Chapter 259
Situ Hai's heart trembled, and he felt extremely regretful.

The person in front of him flitted with a long fist, carrying an unmatched force

Even if he has a lot of hole cards, he can't stop this person's attack.

In just a dozen or so breaths, Situ Hai was at a disadvantage, his body covered with scars.


A finger light tore apart the cold light and landed on Situ Hai.

All of a sudden, they fell towards the ground at an extremely fast speed.

"Lu Feng, let me go, and I, Situ Hai, will be at your command in the future!"

Situ Hai's pale face was full of horror, begging for mercy.

He is a genius of the sect, as long as he doesn't die in the future, after a few years of precipitation, he will almost certainly break through to the real martial arts, but if he dies here, it would be too wronged.


Lu Feng floated towards Situ Hai, and suddenly raised a palm print.

dong dong!

The sound of footsteps was like a torrent of bells, trembling in Situ Hai's heart.

Until now, he didn't understand what kind of person he had provoked.

"go to hell!"

Just when Lu Feng was ten meters away from him, Situ Hai yelled sharply, and an ice-colored light ball appeared in his palm, spinning towards Lu Feng.

The natal cold light, this is a unique method of the Situ family, the power possessed by that kind of cold light can easily freeze a Xuanfu realm.

Facing the cold light, Lu Feng lightly patted it away.

Immediately, the cold light exploded, and an extremely cold ice force immediately covered it with a layer of frost.

The cold force within the light cluster quickly eroded the blood meridians in Lu Feng's body, and he wanted to completely freeze Lu Feng's vitality from the inside out.

"Haha, I won after all."

Seeing this, Situ Hai laughed wildly.

Although it is not easy to condense a ball of natal cold light, and it will damage its foundation after being used, it is worthwhile to kill an opponent.

"is it?"

The majestic blood qi radiated, and Lu Feng's meridians flowed like a mighty Nujiang River, and the cold air was quickly dissipated by the exercise.

Perhaps this cold light of birth will cause great damage to the weak body of the Xuanfu realm, but it is far from Lu Feng's powerful body like a real dragon and tiger.

He raised his right hand slowly, tapped it lightly, and a sharp light flew out.

Situ Hai's laughter stopped abruptly, and a blood hole appeared between his eyebrows.

"With my current strength, even the first three levels of Zhenwu can hardly suppress me."

Lu Feng is very satisfied with his strength.

Generally speaking, even a strong man like Situ Hai would be powerless in the face of true martial arts.

Because one drop of true essence is equivalent to dozens of drops of profound liquid, an ordinary blow is stronger than a full-strength blow in the Xuanfu realm.

And after breaking through the seventh level of Xuanfu, the strength in all aspects has been greatly enhanced.

At this time, Lu Feng flicked his fingers, and a ball of flames fell on Situ Hai's body, burning him into a ball of ashes.

And the storage rings on the three of them were all taken off by Lu Feng, and the mental power instantly wiped out the will left by the three of them.

"The three of them searched for many treasures that broke through the real martial arts realm, and now they all belong to me."

Lu Feng was overjoyed.

The current him is very short of profound stones.

While the Taixuan Nine Turns became powerful, it also brought a heavy resource burden.

If it wasn't for the support of that group of holy power and Xiao Jinchi today, it would be difficult for him to attack the seventh level of Xuanfu.

If you want to attack the eighth layer of Xuanfu, you need a huge amount of resources.

So he will not let go of an opportunity to make himself stronger now.

Only by becoming stronger can he defeat the Emperor Mu Xing and break the shackles of Sister Xiaorou who was born with no veins.

Next, Lu Feng crossed his legs on the spot, recovering the consumed profound energy.

With the black stone, as long as there is enough profound energy in the world, it can continuously provide profound energy for Lu Feng.

A quarter of an hour later, the profound energy around Lu Feng dissipated.

"Now, hurry up and look for Xiao Jinchi."

Lu Feng lifted the little tiger with one hand, and with a movement of his body, it turned into a flash of light and shadow.

Xiaojinchi is too cherished, if more Xiaojinchi can be found, it will be able to strengthen the seventh level profound palace.

