Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 3 Shedding Mortal Transformation【Please recommend for collection】

Chapter 3 Shedding Mortal Transformation【Please recommend for collection】

In the cold room, there was only Lu Feng's unwilling roar. At this time, his expression was dull and he was completely desperate.

For ten days, he changed five Guangsheng-level exercises, but the result was still a failure.

It's not that the level of the exercises is not good, you must know that the holy level is already the top level of skills in the Dongxuan domain, as long as a powerful dynasty has a copy of the holy level exercises, it can make a dynasty last forever.

It's just that his strength is too weak, and this body has been poisoned for too long, no matter how mysterious the exercises are, they can't force out the toxin in the body casting state, and he is just a forgotten waste, no one will care about him, this is in Invisibly, it became an unsolvable situation.

"Let's have some food." At this time, Lu Xiaorou looked complicated, looking at Lu Feng with distress.

It's a pity that Lu Feng's mind was completely haunted by the shadow of toxins, so he didn't have the heart to eat, so he sent Lu Xiaorou away after a few vague words.

Suddenly, he sat up suddenly, and shouted: "There must be a way. Since I, Lu Feng, have been reborn, I am destined to turn the Eastern Profound Realm upside down. How can some toxins block my footsteps!"

As a prince in his previous life, he has read countless exercises, and he must have one that can deal with toxins.

After a long time, in the forgotten corner of his memory, he suddenly remembered a practice.

"Taixuan Nine Turns, Nine Turns to Confer God, this is the technique that my father got from a miracle, and can become a god."

"Taixuan Nine Revolutions" was found by Star Emperor together with Heishi in the miracle. There were death guards who practiced it before, but they all ended up exploding and died. The door skills are sealed.

Although the kung fu is dangerous, it is beyond the existence of the holy kung fu. If it is still useless, Lu Feng can only wait for death.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lu Feng recalled the formula of the first turn, and immediately followed the instructions to absorb the profound energy between heaven and earth.

"The first turn, get rid of the mortal body, and forge the foundation of the gods." Lu Feng muttered silently, immersed in the cultivation.

The operation of "Taixuan Nine Revolutions" is completely going to an extreme. Other exercises are moving in the direction of the sky, but it reverses the sky, and it will destroy the brain if you are not careful.

But Lu Feng had no way out, the purified profound energy poured into the meridians to cooperate with the first round of exercises, Lu Feng cautiously went retrograde to the sky.

During this process, he found that the profound energy purified by the black stone seemed to be born in conjunction with the first round of exercises, and it worked like a fish in water without any surprises.

With the help of his cultivation experience in his previous life, Lu Feng let the profound energy flow in his body little by little.

A sharp pain suddenly came from his body, and his meridian seemed to be burst, making him tremble all over, leaving a huge cold sweat.

But he gritted his teeth, persisted with strong determination, and continued to retrograde the Great Zhoutian.

"Hope! The toxin has been shaken by the first round of exercises, and it has gradually fallen off the meridians."

The dawn suddenly appeared, "Taixuan Nine Turns" is worthy of being a skill that can confer gods, and it can easily shake the stubborn toxins, Lu Feng was immediately overjoyed.

But this process is extremely painful, just like someone using a knife to scrape the poison in the fragile meridian little by little, and if he is not careful, he will explode and die.

Several times Lu Feng fainted from the pain, but his determination to become stronger made him grit his teeth and persisted.

"Just a little bit, the toxin attached to the meridian has fallen off, and it is just about to be forced out from the body."

Hope is close at hand, this is the last fight, either he dies, or he is reborn from Nirvana, and he will soar into the sky from then on.

At the last moment, Lu Feng burst into a burst of energy, and all the power erupted in an instant, turning into a tidal wave and rushing past.


A mouthful of black, rancid black blood spit out from his mouth, and Lu Feng's body loosened accordingly, and his head fell on the bed.

This feeling is very comfortable, like coming to heaven from hell.

"As long as these toxins are forced out, I can embark on the road of martial arts again."

Although Lu Feng was very tired at the moment, there was a bright smile on the corner of his mouth, and he finally succeeded.

Strike while the iron is hot, although the toxin was forced out, his body was still extremely weak. He forced himself to stand up, and operated the kung fu to let the cold profound energy flow in his body, restoring a little bit of clarity to his nearly fainting head.

After practicing like this for one night, Lu Feng's stomach growled. He didn't drink a drop of water or rice in the past ten days, and the strength in his body had already been exhausted. At this moment, he only wanted to eat a big meal. ,regain strength.

"Miss Xiaorou, I'm hungry." Lu Feng shouted excitedly to the outside.

Hearing Lu Feng's call, Lu Xiaorou hurriedly lit a fire to cook, but what made her dumbfounded was that Lu Feng ate up all the food in the house in one meal.

However, after eating so much food, Lu Feng is still very hungry. The reason is that these foods are all ordinary things, and what he really needs is food that contains profound energy.

However, Lu Feng didn't think too much about it. Now that he has become a martial artist, as long as he consolidates his current state, he can quickly break through the current state by using the experience of his previous life.

After eating, Lu Feng went back to his room and continued to practice. He was short on time. In the Lu family, there was a vicious queen who wanted him to be a useless person forever.

After three days, he initially consolidated the power of the cast body triple, thinking about which method he could use to earn a fortune in a short period of time.

