Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 20 Listening to the Rain Restaurant

Chapter 20 Listening to the Rain Restaurant
This icy muscle jade body pill was successfully taken down by Lu Min, and the delicate girl smiled foolishly while holding the jade bottle.

"Let's go, buy some more things with Brother Jiu and go back to the family."

Lu Feng greeted Lu Min and took her out of Danpu.

After staying in the Universal Business Alliance for several more hours, it was already noon, and the two returned to Lu's house together.

"Ninth brother heard that you divorced that woman from the Su family." On the way, Lu Min raised his head.He clenched his fists and said, "If I was there, I would definitely scold that woman for brother Jiu."

In her opinion, since Lu Feng divorced Su Xue, Su Xue must have done something wrong.

"You're still young, so you don't understand." Lu Feng said with a smile.

"I'm not young anymore, Brother Jiu, you are only two years older than me."

Lu Min muttered and followed Lu Feng's footsteps.


The weather changed as it said, and the sky was originally clear, but suddenly thick clouds enveloped the entire Wangcheng, accompanied by deafening spring thunder.

After a while, drops of raindrops continued to fall on the ground in the dark world, hitting the passing pedestrians.

"It looks like it's going to rain heavily." At this moment, Lu Feng looked up, and the sound of spring thunder shook his heart, so he took Lu Min's hand and ran back to Lu's house.

But the sky didn't follow people's wishes. The rainstorm came without warning, and the raindrops the size of soybeans fell down in the blink of an eye.

"Brother Jiu, the rain was too heavy this time, and my clothes were soaked."

Lu Min wrinkled his nose.

"There is a restaurant there, let's go there to take shelter from the rain and have something to eat."

He glanced at both sides of the street, and there was a three-story restaurant a hundred meters away, and many people rushed towards it.

Tingyu Restaurant is the most famous restaurant in the royal city. It is said that a mysterious strong man passed by and opened it a hundred years ago, so no one dared to make trouble here.

At this time, two figures quickly walked into the restaurant, shaking off the rainwater on their bodies.

Because of the rain, today's Tingyu restaurant is extremely popular, and the entire first floor is full of seats.

"Is there any free seat for Xiao Er?" The two figures were Lu Feng and Lu Min who hurried to avoid the rain.

"You two guest officers, it's a coincidence that you are here. There are still a few seats on the second floor."

A mistress in Tsing Yi came quickly and respectfully. Seeing the clothes they were wearing, he knew their identities were extraordinary, so he was also extremely enthusiastic.

Compared with the noisy first floor, the second floor is much quieter.

Of course, the consumption on the second floor is much higher than that on the first floor.

"Luckily, there was a table by the window, where I could watch the rain outside."

The table by the window was very quiet, and the two walked over immediately and sat down.

"Two, what do you need? We heard that the wine of Yu Restaurant is the most famous in the entire Wangcheng." Xiaoer greeted warmly.

"Oh? Then what kind of wine does your restaurant have?" Lu Feng laughed.

Xiao Er immediately said: "The most famous wine is Lingxing wine, but the price will be much more expensive than ordinary wine."

"Lingxing wine." Lu Feng fell into deep thought, and said in a daze for a moment: "Give me two bottles of Lingxing wine, and a few side dishes."

After getting the order, Xiao Er went down to prepare.

"I didn't expect to drink spirit star wine in Tianlin King City."

Lingxing wine is the national wine of the Tianxing Dynasty. In the previous life, Lu Feng's favorite wine was the Lingxing wine brewed by Xingdi himself.

After only a few moments, Xiao Er quickly brought up the Lingxing wine and side dishes, very fast.

"Taste." Lu Feng filled two wine glasses and gave Lu Min a glass.

"Is this Spirit Star Wine?"

Lu Min's eyes lit up, staring at the glass of crystal clear wine that seemed to be able to evolve into stars, he raised his snow-white neck and drank it all in one gulp.

"This wine is delicious, much better than the fruit wine my mother gave me." Lu Min smacked his lips and poured himself a few glasses impatiently.

After drinking a few cups, some blush appeared on Lu Min's face.

Lu Feng smiled slightly, raised his glass and drank it, and immediately the power of Lingxing wine burned in his stomach, like a small heater, which was extraordinarily comfortable.

