Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 22 Ling Fei's Help

Chapter 22 Ling Fei's Help

The originally noisy restaurant fell silent for a moment, and countless eyes turned to the second floor.

It is very common to have disputes in restaurants, but the most critical battle was caused by the younger generations of the two powerful forces in the royal city, which is something to watch.

"It's useless to dare to provoke my ninth brother with such a little ability." After clapping his hands, Lu Min sat back on the bench.

"You are so brave, you dare to make a move in front of me, what is the face of this prince." I saw Lin Tian slapped the table fiercely, and roared angrily, there was no trace of his previous chic.

Hearing this, Lu Feng said indifferently: "Face is given by others, not just by calling someone else."

Thinking about how honorable he was as the prince of the Tianxing Dynasty in the previous life, but he was not as arrogant as Lin Tian, ​​and he was insulting himself by throwing the prince in front of him.

"Bold, I will show you a little bit today."

Several times, Lu Feng didn't take him seriously, and he was already furious. If it was a top genius in the Lu family, it would be fine, but now this person who is not at the casting level dared to provoke him like this, which made him unbearable.

Suddenly, a golden fire burst out from behind him, making the surrounding air suddenly hot.

The mysterious energy is released, a symbol of a strong person in the meridian state. This golden fire light shows that Lin Tian is practicing martial arts with the golden fire attribute.

"Remember, this prince is not something you can mess with, a waste in the Casting Realm."

Enraged, Lin Tian waved his fist unceremoniously, and Xeon's golden fire fist suddenly brought out a bright light, killing Lu Feng's abdomen.

The strike was fierce, and the punch was so loud that even if he didn't die, he would be seriously injured.

"The flame of Zhiyang, this Lin Tian is really powerful, and his strength really cannot be underestimated."

Facing this punch, Lu Feng didn't panic, he was still calm, he spun his feet on the ground, his eyes flashed brightly, ready to avoid the punch.

It is obviously unwise to fight recklessly with the master of Tongmai. Lu Feng's biggest reliance is his previous life experience and the wonderful Spiritual Shadow Step.

No matter how fierce your attack is, my steps are like the steps of an immortal. If I can't hit it, it is a waste of strength.

"Seventh brother, don't make nonsense." At this moment, Lin Qian who was on the side suddenly gave a cold shout, stepped out with her lotus feet, and waved her hands to defuse Lin Tian's terrifying attack.

"Fifth sister, this Lu family member is too arrogant, why don't you let me teach him a lesson."

Being stopped by Lin Qian, Lin Tian was very dissatisfied and asked angrily.

"I see that your agility just now is very mysterious. You were able to remove Yun Cheng's power. I wonder if you can tell this princess."

Lin Qian smiled slightly, she was very charming, she was absolutely sure that her smile had great lethality on men.

The method of unloading force is very mysterious, the body shakes like a fish to defuse the incoming attack.

If she, Lin Qian, can get this method, she will be more likely to stand out in the Zhitianmen assessment a few months later. You must know that every time the Zhitianmen assessment is a gathering of geniuses from surrounding countries, every time it is extremely tragic.

"Why should I tell you?" Lu Feng teased.

This method was taught to him by a strong man in the Saint Martial Realm in his previous life. Facing a powerful enemy, he used the resilience of his body to guide his power into the ground or into the void.

"What do you need? I can give you silver, how about 10 taels." Lin Qian frowned slightly.

"Will my young master be short of money?" Lu Feng laughed, thinking that he is a fool if he wants to know the way for 10 taels.

"At least 1000 million taels, otherwise there is no need to talk about it. Anyway, your royal family is the richest, and most of the resources are occupied by you. Such a small amount of money is easy for you, right, Brother Ninth." Lu Min echoed. road.

Seeing Lu Min's lion opening his mouth, Lin Tian immediately said angrily: "It seems that you are the ones who dare to blackmail my royal family without seeing the tears in the coffin."

"Wait." Lin Qian stopped Lin Tian again, took a deep breath and said, "You can't be too greedy, even if you are given 1000 million taels, you won't be able to eat it. How about it, 100 million taels is already my bottom line."

