Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 21 Lu Feng's Overbearing

Chapter 21 Lu Feng's Overbearing

Lu Feng's unceremonious words made the Seventh Prince Lin Tian's face show anger, and suddenly the aura of a strong man in the meridian state pressed down on Lu Feng like a huge boulder, and said condescendingly: "Do you know who I am? In the royal city No one has ever been so disrespectful to me."

"Does this have something to do with me?" Looking up at Lin Tian, ​​Lu Feng asked coldly.

The strong only asks his heart, today Lu Feng will not give in because Lin Tian is a prince, he was a thousand times more noble than Lin Tian in his previous life, and he is not yet so arrogant.

If Lin Tian had been more polite and asked him to give up his seat, he might have taken Lu Min away, but it was obviously wishful thinking for the arrogant Lin Tian to want him to retreat.

At this moment, Lin Tian was furious, this kid was so reckless, just when he was about to make a move, Lin Qian had already walked up to the second floor, her beautiful eyes swept over, and seeing Lu Feng not moving, she said coldly: "Give him the money, send him away quickly!" .”

"No problem, Fifth Sister, I'll let him go now."

Lin Tiandao, then Lin Qian nodded, staring at Lu Feng with disdain, and immediately a hundred taels of silver fell heavily on the table.

"I think your meal is only worth a few dozen taels of silver. The prince of Japan is in a good mood today, and there are still a few dozen taels for you."

With his nostrils upturned, Lin Tian said arrogantly, as if he was dismissing a beggar.

Lu Feng said: "I'll give you 200 taels of silver, how about eating at that table?"

"You are humiliating me." Lin Tian said angrily.

In the entire Tianlin King City, except for some top geniuses, who would dare to show off in front of him, not to mention that he lacks the 200 taels of silver? The person in front of him is obviously ignoring him.

"Is there? There are still people in this world who don't even want silver. 200 taels is a lot, enough for an ordinary family to live comfortably for a year."

At this moment, Lu Feng smiled.

"So there are really such stupid people in this world, Ninth Brother, I met you today." Lu Min on the side quickly echoed, her personality is eccentric, and as a young lady of the Lu family, she really doesn't have to be afraid of a prince of the royal family .

After talking and drinking, the words of the two made Lin Tian's face extremely ugly.

"Who are the two of you that dare to be so presumptuous!"

The rude words of these two people completely angered Lin Tian, ​​and he wanted to growl.

"Seventh Prince, that man is Lu Feng from the Lu family."

At this time, the three fawning teenagers recognized Lu Feng, and fawned on Lin Tian.

"People from the Lu family, no wonder they dare to be so presumptuous. It seems that the children of the Lu family no longer take my royal family seriously."

A sternness flashed in Lin Tian's eyes.

The strength of the Lu family is second only to the royal family, and their achievements are so high that they have long made the royal family wary of them.

But at this moment, when some people heard the word Lu Feng, they immediately thought of something.

"No wonder you dare to be so bold. It turned out to be Lu Feng. I heard that he divorced Su Xue in front of King Zhenbei that day, and he didn't give the Su family any face."

"Now it's a good show. Although Lu Feng's cultivation base is weak, he is a member of the Lu family after all. What will the members of the royal family do?"

The eyes of the crowd all turned to Lu Feng with a bit of playfulness.

"This guy actually divorced Su Xue in public, and he didn't feel sorry for her. How about it, Your Highness, let me teach him a lesson for you, so that he can remember better."

One of the three teenagers stared coldly at Lu Feng with unkind eyes.

This man is a genius second only to Xia Yun's family among the four major families in the royal city. He has reached the ninth level of cast body, which is much stronger than Su Yi back then, and he himself is one of Su Xue's admirers. He won't let it go, and he must pay the price in blood.

A young man next to him yelled, "Yun Cheng, you have to be careful, this Lu Feng is the character who deposed Su Yi, it's not that easy to deal with."

Hearing this, Yun Cheng sneered: "Don't compare Su Yi with me, he's just a trash who spends his days drinking and drinking."

"You guys, do you want to make a move?" Lu Feng remained calm and drank a glass of wine.

"Then you can teach this person a lesson for this prince, just to see him upset."

Lin Tian nodded, since someone wanted to do it for him, he naturally wouldn't do it himself, otherwise it would be disgraceful for him to win the Meridian Realm and spread it.

"Don't forget who is the person who taught you today, I am Yuncheng from the Yun Family."

With Lin Tian's approval, he immediately yelled violently, and a pair of iron fists swept away violently with the airflow.

Yun Cheng's strength is indeed not comparable to that of Su Yi. When he punched out, there was a huge force of several thousand catties.

But Lu Feng didn't even move a step, as if he was frightened stupid by Yun Cheng's fist.