In the blink of an eye, it has been five days since he entered Xiaojinchi.

In a certain shallow pit, Lu Feng's body was covered with golden light shining, and the hovering golden light seemed to have golden dragon patterns rising into the sky.

This is already the third small golden pool that Lu Feng found, but unfortunately, it is not as big as the previous one.

And the more absorbed, the less effective.

"Try to absorb as many small gold pools as possible to prepare for the eighth level of the Xuanfu."

Lu Feng pinched the Yin Jue, and the rolling waves of golden light roared.

"There are still more than ten days until the small gold pool will be closed, and more must be found in this last period of time."

Lu Feng's eyes were determined, and he would not let go of a chance.

Each small gold pool is only opened for 20 days.

Once this time limit is exceeded, the savage beasts in Xiaojinchi will riot and clear out the warriors inside.

At that time, countless savage beasts will flood this area, and even the real martial arts will die tragically.

Immediately, Lu Feng closed his eyes tightly, absorbing the little gold pool here.

Suddenly, there was a muffled sound from his waist.

The muffled sound made Lu Feng open his eyes, and took out a white jade token full of cracks from his underwear.

"It seems that a senior sister has encountered an unsolvable trouble, please help."

Lu Feng's expression froze slightly.

This white jade token was given to him by Liuqin. If there is a big trouble that triggers the ban, he will be able to ask for help from his companions who have the same token.

On the white jade token, there is a flash of light at this moment.

Lu Feng clenched his hands tightly, without hesitation, got up and flew towards the direction indicated by the token.

With his strength, not to mention rampant, at least no one in this area can do anything to him.

All the way through the flight, the white jade token made muffled sounds again and again, and many cracks burst out.

And this also shows that there are many people who trigger the ban.

This made Lu Feng more anxious. There are four elephants and two sects of Motian here.

Maybe there are some fights between the Zhitianmen warriors and there is mercy, but those two sects obviously don't have this scruple.

"Must get there as soon as possible."

The wind and thunder ripples became more powerful, Lu Feng was not stingy with the profound liquid, and flew towards that direction at the fastest speed.

In a certain place, there is a depression ten feet long, like a finger, and a golden pool of water flows inside the finger.

In the pool water, a woman with winking eyes frowned, with golden ripples swirling all over her body.

The pink glow intertwined with the golden light poured into the body one by one.

This person is Liuqin.

In front of her, there were more than 20 beautiful figures, each with some injuries on their delicate bodies, and they were looking at the other side with vigilance.

In front of them, there were forty or fifty warriors wearing various clothes, with malicious gleams in their eyes.

"Fairies of Zhitianmen, if you don't want the fragrance to disappear, you should give up this place obediently, or don't blame the brothers for being ruthless."

A man in black, with a gloomy face and a black devilish aura all over his body, scanned the group of beautiful figures with his eyes.

The lewd light in those eyes made the delicate bodies of these women tremble.

"We discovered this little golden pond. I'm ashamed of you guys against a bunch of girls."

The leader was a woman in a red dress with a hot face.

One day ago, Liuqin discovered this small golden pool.

However, not long after, they were targeted by Sixiang and Motian, and this battle broke out.

"In that case, don't blame us for being rude."

The man in black sneered, and a powerful force followed a palm print of demonic energy.

The fierce offensive slapped the woman in the red skirt mercilessly, showing no mercy.

The woman in the red dress worriedly looked at Liuqin who was at a critical moment, gritted her silver teeth, and a ray of light flew towards her.

"It seems that these women are out of touch."

The corners of the rest of the people joked, these women are very good in strength, but after all, they are at a disadvantage in numbers, and they are just meat in their mouths.

Immediately, a terrifying battle in this area began.

Sixiang and the disciples of the Demon Sect were merciless, and soon some fairies were injured.

A seal of the green dragon hit a girl with a slightly round face, and immediately flew back, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"What a beautiful fairy, it's a pity that you made a wrong decision."

The man stuck out his tongue and licked it, his palm trembled, and a blue light flew away.

The girl's face trembled violently, and she closed her eyes in despair.

(End of this chapter)

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