted, the golden body will not be destroyed. No matter how serious the injury is, it can recover very quickly.The golden body of King Kong Temple is said to be the strongest. It was only the six sides of the [-]th Floor of the Earth Immortal. It can be seen that the golden body can resist Xu Beiyou's Zhuxian with the golden body.

As for the immovable golden body of Molun Temple, it lies in the word "non-retreat". The golden body focuses on energy, and the indestructible golden body of King Kong Temple focuses on physique, so the immovable golden body of Molun Temple focuses on the word "potential".

At this time, the grassland monk has a momentum, like a towering mountain.Standing in front of Xu Beiyou, he was like a towering mountain slowly moving towards the clouds, watching all living beings below the mountain from the towering peak.

Looking at the realm of this person again, it is about above the realm of the sixteenth floor of the earth fairy, and he should be one of the four elders of Molun Temple.

Previously Xu Beiyou guessed that Brobi Khan must have a secret means of contact with the Molun Temple, so he gave an hour, but he did not expect that the people from the Molun Temple would come so quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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