That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 995: One Sword Crosses the Moment and Asks Buddhist Principles

Chapter 995

In the world, the number of monks in the realm of earth immortals is about a hundred, but it is not as the world thinks. The higher the realm of immortal monks, the rarer the number of monks. Apart from the slightly larger number of monks on the twelfth floor and the sixteenth floor, the number of monks on each floor is actually almost the same.

The elder of Molun Temple in front of him is in the threshold realm of the sixteenth floor of the earth immortal.

However, the way of practice and inheritance of the lineage of Molun Temple has always been quite different from that of the Central Plains Buddhism. Even the Taoist school that claims to have all the three thousand roads is difficult to include the practice of Molun Temple. It comes from the Buddhist lineage, but after it spread to the grassland, it merged with the native Shamanism of the grassland, and Shamanism is a branch variant of the ancient witch religion. After all these changes, Molun Temple developed a unique method of empowerment. To put it bluntly, it is Inheriting one's own cultivation base to the next generation of monks, master to apprentice, apprentice to apprentice, and passed on from generation to generation, so that Molun Temple can still rise quickly even after the Daoist invasion and decline. Today, it may not be as good as The three religions of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism in the Central Plains or the later Xuanjiao, but they are not worthy of the name of the top nine.

According to Xu Beiyou's perception, the people in front of him, although they have a cultivation level close to that of the Seventeenth Floor of the Earth Immortal, but more than half of them show a detached appearance, not as harmonious as the people in the Taoist sect, nor like The martial arts monk is so flawless, just like when he absorbed the sword energy and spirit of the Twelve Swords of Jianzong, he reached his current state by relying on external force. I think this is the so-called inheritance.

This kind of practice method is against the Central Plains Buddhism, which regards the physical body as a stinky skin and pursues the principle of transcending form and emptiness. Therefore, one can only entrust the whole body to the physical body. What is the physical body?Just like the so-called nose, eyes, mouth, and other five sense organs, as well as limbs with two hands and two feet, a round skull and a square top, the body of a person with form and quality is called the physical body, which is the physique that warriors have honed over and over again.

In all fairness, martial arts do not seek longevity at all, so there is nothing wrong with pursuing physical fitness, but Molun Temple, as a branch of Buddhism, pays so much attention to the body and body, it is no wonder that Buddhism and Taoism are quite contemptuous of it This is such a "vulgar way".

At that time, a patriarch of the classic school of Taoism once sarcastically said: "Confused people in the world, who want to cultivate the truth, but don't know the truth. Want to become the Tao, but don't know the way. The true way that is not the truth, doesn't know the way, and doesn't know it. What's the matter, stunned and stunned, this body is true, afraid of suffering this body, afraid of laboring this body, afraid of starving this body, afraid of freezing this body. Warm clothes and food, protect this body, be at ease and secure, will Cultivate this body, don't do all the good things, it's fatal, there is no benefit or loss on the road, don't spare your energy, don't save your energy, but you can do it. Take the false as the real, and the false as the real."

"I don't know that inside and outside the body are all things that hurt life, and there is nothing that benefits the body. Seeing lust makes people happy, hearing evil sounds makes them angry, smelling fragrances makes them love, and tongue is sweet and delicious makes them think. If the body is touched, it will cause fear. There are six gates on the outside, six consciousnesses on the inside, internal and external attacks, and the loss of true essence. The reason is that they are all recruited by the physical body. If there is no physical body, where does the harm of the six gates and six consciousnesses come from? What’s more, all things in the world, all things that have form, are destructive, if you love this color, your body is false, and you don’t want to lose your life, when the time comes, who am I and who is the body, and the body has nothing to do with me.”

In the end, the Taoist patriarch took this as a precept again and warned his disciples, "I advise those who are sincere in Taoism to open up the barriers of the body quickly, and don't be deceived. Treat the seven orifices as holes, the limbs as joints, and the skin and flesh. Pus cells, regard the five viscera as lumps. Let go of this physical body, and find another real body with an invisible shape and an image without an image, so as to prolong the nature and clear nature. To benefit from the fake, you can The truth can be sought. The truth can only be seen when one recognizes the false. Evil and right do not coexist, and good and evil have different paths. Otherwise, if one does not recognize the false, one cannot separate from the true and false. Seeing the truth, how can we cultivate the truth? If you accept the physical body and don’t wake up, you will think about the way, it will be difficult.”

