Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 245 Conditions

Chapter 245 Conditions
The threatening voice filled with murderous intent echoed throughout the palace.

Countless people looked shocked, and someone threatened to kill members of the royal family.

Lu Yun's face was surprised, he never expected Lu Feng to be so courageous, and then his eyes flashed with appreciation, his Lu family needs such a tough junior.

And Lin Xuan's face was ashen, and his eyes were full of killing intent when he looked at Lu Feng.

"Speak wildly, you, a junior from the Lu family, need to be disciplined."

Lin Xuan said harshly.

"You want to kill me?"

The corner of Lu Feng's mouth twitched into a joke, and even Lu Yun beside him couldn't help but wipe off his cold sweat.

"Hmph, this old man can convict you based on your words, but Lu Yun can't protect you."

Lin Xuanxiong was full of profound energy, but when he looked at something that suddenly appeared in Lu Feng's hand, his whole body trembled.

"Inscription Guild, fourth grade master badge!"

Lin Xuan trembled.

He could never have imagined that this person would be a fourth-grade inscription pattern master, and he really didn't dare to kill such a person.

Although the inscription pattern guild will not participate in the disputes of various forces, but if he bullies a junior with the strength of his true martial arts state, the inscription pattern guild will destroy him immediately.

"Fourth grade master!"

Lu Yun's eyes suddenly became hot, and he knew what this meant, so he couldn't help laughing.

"Lin Xuan, I think you dare to touch my Lu family genius!"

Lu Yun sneered.

"Even so, he is not qualified to let my royal family release me."

Lin Xuan's voice was much weaker.

"If that's the case, don't blame my Lu family for being ruthless."

Lu Yun said indifferently: "One month later, my Lu family's current Zhennan King will withdraw from the border and let the army of the Blackwater Kingdom drive straight in. And all this is only because of a stupid decision by you, Lin Xuan."

After saying this, Lu Yun took a deep breath.

If Lu Feng surprised him before, then he decided to do everything for Lu Feng now.

At such a young age, he is a fourth-rank inscription master. This kind of talent is enough to make the Lu family crazy about it.

Moreover, a battle with the royal family is inevitable, no matter which force wants to have a few tigers watching by its side.

Commander Longwei also felt chills all over his body, no one could imagine the consequences of this Lu family's madness.

Lin Xuan remained silent, weighing the pros and cons in his heart.

Turning against the Lu family too early will never be of any benefit to his royal family. The mysterious lord is still recovering, and the war with the Daqi Dynasty is more for the mysterious lord.

"Xiaofeng, it seems that the royal family is unwilling to let him go." Lu Yun shook his head helplessly: "It's a pity, my Lu family will withdraw soon."

Lu Feng looked indifferent, if the royal family insisted on this, he would immediately return to Tianmen and use the favor owed to him by Elder Nine Swords.

Although Zhitianmen will not participate in the battles between the major forces below, it is still very easy to just want a woman to come back.

It's just that it will take nearly a month to go back and forth, and Lu Feng is afraid that something unexpected will happen.

Under Lu Yun's threat, Lin Xuan's expression changed again and again.


Lin Xuan suddenly shouted.

Today, the Lu family is still needed, and the price is indeed unbearable.

Hearing this, Lu Yun smiled slightly, this old guy still didn't want to turn against the Lu family prematurely.

"It's fine to let that woman go, but there is one condition."

Lin Xuandao.

Lu Yun asked: "What conditions?"

"The third prince of my royal family is at the Xuanfu realm. If he wins, the matter of accepting a concubine will be over. If he loses, he will stay in my palace forever."

Lin Xuan said slowly, this is his final bottom line.

Lu Yun didn't agree immediately, but asked Lu Feng: "What do you think?"

"This battle, I took it."

As long as he is not in the Real Martial Realm, Lu Feng will not be afraid of anyone at the Xuanfu Realm level, and this is the only quick way to bring Miss Xiaorou back.

Seeing that Lu Feng agreed, Lin Xuan asked Commander Longwei to invite the third prince and the woman.

At that time, no matter who wins or loses, it will only be a battle among juniors, and it will not have much impact on face.

At this time, Lu Feng waited quietly.

Ten minutes later, a tall figure appeared in the void, ignoring Lu Feng.

That figure exudes a sense of domineering, and the face is five points like Lin Baye, it is the third prince Lin Chen.

"You're going to challenge me?"

Lin Chen's domineering gaze came straight to Lu Feng.

When he found out that the other party was only at the sixth level of Xuanfu, he couldn't help but sneered.

His true energy conversion level has reached more than [-]%, this kind of thing can be slapped to death.

With this strength, he still wanted to snatch the woman Lin Chen liked.


At this time, a weak voice came, and three figures appeared in front of Lu Feng under the leadership of several dragon guards.

"Miss Rou!"

Lu Feng's eyes fell on the weak figure in the middle for an instant, and he was pleasantly surprised.

It's just that his pale face and thin body made Lu Feng's eyes suddenly turn cold.

"Brother Lu, I didn't protect Miss Xiaorou well." Jiang Yi said guiltily.

"It doesn't matter, I will take you home today."

Lu Feng's voice was flat, but there was a murderous intent in that flatness.

"A Xuanfu sixth level dares to make trouble in front of this prince."

Lin Chen converted the strength of his true essence, and it stirred up in the clouds, causing ripples.

"No matter what the outcome of this battle, you and I must not intervene."

Lin Xuan was extremely insidious, and the implication was that Lin Chen directly abolished Lu Feng.

Among his peers, even if he is a fourth-rank inscription pattern master, the inscription pattern guild cannot find fault.

"It's not a challenge."

Lin Chen said lightly.

"Xiaofeng, you are not his opponent."

Lu Xiaorou had a worried expression on his face, Lin Chen's strength was extremely terrifying.

"Don't worry, he is like a dead dog in front of me."

Lu Feng smiled brightly.

At the moment of the confrontation, a golden ray of light rushed towards the palace quickly, and resisted a few words in Lin Xuan's ear, which immediately made his complexion change again and again.

"For the sake of fairness, no magic weapon is allowed in this battle."

Lin Xuan added one more thing.

The looming figure was none other than Commander Lin, looking at Lu Feng with unconcealable terror in his eyes.

Regarding this remark, the old Lu Yun clan cursed secretly for being despicable and shameless.

That Lin Chen had the strength to transform his true essence. If he didn't have that terrifying big bow, Lu Feng would probably lose with his strength.

"Even if I don't use magic weapons, I won't take you, the third prince of the royal family."

Lu Feng said indifferently.

Even without the Sunset Bow and Heixuan Sword, he still had the confidence to defeat Lin Chen.

Although his realm is low, the quality of the profound liquid is incomparable to anyone in the Xuanfu realm.

"Alright then, Lin Chen, you have to teach this brat a lesson."

Lin Xuan sneered.

"Don't worry, I, Lin Chen, will let him appreciate the gap."

Lin Chen was extremely domineering, and his black eyes flashed coldly.

"Then let's fight."

Lu Feng's face was expressionless, and a vigorous fighting spirit flowed from his whole body.

"To deal with you, you will definitely lose out of the three moves!"

Lin Chen believed himself, opened his hand and waved away, waving his hand with mighty combat power, a black light swept out like a black curtain, and rushed across.

"No one can stop my footsteps."

The green shirt around Lu Feng's body was bulging, his feet suddenly burst into the air, and he punched out, the heavy pressure made the air condense.

The Tian Huang Fist and Earth Cracking Fist of the third level vibrates all the way and directly meets it.

(End of this chapter)

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