Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 246 Fighting against Lin Chen

Chapter 246 Fighting against Lin Chen
The two figures flitted out in an instant, and collided fiercely with an incomparably violent posture, blasting out layers of shock waves.

The fists and palms collided violently with each other, turning into two extremely fast afterimages.

Lin Chen's brows sank, the terrifying power of the opponent's punch made his mouth go numb.

Immediately, black light erupted from his palm, and the black palm print containing the power of true essence shook the space and blasted towards Lu Feng.

The moment the palm print was blasted, the domineering force caused the stone slab under his feet to collapse into pieces.

"Hmph, it's nothing to defeat Lu Han. After all, he hasn't converted his true energy yet. Let's see how he blocks this palm."

Lin Xuan smiled coldly, hoping to kill Lu Feng with this.

And this time.

Lu Feng felt his whole body sink, and there was a domineering mood in the palm print, as if to destroy his fighting spirit.

The incomparably majestic power of qi and blood erupted from the whole body, as if forming a blood-red sun, with a fist clenched tightly, white light bloomed, and it swept away directly.


The shocking sound erupted from the exchange of fists and palms between the two, and the terrifying force directly knocked them back a hundred meters.

"What a terrible power."

Lin Chen's face was gloomy. If it wasn't for the body protection of the real essence contained in his power, his arm might be crippled.

"The degree of conversion of true essence is already very high. It is indeed difficult to deal with such a strong person."

Lu Feng's heart sank slightly.

This battle restricted him to use divine weapons, and his realm was far inferior to Lin Chen, which was a great disadvantage to him.

Even so, Lu Feng was not afraid.

A sharp fighting spirit erupted from his body, the heart of the sword shone with crystal luster, and he closed his eyes slightly, like a sharp sword about to be unsheathed.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Lin Chen's face was cold, black light swept out from his body, and a terrifying force that made it hard to breathe gushed out, like a tyrant.

Among the many heirs of the ruler of Tianlin, Lin Baye, except for the mysterious eldest prince, it is this Lin Chen who has inherited that sense of domineering.

"Use your finger to control the sword!"

All of a sudden, the sharp sword intent roared.

A three-foot sword intent condensed between Lu Feng's two fingers, stabbing at Lin Chen in an instant.

This level of kendo attainment has almost reached the pinnacle of Jianxin Dacheng, and is about to approach the step of Jianxin Tonghun.

Sensing this fierce sword intent, Lin Chen was also shocked.

"Ba Zhan Fist!"

Lin Chen yelled, a cold light bloomed in his eyes, and a shocking fist bloomed, that kind of domineering fist seemed to be able to destroy everything.


Lu Xiaorou's heart clenched tightly, and Jiang Rui held her tightly beside her.

"Under my Ba Zhan Fist, even the first level of Zhenwu has to avoid the edge for a while, you are doomed!"

Lin Chen said indifferently, his strength seemed to have skyrocketed a bit with the blessing of such a domineering artistic conception.

"Suppressing the soul? But it doesn't work for me."

Lu Feng showed his white teeth and smiled, the sword energy turned into a streak of rainbow and flew away.

The terrifying Ba Zhan Fist also blasted down at this moment, the air seemed to freeze down, and the fist shrouded in black light pressed down.

The sword qi was bitter, and when it touched Naba's fist, it pierced through that layer of black light, bringing out a bloody light.

"Something good!"

Lin Chen snorted coldly, and the phantom of the Nine Layers Profound Palace in the lower abdomen was looming.

The profound liquid with some power of true essence burned violently, and when Naha's fist was swung down again, it actually shattered Lu Feng's sword energy.

Lu Feng stepped back, raised his finger light, and sword lights with starlight flew out one after another.


The Ba Zhan Fist smashes the sword light.

However, Lu Feng's sword energy was like waves, falling all over the sky.

No matter how domineering and unparalleled Ba Zhan Quan is, he is still very irritable under the continuous rain of swords.

"Want to rely on speed?"

Lin Chen's black light gushed out, his speed increased sharply, and he approached Lu Feng directly, and his terrifying fist blasted out again.

And when the black light enveloped Lu Feng, Lin Chen seemed to have seen the scene of being smashed into meatloaf.