Even a royal genius like Lin Qian couldn't afford 1000 million taels of silver at once, and she saw that it was just a skill, not worth 1000 million taels at all.

Lu Feng shook his head with a smile and said, "I'll give you 100 million taels, and the two of you leave Tingyu Restaurant immediately, how about it?"

In the final analysis, although he had reached the real martial arts level in his previous life, he was still just a hot-blooded young man. This Lin Qian looked polite but wanted his skills behind the scenes. It could be seen that she looked down on him deep down.

That being the case, why should he be polite.

"Forget it." Lin Qian was a little displeased.

She didn't expect that this kid would be reckless and arrogant. If he wasn't from the Lu family, she would have wished to arrest Lu Feng into the palace and force him to ask about his skills.

"Absolutely can't forget it like this, this kid must pay the price in blood." Lin Tian gritted his teeth and said bitterly.

Hearing this, Lin Qian nodded, acquiescing to Lin Tian's approach.

"If your mouth is so stinky, you won't be able to speak for the rest of your life."

While speaking, a terrifying golden flame ignited from Lin Tian's body, and he seemed to have turned into a burning man, and the terrifying fire-attributed energy turned into strands of flames that swirled out.

"Special physique."

Lu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly. In this world, there will always be some lucky people who will develop some special physique due to some coincidence. And produced.

Just like mutants among wild beasts, warriors with special physiques will be stronger than ordinary warriors.

For example, the Star Emperor is the Da Luo Star Body, a superior special physique that spans the entire Eastern Profound Realm, while Lin Tian's can be called the Jin Miao Body right now, which has a certain increase in the flame attribute.

At this time, the powerful flame oppressed, making people suffocate.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew by, and a beautiful and seductive figure suddenly appeared in front of Lu Feng, who blew out a breath of fragrant wind from his mouth, which dissolved Lin Tian's flames.

"Little boy, it's a good fate. You left in a hurry that day, but you made my sister think hard." The woman teased.

"It's very fate."

Lu Feng Yizheng, the woman who appeared was Ling Fei who was in the Universal Business Alliance that day, and he didn't expect that she would help him.

"What a beautiful woman." The first time Lin Tian saw Ling Fei, he felt that his soul was going to be taken away, and his heart was extremely moved.

Ling Fei is indeed extraordinary, she is a strong person in the Tianwu realm, with a good temperament, no one in the entire Tianlin Dynasty has a more noble temperament than her.No
"Where is the wonderful person, how about going to the palace with this prince."

Lin Tian took a step forward and stretched out his hand.

"Okay, it's just that you have to have this life." However, at this moment, Lin Tian's footsteps suddenly stopped, a stream of cold sweat dripped down from his body, and his legs were trembling.

Because between Ling Fei's fingers, a three-foot-long pink mysterious energy ignited Lin Tian's neck, as long as he pierced his throat lightly, he would be cut and he would die.

"This is Wangcheng, you can't kill me." Lin Tian uttered a sentence with difficulty, the expression on his face was about to cry, this woman is too powerful.

"Do you still want to play?" Ling Fei said indifferently, a ray of light in her eyes approached Lin Tian's mind, as cold and terrifying as escaping into the Nine Nether Hell.

"Don't play anymore, don't play anymore." Lin Tian said with trembling legs.

"Senior, please let Lin Tian go, he and I will leave Tingyu Restaurant now."

The well-informed Lin Qian immediately realized that this woman was not easy to mess with, and she was probably a high-level true martial artist.

"Senior, am I that old?" Ling Fei was dissatisfied, and looked at Lin Qian playfully: "You look very good, why don't you be my personal servant girl."

"Give Tianlin Royal Family a face and let us go."

Under this huge pressure, Lin Qian swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, suppressing her heart and saying in shock.

"What is the royal family of Tianlin, get out of here." Ling Fei said.

As soon as the words fell, Lin Qian pulled Lin Tian away from Tingyu Restaurant without looking back. How could she dare to stay longer, Ling Fei's cultivation was too terrifying, and they were not the cause of it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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