It is precisely because of this discussion that the way of cultivating Molun Temple has been completely classified into the ranks of heresies similar to Xuanjiao. still fresh.

However, no matter whether it's the external force of the body or the real body of Wugou, it doesn't matter to Xu Beiyou today, even if he is injured now, it's still the same.

Behind this monk, there was another person who was Brobi Khan who had just left.

Chen Meng stepped forward and introduced aloud: "Sect Master Xu, this is my uncle, one of the four Living Buddhas in Molun Temple, Ge Zeng Living Buddha."

The middle-aged monk who was honored as Ge Zeng Living Buddha didn't have much respect for Xu Beiyou, and his expression was a little arrogant. He first proclaimed the Buddha's name, and then said: "It just so happens that the poor monk wandered here and received a letter from his nephew saying yes. There is a distinguished guest here, is it you? Back then when Tashi Tenzin died in the Central Plains, it had a lot to do with you, now you still dare to come here, what is your intention?"

When the monk spoke, his voice sounded like Hong Zhong Dalu, and it was deafening. Not only was Chen Meng who was close at hand a little unbearable, but even Chen Chen and Lin Jinxiu, who were far away in the pavilion, were on the verge of collapse.

It has to be said that this supernatural power is comparable to the Tathagata Zhengyin lion roar used by the Buddhist Dragon King back then. Although he spoke the grassland language, the Buddhist mantra and his supernatural power directly resounded in the hearts of the people. I can understand it, and it can also shock the mind. His cultivation base is so high that his voice alone is enough to completely shake the soul of a monk who has not set foot in the realm of the earth fairy.

This living Buddha Ge Zeng spoke in the mantra of the Buddha's voice, full of hostility.

If it were last year, even if Xu Beiyou was already at the sixteenth floor of the Earth Immortal, he would still be afraid of the unfathomable cultivation of this person, but today is not what it used to be. Yu, it's still not something that an Earth Immortal on the Sixteenth Floor can provoke at will.

Not seeing any movement from him, there was a sudden silence between heaven and earth.

At this moment, the clouds stopped and the wind stopped, the water was calm, and a leaf that had been shaken stopped in mid-air. The birds in the air were still fluttering their wings. Chen Meng opened his mouth slightly, and the two people in the pavilion The woman is still full of pain.

Time seemed to stop abruptly at this moment.

Only Xu Beiyou and this living Buddha Ge Zeng were exceptions, but Ge Zeng's face was full of solemnity at this time, and there was even a touch of panic under the solemnity.

Because there was an invisible sword intent on his forehead, even though he had cast the immovable golden body of Molun Temple, he still didn't dare to make any rash moves.

The index finger and middle finger of Xu Beiyou's right hand were brought together to form a sword finger, and he wiped it lightly in front of his eyes, and said, "This sword, sword 23."

Living Buddha Ge Zeng's pupils suddenly shrank.

As early as more than a hundred years ago, the master of the previous Molun Temple was completely wiped out under this sword, leaving only a pair of indestructible skins.

It was the only fight between the master of Jianzong and the master of Molun Temple in the past thousand years, and it ended in the disastrous defeat of Molun Temple.

Xu Beiyou said softly: "Master taught me that there are only two ways to behave in the world, speaking the truth and following the rules. I am here, willing to follow the rules of your place, and I want to explain the truth to you patiently, so as to have a clear conscience. If If you don't want to reason with me, that's okay. After all, I was the uninvited guest first, so of course the host can stay behind closed doors. But if you don't want to reason with me, but also want to play with my rules, don't blame me for not speaking There is no reason to follow the rules.”

Living Buddha Ge Zeng yelled angrily, each mantra almost turned into substance, ripples rippled outward, and his whole body was coated with a layer of bright gold, as if the Buddha came to the world.

Xu Beiyou was indifferent to this, but slowly pushed forward with his sword fingers, which seemed to be an understatement, but on Ge Zeng Living Buddha's eyebrows, there were cracks like spider webs, and golden light overflowed from under the cracks. , and even more golden blood flowed from it.

(End of this chapter)

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