"Heavenly Desolation Fist!"

Lu Feng waved his fist, and the vast power seemed to have seven real dragons roaring above his head, even the air was shattered.

"The power of seven true dragons!"

Lu Yun clan elder and Lin Xuan lost their voices in shock.

The power of the general Xuanfu Nine Layers is only around the power of three true dragons, and those who are stronger will have the power of five true dragons.

The power of the seven true dragons can only be possessed by warriors who specialize in body training.

Lu Yunzu's old face was delighted, and today's tough attitude is indeed correct.

As for Lin Xuan's murderous intentions, such threats must be eradicated as soon as possible.

"Under my Ba Zhan Fist, no matter who you are, you will all be blown away."

Lin Chen was extremely confident, the oppression became more and more terrifying, and it seemed that the only place in the whole world was that bully punch.

"Baquan alone is not enough."

Lu Feng's expression was blood-thirsty, and the Tianhuang Fist was violently concussed.


In the eyes of everyone, the two fists were fighting together fiercely, and the third-level Heavenly Desolation Fist, Earth Cracking Fist, and Ba Zhan Fist made Lin Chen's face even more livid.

Lin Chen swung his fist, and Ba Zhan Quan carried the black profound liquid and blasted away in the most domineering gesture.


Lu Feng's lips parted lightly, and his punch seemed to crack the ground, and he also faintly carried the artistic conception of Tianbeng, splitting the strength of the punches.

Although Lin Chen's cultivation had reached the point of transforming his true essence, he was inferior to Lu Feng in terms of strength and body, and could only be suppressed by his cultivation.

And under this terrifying physical collision, Lin Chen was surprised to find that this person was like a beast, and he didn't feel tired at all.

On the other hand, his physical body felt numb.

"What kind of exercises did he practice?"

Lin Xuan stared at Lu Feng, feeling incredible.

You must know that what Lin Chen practiced was Lin Baye's domineering scriptures.

Decades ago, Lin Boye was just an ordinary prince, but suddenly a mysterious person came along one day.

From this day on, Lin Baye has advanced by leaps and bounds, and his cultivation has reached an unfathomable level.

It is also true that Lin Baye's powerful mystery also completely broke the balance between the royal family and several kings with different surnames.

"Miss Xiaorou, maybe the young master can really take us away."

There were bursts of hope in Jiang Rui's heart.

But at this moment, the fight between the two reached a feverish level, and they directly fought together with the most violent fists.


With a flick of Lin Chen's five fingers in front of him, dozens of black profound liquids were suspended and shot towards Lu Feng suddenly.

Lu Feng's five fingers spread out, turning into sword lights, piercing through the profound liquid.

However, when the profound liquid exploded, black waves erupted from it, and a black afterimage rushed away violently, with a terrifying fist mark contained in it.

This punch was extremely terrifying and completely blocked Lu Feng.

Lu Feng's heart sank, his face was extremely decisive, without hesitation, he put his palms against his chest.

"You're finished!"

Lin Chen sneered, and that fist slammed into Lu Feng's palms, causing the opponent to shake violently.

Then, a black meridian in the other hand shone brightly, and a beam of light as sharp as a knife on the fist was printed on Lu Feng's chest.

In an instant, Lu Feng flew upside down like a kite with a broken string.

This sudden change made everyone's expressions change drastically.

Especially Lu Xiaorou, who almost fainted.

"It won't kill me yet."

Lu Feng stood up slowly, looking at the black wound on his chest.

The opponent was extremely cunning, and the battle just now used at least one extraordinary power of good quality to make Lu Feng so embarrassed.

He used the mysterious liquid to explode the sky to camouflage before, and then burst out with unparalleled speed with the help of Qimai.

"Because of the power of my Ba Lingmai, if you fight again, all internal organs in your body will be destroyed by the power of Ba Ling."

Lin Chen was extremely confident.

"Really? Is this the power of your dominating spirit veins?"

Lu Feng silently felt his body, and there was an extremely violent force running around in his body, destroying his internal organs.

However, before Lin Chen was happy, the immediate change made his complexion change drastically.

 Let's see if there are any recommended tickets.


(End of this chapter)

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