Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 2 The Mysterious Black Stone

Chapter 2 The Mysterious Black Stone
Satisfied, Wang Hu smiled in control of everything, approaching Lu Xiaorou step by step, and soon cornered her.

There was a rusty sword on the corner of the wall, and the terrified Lu Xiaorou immediately drew it out, pointing the sword point at Wang Hu.

"If you dare to take a step forward, I will die immediately for you to see!" Lu Xiaorou's lips were biting white, in order to preserve her innocence, she had no choice but to force her to death.

It's just that Lu Xiaorou's powerless threat was exchanged for Wang Hu's strange laugh, and said with disdain: "It's just a dream for a woman with no strength to restrain herself to commit suicide in front of me."

Wang Hu is a martial artist with the fifth level of cast body. With pure strength, he can reach [-] jin, and his speed explodes as fast as lightning, so he can easily subdue Lu Xiaorou.

Hearing Wang Hu's strange smile, she was like a bird in a cage, desperate, and her hand holding the rusty sword was trembling.

Wang Hu was even more proud, taking Lu Xiaorou away today, he could make her his own that night.

He had already thought of countless tricks for this little girl, and finally fell into his trap gradually for the sake of that good-for-nothing young master.

"Does a dog raised by the Lu family dare to come to this young master's place to be wanton? Do you really think that the rules of the Lu family are just a display?"

At this moment, Lu Feng's figure suddenly appeared in the main hall. His face was still pale, but it gave people the illusion that the sharp sword was about to be unsheathed, and a cold gaze swept away.

"It turned out to be the famous good-for-nothing young master. I thought you had died of illness."

Wang Hu sneered, with an indifferent attitude on his face.

No one in the entire Lu family knew that Lu Feng was the most useless son of Zhennan King, who was abandoned in this remote courtyard and waited to die slowly.

Lu Feng's face was cold, he ignored Wang Hu, and said in a deep voice, "Miss Xiaorou, return the 20 taels you owe him, and let him leave early."

"Master Trash, you are wrong. It is 200 taels of silver. If there is no money, Lu Xiaorou can only be Wang Hu's concubine." Wang Hu narrowed his eyes slightly, with disdain on the corners of his mouth.

Hearing this, Lu Feng glanced over coldly: "Who gave you the guts to extort money from this young master?"

"You..." Wang Hu was suddenly out of breath, pressing down on Lu Feng with a fierce breath, but then he sneered: "This is my Wang Hu's rule."

This son, whose status is not much higher than that of a servant, is almost on the verge of being abandoned. As long as he is not beaten to death, no one will trouble him if he is insulted a few times.

Lu Feng didn't seem to see Wang Hu's ferocity, but he walked towards Lu Xiaorou and said seriously: "Miss Xiaorou, give me the sword."

Lu Xiaorou was a little at a loss, but seeing Lu Feng's firm eyes, she still handed the Rusty Sword to Lu Feng.

"Lu Feng, what do you want to do?"

Seeing Lu Feng holding the sword, and seeing this heir who thought he could only be bullied, an inexplicable fear arose in Wang Hu's heart.

"As a domestic slave, but came to the master's territory to be arrogant, today I will teach you how to be a good slave."

As soon as the words fell, Lu Feng stepped forward and walked towards Wang Hu with extremely domineering steps, and the sword in his hand pierced out like flowing water, bringing up countless sword shadows.

"Trash, you are humiliating yourself!"

Wang Hu roared violently, and punched out violently, creating a shock wave in the air, and a shadow of the fist suddenly fell down.

A trash, I really thought it was the dazzling genius two years ago, today he, Wang Hu, wants to teach this young master a lesson.

With a sweeping punch, Lu Feng avoided his fist only slightly, and at the same time his sword directly hit Wang Hu's neck, piercing a little into the flesh and blood.

Bright red blood glared out.

Being hit by the sword in the neck, if this trash gets ruthless, he will die, Wang Hu completely felt the sting from his neck.

Who would have thought that this good-for-nothing young master who was waiting to die would suddenly become so powerful, with a trembling tone, fearing that he would make a mistake, he hurriedly said: "As long as you let me go, I don't want the money anymore."

"Xiaofeng, after all, Wang Hu is the Seventh Young Master's slave, if you touch him, there will be a lot of trouble." At this moment, Lu Xiaorou walked to Lu Feng's side, and said worriedly.

The Seventh Young Master she was talking about was a genius in the family. He was about the same age as Lu Feng, but he was already a strong man who was about to enter the Ninth Layer of Casting Body, and he was also the queen's second son.

When Lu Feng was the most dazzling when he was young, King Zhennan once made a marriage contract for him.