"There are still many things missing in this wine, especially the most important star grass. This is not the most mellow spiritual star wine." After just one sip, Lu Feng tasted that some ingredients were missing in the wine, but he was relieved immediately. The real Tianxing wine cannot be brewed in Tianlin Dynasty.

"I don't know about this, please take it easy, both of you."

Xiao Er patted his head, then backed away with a silly smile.

At this time, there is a beautiful and enchanting woman on the handrail of the third floor of Tingyu Restaurant, who has a panoramic view of the second floor.

The third floor of Tingyu Restaurant can only be set foot by the strong of the real martial arts. This woman's presence here is enough to illustrate her status.

"It's really a coincidence. I didn't expect that kid to come to Tingyu Restaurant. I heard that half a month ago he divorced a little girl. It's so interesting."

"Huh, could it be that he had drunk the real spirit star wine before and knew that many ingredients were missing? This is impossible. This kid has never been out of the royal city. How could he know the real spirit star wine?"

The woman who muttered on the third floor was Ling Fei who seduced Lu Feng at the utensil shop that day, and she was also in Tingyu Restaurant at the moment.

At this moment, the rain in Wangcheng showed no signs of stopping, but it was getting heavier and heavier.

At this moment, two figures entered Tingyu Restaurant, a man and a woman, wearing noble clothes, extremely young, and immediately attracted a lot of attention.

"Fifth Sister, the rain is so weird this time, I'll find you a seat right away." The young man looked rebellious, his eyes were always raised, and there was a hint of contempt.

And the most attractive thing is the woman. Although it is raining heavily outside, the woman is not wet. Her skin is pink and tender, her face is overwhelming, and her figure is even more charming, showing the most beautiful side of the girl. Shown vividly.

"Seventh brother, everything is up to you." The woman raised her head proudly, exuding a sense of dignity that made many people dare not look directly at her.

Hearing this, the young man walked directly towards the second floor, his eyes swept away, and his brows frowned.

Because of the rain, there are no more seats on the second floor, and all the seats are full, but then he looked at where Lu Feng was sitting.

"You guys, roll aside for this prince."

The young man arrogantly threw several banknotes on several tables, trying to clear a space.

"What are you, we are?" The three teenagers on the table immediately got angry, and they got up and wanted to fight the young man.

Suddenly, when they saw the appearance of the young man, they broke out in a cold sweat and put on a respectful expression: "It turns out that the Seventh Prince and the Fifth Princess are here, and it is our honor to give up their seats, so let's get out immediately. "

It turns out that the young man is Lin Tian, ​​the seventh prince of the royal family, who has the strength of the second level of Tongmai at a young age, and the fifth princess Lin Qian is even more complicated. She is only 19 years old, and she is already a genius of the fifth level of Tongmai. Lin Baye's proudest daughter.

And these three teenagers are the geniuses of several second-rate families in the royal city, with some status, they naturally recognized Lin Tian.

For members of the royal family, how dare you say no, it is full of flattery.

Lin Tian nodded, he was very useful to the flattery of several people, he enjoyed the feeling of being sought after very much.

"It turned out to be a member of the royal family, but now His Majesty Lin Baye has iron and blood, so there is no need to conflict with the royal family for a seat."

Seeing this, the warriors at the surrounding tables got up and left one after another. They could not afford to offend the royal family and did not want to offend them. No one knew that Lin Baye was ambitious and wanted to completely unify the Tianlin Dynasty.

"Ninth Brother, what should we do?" Lu Min put down his chopsticks and asked Lu Feng as the backbone.

"We eat ours, they eat theirs."

Lu Feng ignored Lin Tian, ​​as if everything around him had nothing to do with him, appearing extremely calm.

Several tables around the warriors were emptied, and Lu Feng and Lu Min sat there out of place, which made Lin Tian a little unhappy, and said coldly: "Hurry up, get out of here, the prince paid for your meals, so much for nothing You earned it."

Lin Tian was very proud, and looked at Lu Feng with nothing in his eyes.

"Just treat it as a fly whistling in your ear, and don't need to pay attention."

The words were astonishing, but Lu Feng was unmoved. How could he be afraid of the royal family in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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