Seeing this, Lin Qian's black eyebrows froze together.She was quite curious about Lu Feng. After all, the whole city of Wangcheng knew what happened that day, and she saw that Lu Feng hadn't reached the Ninth Layer of Casting Body. If he was hit by a punch, he would definitely be injured.

"Boy, get out of here!" Yun Cheng was overjoyed to see Lu Feng not dodging or avoiding.

At a critical moment, Lu Feng finally moved, and he calmly threw a punch, which looked plain and without any momentum, and seemed to be far behind Yun Cheng.

"It's not right, this punch is so perfect, it gathers all the power in one punch."

As the leader of the fifth level of Tongmai and the younger generation in the royal city, Lin Qian could see the clues at a glance, but Lin Tian, ​​the seventh prince, who was at the side shouted foolishly, didn't see it at all.

The two fists collided firmly together, stirring up a layer of air waves that turned into ripples.

Lu Feng was not knocked into the air, and he didn't even take a step back. On the other hand, Yun Cheng's fist was shaking. At first glance, he didn't appear to be injured, but in fact, all five of his fingers were broken.

Fighting with Lu Feng is simply looking for abuse. You must know that Lu Feng is practicing Taixuan Nine Turns, the body and Xuan Shuangxiu technique.

Although it's only the first turn, his strength is stronger than ordinary warriors, and only peerless geniuses who are equally dazzling have the strength to compete with him.

Lu Feng didn't use any strength-enhancing martial arts for that punch just now, but just collided with pure strength, and the result made him very satisfied. It deserves to be a skill that can confer gods, changing his physique step by step.

No matter how difficult it is to cultivate, it is worth it to have this kind of power.

"The punch just now was my carelessness, now let you see the martial arts I practiced."

"Cloud wave palm!"

Enduring the pain, Yun Cheng let out a grin, and unleashed his best Yunlang Palm.

Immediately, he swung his palm away, blasting out more than a dozen palms in succession in the void. Waves of air seemed to stir up waves, turning into tigers roaring away.

But Lu Feng didn't change his expression, he didn't even use his martial arts, he stomped the ground with his foot, and suddenly smashed through the air waves with his palm, and matched Yuncheng's palm.

The Yunlang Palm, which has undergone martial arts enhancement, is naturally not comparable to before, but Lu Feng's body moved in a strange way, shaking Yuncheng's palm lightly.

"This movement is so weird, Yun Cheng's strength has been knocked back." Lin Qian, who was watching the battle, flashed a bright light in her eyes, and she was faintly excited.

But at this moment, with a muffled sound, Yun Cheng's body was like a cannonball, and it slammed into a wall in the restaurant, creating a deep human-shaped crater.

Yun Cheng tried to stand up, but he spat out a mouthful of blood suddenly, and he couldn't lift any strength from his body, and the backlash of the power just now hurt his internal organs.

It was so wonderful, Lu Feng almost defeated him by an overwhelming advantage.

The cruel facts were before Yun Cheng's eyes. Looking at the indifferent Lu Feng, he originally wanted to perform well in front of Lin Tian, ​​but now he was humiliated, and he vomited a few mouthfuls of blood in anger.

"Yun Cheng, how are you?" The other two teenagers were stunned and said in horror. Their strength was not as good as Yun Cheng's, so naturally they didn't dare to make a move.

Lu Feng glanced at the two of them and said, "Do you two also want to teach me a lesson?"

The aura of a strong man emanated from Lu Feng's body, and an extraordinary and noble aura suddenly overflowed, which was more noble than the so-called Seven Princes, like the difference between a bright moon and an ant, giving people a feeling of indescribable dignity .

The two said in horror: "How dare you make such a ruthless hand in front of the Seventh Prince!"

"I don't know what to say, it's you guys who challenged my ninth brother, and you guys, Miss Ben, let you have a hand, and you are not my opponents, so get out of here."

Lu Min, who was sitting on the bench, stood up, clapped his palms, and said.

"You stinky woman!"

It was Yun Cheng who was lying on the ground who was talking, it was a shame to be humiliated by a woman who was younger than him.

"Looking for death." Lu Feng said coldly.

"Ninth brother let me come." Lu Min looked around strangely, looked at the rainstorm outside the restaurant, his eyes lit up and said, "It's raining heavily outside, Miss Ben, let the rainstorm wash away your stinky mouth."

As soon as the words were finished, Lu Min turned into an afterimage, picked up Yun Cheng with one hand, and threw Yun Cheng out along the window.

"It's done."

Lu Min smiled, and glanced at the other two teenagers, looking at this posture, he wanted to throw them both out.

Seeing Lu Min's unfriendly eyes, the two shuddered and rushed out of Tingyu Restaurant.

"Fortunately, you two ran fast, otherwise this lady would really throw you out."

Lu Min muttered, the character of the little witch was fully revealed.

(End of this chapter)

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