But as he became a waste, the marriage contract existed in name only, and that woman was also entangled with the seventh young master, so after Lu Feng became a waste, some servants often made trouble for him.

"If you don't agree, let him come to me to argue." When he thought of Wang Hu bullying Lu Xiaorou, he was furious, and the sword in his hand made a cold arc and landed on Wang Hu's left arm.

Under a splash of blood, Wang Hu's left arm flew into the air.

The sudden sword made Wang Hu clutch his empty left arm in pain, and shouted: "Waste, how dare you cut off my arm."

"Full of foul language, get the hell out of here!"

Lu Feng put away his sword, kicked Wang Hu's chest violently, kicked him out of the main hall with great force and rolled into the courtyard.

The current Lu Feng has the strength of the third level of body casting, plus the experience of his previous life, taking care of an evil slave is no less than trampling an ant to death.

"Get out with this arm too." At this moment, Lu Feng looked at the other servant with cold eyes.

Seeing Lu Feng's ferocity, the other servant didn't dare to talk nonsense, he quickly picked up Wang Hu's severed arm, and dragged the seriously injured Wang Hu out of the courtyard.

"Xiaofeng, you are too impulsive. After all, they belong to the Seventh Young Master."

Lu Xiaorou was full of worries.

"Don't worry, Miss Xiaorou, with me here in the future, no one can bully you."

Lu Feng squeezed Lu Xiaorou's hand, on the bright side, no one can openly deal with him.

There is also a set of iron rules in the big family. For example, when the queen framed him, he only dared to do it secretly.

If it is moved to the bright side, the family will not spare the queen.

After comforting Lu Xiaorou, Lu Feng returned to the house, he couldn't wait to practice.

As a young master, several servants dared to climb on his head to do his best, all because he was too weak and a waste in everyone's eyes.

If he wants to get the status he deserves, he must show his strength and attract the attention of King Zhennan. As for the queen, he is not afraid, and the queen dare not kill him openly. He only needs to guard against the queen's secret tricks behind her back.

In the room, Lu Feng sat cross-legged.

The first task is to get rid of the toxins in the meridians. These toxins infiltrate as if engraved on the bones, eroding his life little by little, making him unable to practice.

"In my last life, I practiced my father's "Star Emperor Sutra", a holy-level exercise. As long as I put in a hundred times of effort, I can still break through the meridians in a short period of time and have some self-protection power."

Immediately, Lu Feng slowly opened his body, his pores opened wide, and he absorbed the thin profound energy from the heaven and earth to nourish the meridians.

Cultivation in the Casting Body Realm is to lay the foundation for unblocking the meridians, and to exercise one's body through profound energy and some natural and earthly treasures. Now that Lu Feng has no treasures, he can only temporarily strengthen himself through profound energy.

However, when profound energy gathered on his body, a surprising scene happened.

The profound energy did not enter the body immediately, but was completely absorbed by the black stone worn around the neck, and in an instant a stream of pure profound energy without any impurities poured into the body.

The profound energy purified by the black stone does not need to be refined by oneself at all, the body can directly absorb it.

"It turns out that this black stone has the effect of purifying the profound energy between heaven and earth, and can improve a quality."

Lu Feng, who suddenly understood the efficacy of the black stone, laughed out loud, extremely excited.

In fact, a martial artist spends a lot of time in refining profound energy, and the effect of the black stone will undoubtedly save him a lot of time.

With the Black Stone, as long as he has enough resources, he can reach the ninth level of cast body in a short period of time, hit the meridian opening state, and thus have the power to protect himself.

Immediately, Lu Feng concentrated all his attention, circulating this profound energy, trying his best to force out the toxins in his body under the guidance of the exercises.

But he still underestimated this toxin. Even under the impact of the "Star Emperor Sutra", the toxin could not be shaken, and the toxin was still firmly attached to the meridians.

"The queen is so cruel. That poisonous elixir may surpass the heavenly level and reach the supreme mysterious level. It is a chronic poison that will not kill people immediately."

Even the "Star Emperor Sutra" couldn't force out the toxin in a short period of time, but considering how high the quality of the poison pill is, the queen who did such vicious things to a young man was completely a poisonous scorpion woman.

But Lu Feng didn't give up, he worked tirelessly and practiced the holy-level exercises over and over again.

"It doesn't help, the toxin is hard to shake, I have already changed three holy-level exercises."

Lu Feng, who was lying cross-legged on the bed, had red eyes and loose black hair, he looked like a lunatic.

During the five days and five nights, Lu Feng did not know how many exercises he performed, but with his current strength, no matter how many exercises he had, it would not help.

You must know that if the toxin stays in the meridian, even if he is reborn for one life, he will still die in two years.

He could not accept this cruel result.

(End of this chapter)

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