"Butler Li, that trash, cut off one of his subordinate's arms, you have to make the decision for your subordinate."

Outside the courtyard, Wang Hu's resentful voice came into the small courtyard, and Lu Feng heard it immediately.

"A waste waiting to die has such strength. You can easily be subdued by him at the fifth level of your casting body. I want to take a closer look."

A disdainful voice came out, only the sound of Xi Suosuo's footsteps walked into the small courtyard.

"Wang Hu, you are here again, do you want to keep your other arm?"

Lu Feng walked out of the room slowly, staring at Wang Hu and a middle-aged man with a mustache beside him with cold eyes.

This person is Steward Li, a loyal dog next to the queen, powerful, and has reached the seventh level of meridians.

The second realm of martial arts is the Tongmai realm, which opens up martial veins in the body, which can store profound energy, and can display attacks of various attributes according to martial arts.

It is no exaggeration to say that a martial artist who has just stepped into the Meridian Realm can hang and beat ten casting bodies with nine levels without any cost.

Seeing Lu Feng, Wang Hu trembled in fear and hid behind Steward Li.

"I've seen Young Master Ninth. This time, this old slave came here to seek justice for Wang Hu." Steward Li was cunning and cunning, secretly looking at Lu Feng.

He found that Lu Feng seemed to have changed, his temperament had changed, but he couldn't tell exactly why.

"What justice do you want?" Lu Feng said coldly without fear.

"Although Wang Hu is a domestic slave, it's not enough to lose one of his arms. It would be too domineering for Master Ninth to do so."

"This person has committed a heinous crime. He dared to blackmail the young master and insult Miss Xiaorou. Fortunately, the young master is kind. Otherwise, no one would dare to say a word if I killed him in my capacity."

Lu Feng's tone was cold, and he was not polite to the Queen's people.

"You fart! It's clear that you, a little bastard, failed to repay the debt. Butler Li quickly arrested him and handed him over to the family law enforcement hall for questioning."

With the support of Butler Li, Wang Hu stiffened his waist and shouted loudly.

"You are looking for death. If I am a small animal, is the king of Zhennan an old animal?" Lu Feng shouted, and said coldly: "You are too bold to insult the king of Zhennan in public. According to family law, I can Hand over the two of you to the Law Enforcement Hall for questioning."

Hearing this, Steward Li's cold sweat flowed down, and his complexion turned pale instantly.

Although Lu Feng is a waste, his father is the King of Zhennan after all, and they are just a dog raised by the Lu family. This stupid Wang Hu, who spoke without thinking, indirectly insulted the King of Zhennan, was caught by Lu Feng in an instant handle.

Thinking of Zhennan King's methods, Steward Li shuddered all over. He was a ruthless master, and he was merciless in his actions.

"This slave is outspoken, I hope Master Ninth will forgive him once." Butler Li immediately changed his face to apologize to Lu Feng, and asked what crime he was guilty of. The key is to coax Lu Feng well first.

"I, Lu Feng, are a waste, so it's fine to scold me, but I can't let him insult King Zhennan." Lu Feng looked at the two with a half-smile.

"Cunning little fox." Butler Li cursed inwardly, why didn't he realize that he was so shrewd before.

Immediately, he quickly nodded and bowed his waist and said: "It's the old slave who neglected his duty, so I will take this dog slave back and discipline him properly."

"Today you can call me a little bastard, in the future you can disrespect your father, and even in the future you can rebel and betray the Lu family." Lu Feng moved a bench from the house without any haste. asked.

Hearing this, the terrified Wang Hu quickly knelt down, smacked his mouth hard, and begged Lu Feng to let him go.

Seeing Wang Hu twitching his mouth, Steward Li couldn't help regretting that he shouldn't have come here today, and it was because of a pig.

"Master Ninth, what should this slave do to appease your anger and not expose it to the family." Seeing Lu Feng's methods, Steward Li became serious.

"What do you think?" Lu Feng said lightly.

"This slave speaks rudely and insults the young master and the prince. According to the Lu family's law, he deserves to die."

Butler Li slapped Wang Hu's celestial spirit cap ruthlessly, shattering his vitality, and fell limply on the ground, with two godless pupils staring out, apparently not expecting this result.

"Ninth Young Master is satisfied." Li Butler wiped his hands, and his narrow eyes like poisonous snakes fixed on Lu Feng.

Seeing this, Lu Feng's heart shuddered. This Butler Li was a ruthless master, and he killed Wang Hu directly, leaving no evidence for this matter.

However, Lu Feng was not a master who was easily intimidated when he lived a new life. He said coldly, "I thought this would be enough. Butler Li, you played really well."

"Ninth Young Master, you are just an abandoned son, sometimes you have to be a little restrained in your life. After all, the old slave is the Queen's man. If you make a big mess, it will be bad for you and me. It's better to calm down. Here is a little compensation from the old slave. "

After speaking, Butler Li wiped the ring in his hand, and threw a big money bag to Lu Feng.

"Go away, I won't pursue this matter with the young master."

Lu Feng said firmly, his eyes lit up, there was at least a thousand taels of silver in that big money bag.

Moreover, Steward Li is a strong man with the seventh level of Tongmai after all, so he is just making use of it, and it will not do him any good if he really makes a big mess.

After finishing the matter, Lu Feng picked up the purse and returned to the house leisurely.

With this money, he can hit the fourth layer of the casting body in a short time.

(End of this chapter)

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